Bronze 5 bug- 71% in division

My bad! New to these forums. Just wanted to note that these games were exceptionally good for me personally, so thought K/D would be the best way to do that without posting all my stats haha. The point of my topic was that there is no possible way my SR hasn’t changed throughout the 20 or so games I had played upon posting this, not including the ranked games I played last season before “decay” (ended at B4 in season 3). If I’m truly B5, that’s fine, but the fact that the 71% portion isn’t changing is concerning.


I ended on b2 last season. Then it put me in bronze 5. It’s bs. I got back to bronze 1 this season and then it kept deranking me even though I had a good win/loss ratio. I got to silver in season 2. It’s got to be a bug. I didn’t become new overnight.


The more we post about it, the more likely Blizzard is to take it seriously and patch it. Keep spreading the word!!


I’m not playing, so I’ll spend that time on the forums, lol. Blizz fix your game! I love it even with its warts, but this bronze bug is a deal breaker. Rank is the only progression I have in this game!


This is happening to me too. the past 7 rank ups, (wins with 5 win 3 loss, 5 win 0 loss, 5 win 1 loss, 5 win 5 loss) no matter what i do… i stay bronze 5? Meanwhile I am playing with another player, who ranks up no problem. (i main Support). But for me, it stays the exact same. It doesnt make sense and is extremely discouraging.


Submit a ticket to support, I just did (even though they closed it immediately and gave some cookie-cutter template email response). Worst case, take it to Twitter. The more visibility, the better!


Just went 5-1 and same thing just happened to me.


Same for me. I’ve ranked up 7 times now, won most of my games and still B5, 71%. Its dejecting to never move despite a lot of wins and great heals…


Im really glad i am not insane because I have done I think 5 sets of placement matches, and no matter what Bronze 5, friends played with me and are ranking out of being able to play together. I really hope they dont just ignore this the whole season…


I am also in Bronze 5 - 71% of players

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I quit over this bug. There is no reason for me to play the game without comp. They’re not even acknowledging it as far as I know.

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Same here. No matter my record after I place bronze 5 71%

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Been having the same issue, awful playing the game rn, i literally should be in silver at this point, i know i’m not amazing but def not bronze. game is bugged and they need to fix it ASAP

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Same here. Finished 4 rounds with winning records and still stuck in bronze 5 71%


im better then 73% in divisoin but im bronze 5 wtf

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Wow. I thought I was alone in all this madness. The same thing happened to me…

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I feel your pain lol

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This is also happening to me, but it’s not always 71. Sometimes it’s 83% or 87% or something like that. Which also made no sense to me considering some games I go 5-0 and haven’t moved it appears…/shrug. I just play and at this point have zero expectations about moving anywhere, and if it happens it’s like a Christmas Gift you found later that you forgot to open.

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Same happens for me over and over. Ranked higher than 98% in the division (means: only 1 from 100 players is better than me) and still stuck in bronze 5. Who the hell can rank up then? Only the best 1 percent? Thats a joke. When i’m watching platinum games on the web those players usually have a higher loss percentage than me and still standing in their division. xD Hillarious.

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