Bring the All-stars skins back

I don’t see a problem here. I see people crying because they didn’t get something when it was made available.


Then you are apart of the problem.

Have you ever stopped and thought that maybe … just maybe. It’s YOU thats the problem?

Instead of crying that you don’t have something that was released in the past. YOU make the effort to actually get what you want in future when it actually releases. Then you wouldn’t have this issue.


I’m not crying and it is certainly not a me problem. You are the problem. Sorry you can’t see it.

Edit: Not like you’ll read this rofl but I did not have a working computer when Pink came out. Shocking, right? You just don’t want money to go to charity. Idk what else to say at this point.

I’m sorry you can’t see that too…

I mean it’s not my fault you hate charity.

You should stop assuming things, a better thing would be to make another charity event with another skin that brings more money.


Where did that come from exactly? What a stupidly random thing to say.

I sponsor 3 dogs in dogs trust here in the UK
I have the pink mercy skin
I donate to RSPCA every month
I do two 5k walks for charity every 6 months
I joined kritzkast / yogscast in a team fortress 2 mixup match for doctors worldwide. ( Heres proof for your viewing pleasure : )

So don’t sit there and tell me I hate charity.


With all respect, you do some incredibly kind and generous things but why would you be upset that a skin you bought (which isn’t even branded as exclusive) comes back for people to enjoy? (I’m referring to the all-star skins)

Can you please explain to me your reasoning for this. I don’t understand why people feel happiness and pleasure knowing that they have something that no-one else can have.

I’ve got some “exclusive” skins but would be totally open for them to come for others to enjoy. Why do you want them to be locked away?

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Because these are key skins that represent a specific event within overwatch.

For the record. I have absolutely no problem with Some skins coming back. Like the pink mercy for example because that skin was made around a charitable cause and not a fixed event within the game.

The All-Star skins are representitive of the all stars matches within the years they were released.

2018 A.S skins should be exclusive to that year, 2019 A.S skins should be the same. Etc…

Skins like Widow noire should never be re-released. That skin was a thank you from blizzard for preordering.

Can I ask you a question in turn if you don’t mind.

What would be the chances you could walk into a sports shop and buy a season shirt from 2-3 seasons ago? ( Lets say football for example’s sake. ) You couldn’t. It’s had it’s prime-time. It’s gone.

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The thing with this analogy is that a season shirt can be resold as a second hand good but these skins cannot.

A season shirt is not exclusive because you can easily get your hands on one from past years from resellers. This is why I think these skins shouldn’t be one-time either.

I respect that you see these as commemorative items but I don’t believe this is what blizzard intented these skins to be. I don’t think about the skins reflecting the seasons they are from, I see them as cool looking skins.

I think that we need clarification from Blizzard on this. Are these skins designed to be collectors pieces and are they never going to come back? Or are they going to come back. Only Blizzard can resolve this debate but I’m thinking they will eventually give in and being them back because it will make them more money.

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Accounts with the skins can be sold ( Not that they should as that would break EULA but people still do it )

I agree.

I can see why you believe that and I wont judge you for it. Your opinion is yours, you’re welcome to it.

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Thank you for a pleasant debate! Usually I find people endlessly and mindlessly ranting at each other but I can get where you are coming from and it’s nice to see people actually listen to what you have to say.

As I said, Blizzard should clarify this so we can finally settle this. I want personally would like them back and you would not but that’s ok.

The 2018 ones should come back just once… at the time there was no precedent they wouldn’t ever come back. We could’ve inferred it, but that’s not really fair. I guess though I will just always be missing Blizzcon Bastion, Atlantic Tracer, and Pacific Genji. FeelsBadMan. I have everything else in the game, including Noire Widowmaker and all the gray OWL skins they released.

If I knew they wouldn’t have returned, I would have spent money to get them as at the time I was using all my free tokens on Dynasty skins.

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But to be fair. there was no precedent they would come back either.

We just don’t know.

Be happy they dont start retiring older event skins like the first junking stone skins.

But more this is a first person shooter. What do skins even matter you can’t look at them honestly

They brought back that Lucio emote, so I don’t see why they can’t bring back skins.

I love the all-star skins and would love a chance at getting them again, but they were sold as being exclusive so I feel it would be unfair to those who purchased the skins if they were brought back.

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Perhaps, but its a false cause. They are telling people they are looking for something that doesnt exist and can’t be found.

Right, because the charity operates on a false premise that misleads the public.

Regardless, this isnt the thread or forums for that, so I’m going to drop it.

Sure, tell that to people that would only donate if there is a skin. I bought the skin for the skin, not the charity. If it were a good charity and one that doesn’t lie to the public, fine. Then don’t make the skin exclusive at all.

But the fact is, Pink Mercy was made to be exclusive, and its staying that way.