Only in minds of this forum who don’t understand rank mechanics
Alright, Set #3 for today, 5 Wins, 3 Losses, 71% still. What am I missing? Is there another Metric I can pull?
8 Hours –
Set 1 = 5 Wins, 1 Loss, 1 Tie
Set 2 = 5 Wins, 4 Loss, 1 Tie
Set 3 = 5 Wins, 4 Losses
I have yet to get 15 losses in a row this season if that means anything.
It took me 25-0 max to climb from depths of bronze5, you should understand that depth is not just a word here, it is actually about 11 divisions in depth depending on how hard mmr brought you down. Performance is also taken into consideration. If you lose 1 game, you can fairly add 1 more split to climb.
How can you lose 4 in bronze 5 dude? Like 2 times, fr? This stat won’t allow you to climb even on divisions that are not affected by the rank depth.
Most of the time 10-0 is enough. I got once stuck there for 5 splits with 100% winrate
About this, bronze5 is bottom500-0-1099 SR range.
If you are below 1000 then you won’t see any %% change in that screen.
And that is hidden which is confusing, our incompetent devs pulled SR from ow1 into ow2 but just restyled it into skill divisions for some reason that nobody asked. Hence, B5 consists of bottom500 + 0-1099 skill points to stay in there.
At this point they should add wood and aluminum ranks and maybe Tin and Copper.
I honestly still believe these people are <1000SR and they are Bronze 5+ and “xx% higher ranked” means between 0 - 1100SR. It’s the only (technical) explanation. Also it would give the impression of that bug because it only starts updating your rank to B4 from 1100Sr…
Yes they are, that is why %% do not show to them, because it starts from 1000+ SR
This is not even a bug, it is our devs are just good at design and styling but not at reworking the system to match displayed features.
It’s not. devs confirmed there was a bug and it should get solved after the next rank update for every player.
now tell me something. What is a support supposed to do if their dps has 3k dmg and the enemy dps has 10k dmg? Because this are the kind of matches we get. And we can’t switch to dps. All we can do is use all everything we have in our powers to stay alive and keep our team alive, hoping for the best.
low bronze is very hard to climb and even the best players lose matches. At least, as a support, when your other support is dps moira, your dps can’t aim and your tank just rushes solo into enemy team, there is not much u can do.
Not to say about positioning and other things. Those are waaaay beyond bronze players. I have to literally say in every game i get: “please don’t stay in open spaces. Use corners, and don’t rush in alone”. And they still do that, forcing me as a support to sacrifice my position and safety.
Seriously no they fixed it last night. As catawitz said it was linked to a dev and an hour later people stopped getting the minimum value message I had a lot of wins prior and got nothing but that message after the “fix” my first set got me a % and I didn’t have a high win rate on that set because I had given up and was mucking about on characters like Baptiste I don’t usually with 6 losses and 5 wins I finally went up to better then 75%.
These devs are the bug of this game, you listen more to the ppl who don’t play their own game instead of those who have actual experience in fixing these “bugs”
i’ve wrote some more on my reply if u are willing to read it. As for the bug, the fact that we all see the changes after they admit that, proves that there was indeed a bug.
Support supposed to use his kit on full potential, which is damage, healing and good utility management that provide clutches in your favor. That is a better idea instead of counting your teammates stats. Support is the easiest role to climb on now. Dps is the hardest depending on both supp and Tank. Tank is in some middle ground very dependent on supports btw.
You want me to show what support can do in these ranks?
Here you go Twitch
Small hint
Watch me or Awkward to learn more.
Off-angle damage-damage-damage
Heal only when it is needed
You do not sit in there and say “Hey guys here is my healing, take it!” No, you do actual stuff.
This guy is prob a troll but in any case it is possible to climb out as a support but as mercy it would be super difficult to do I prefer to play mercy but I never do in bronze and I have climbed out several times to silver. Some suggest playing Anna/Baptiste and helping with the kills, personally I’m not good at Baptiste and while I can heal a lot on Anna I’m not able to help the kills in a significant way so I play moria. And it is kills you need, at bronze level you have a lot of DPS shooting at enemy shields and unable to kill a junkrat wheel. Try Lucio even he can help shoot at the enemy support his aim takes some practice because it’s slow projectile.
Troll, for sure, fed up with this forum dumbness.
Then get out of the forums. Coming here and telling people they just need to git gud without providing any useful feedback is just really toxic. There was an issue and it was fixed it’s now possible to climb for those that previously had a minimum value bug and a ton of games were registering as invalid.
Maybe you make me that favor and leave me less work to do with it, could you please?
you have bad reading abilities then
It think you need to grow some internet shell at this point, you are too soft to benefit of useful information if you only see toxicity, it makes you blind.
I know that. I’m a main Mercy (or at least I try to be one). I know that my best way to use my kit is to boost as much as I can, heal, secure kills, win duels. use GA properly etc. I’ve had my games reviewed and other than a few positioning mistakes, I did very well.
The problem is that in Bronze5, those little mistakes are not supposed to punish u that much. It is supposed that in B5 are the new players who know nothing about the game.
Every game I played gave me a feeling that I am going up. Overwatch is the only game that makes me feel that I am worse day by day. I know I am not the best Mercy in the world. The higher I got was S1. So it’s a little hard to tell a silver minded player that they should learn to play like GM if they wanna get out of Bronze.
That’s not normal. The ranking ups should take place naturally for everybody. By learning skills, by improving your gameplay, learning how to position, and have a good impact on games overall.
And yes, I am using the stats to see if I was good enough compared to my other teammates and the enemy team. I like to compare myself to other supports because that helps me know if I did good before watching the replays (I always do that).
Ofc it’s not only about healing. I never said that. I have a 4 KDA on Mercy. I win most duels against Reapers, Tracers and flankers. I even managed to duo a Hog the other day, lmao.
But still. My games are full of Moiras who yell at me to heal beam because they wanna do dps. Or dps that yell at me to stop using my pistol or blue beam and just to stay with the heal beam on them looking at the stars.
So yea, this I will never get. How comes that a support that knows better than new players (for instance), with over 500 hours on this role, are still in bronze 5 with the new players that don’t even know where the health packs are on the maps…
oh, how well I know that. That’s why I started training with Mercy so I can secure kills. I use it a lot and on most games I have like 6-10 kills with a best of 21 in a game. I really don’t wanna change to Moira. I used it, it’s okay to climb, but I played her too much and she’s boring. But yeah, I’ve noticed that usually with Moira I have more kills, dmg and healling than all the dps and supports lmao.
Then you just need to try grouping with someone to climb as mercy. Because it’s hard. It’s not impossible but no matter how much you heal a potatoe it’s still a potato and it isn’t helping the kills.
So I’ll be honest, in the lower ranks I do expect some level of incompetency because there is going to be at least some range of players at all ranges of seriousness. I would hope that the devs have some sort of algorithm that is more complex than Win + Lose / Draw + POTG Bonus = 50 DKP Minus, but I’m assuming this SR calculation fills that role.
I’m totally willing to accept the answer we keep coming back to Bronze 5 is just that hard to get out of and I don’t see any @BlizzardDevelopers on here telling us one way or the other.
It just still seems a little odd to me, like the fact that I was just bronze 3 and 4 and now 5. So I shouldn’t be deep in bronze 5, I also understand my Win/Loss ratio isn’t good - but I’d hope being top damage of the match in some of those losses being calculated in there somewhere, and there is always the random Ashe that shows up and triples everyone else damage in the entire match.
Ultimately though, if not a bug then maybe worth still looking at it.
- I had no problem reaching Bronze 1 last season.
- Played a variety of FPS, MMO, and Strategy games.
- Screenshots have no UI change except the characters played. (some sort of progress would be nice)
- I immediately went from qualifiers to Silver III support - so I guess I can heal at least?
- I just can’t imagine that I’ve scaled that much worse in DPS.
TLDR; I’ll let you know when I’ve overcome Bronze 5 at least - I know what I need to work on, so we’ll see if I can beat a patch note.
Just today, I had 5 consecutive wins with very good stats. It told me I am better than 94% of the players. Still in bronze 5 though. I am gonna lose my mind. My win-loss is 17-4 now and still in bronze 5.
Same here on PS5/PS4. I started with Bronze 5. Then won 2x5 games, lost only 2. However, I NEVER get promoted to Bronze 4 or 3.
You are not alone in experiencing this bug. Here’s a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Bronze 5 Bugs. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads regarding these issues.