Bring back the pink mercy skin ❤️

Hate to break your heart pal, but I don’t think any charity wants to associate with actibliz after their numerous scandals.


You continuously miss where Ive said we don’t oppose more charity events.
Your ego and greed for the skin itself is too massive to see past that however. You cant fathom another event coming with a new skin and none of you suggest that.

Its begging over and over, If you truly cared about a new charity event you wouldn’t place pink mercy on such a high pedestal as if its the virgin Mary of charity items, Its not.

Hell a new skin for a new event may even incentivise people more than the mercy due to them not wanting to miss out on the new one.

But no, We aren’t here for a new event with a new skin are we. You just want the mercy skin.

You don’t suggest new events with newfound ideas. You don’t suggest to donate without incentives. And you don’t suggest any new incentives for others if that is what’s needed.

You call me greedy, So I apologize for donating when it was time for the event. I apologize for donating when there is no event. I apologize for suggesting new events with new incentives for people instead of broken promises.
And I do so apologize for the family members I have that have survived this decease.

Screw off.


Check my posts, i did ask for a pink kiriko, yall just too focused on nobody getting pink mercy that rather watch people die than letting more people have a skin

Oh I apologize yet again that the suggestion for a new event and skin isn’t enough for your highness. Of course the pink mercy must be included how silly of me. Its pivotal to the entire concept of donating in any charity event. No one would ever donate without it. I sure wouldn’t haha.

Be careful there sir, The horse you are sitting on is awfully tall.


You’re, so sorry to tell you so, why do you think people hated that pharmabro who increased the price on lifesaving medicine?
Again yall preffer to gatekeep the skin that even if people got it just for the skin and not to help it woud fund so much money of people who missed the first time just so yall can feel special

Instead of small picking my albeit maybe to large for you to read post, Maybe deconstruct the argument in front of you like an adult and stop assuming the donations would only come if the mercy skin was involved.

I mean again people who normally dont donate would be incentivized to pay so why not? We arent the ones gatekeeping money here

Neither am I, Look at that what a coincidence. Its almost like a new event with a new skin without a limited old skin Would still generate money

Its funny how things work like that. But you keep telling yourself you are doing the righteous thing.

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Again im not gayekeeping charity money just because “mUh eXcLusiViTy” i did suggest a new skin should be avaiable and the old one too for a higher price, whats wrong with having both?


I have always been in favor of more charity skins

however…this would require that Blizzard divert dev resources from the unstable and incomplete pay to win game being called OW2, and I just dont see them doing that at this time

further, if said hypothetical skin were to be created, I know of no good reason to not offer BOTH charity skins for an even bigger stack of cash than either one would bring in on its own

not really

this is a perfectly valid ow-related topic on a forum set up specifically to discuss ow-related topics

and this one was created on World Cancer Day, to boot.

we can, and we have, actually; but there’s no reason not to ask for something one wishes to purchase

no such assumptions are being made, actually

rather this: there is money to be had for cancer research that can come from this source specifically, as an addition to all other sources

emphasis on: “in addition to”

if the skin isnt re-issued, yes, other funds will flow from other sources as they always have. But there could be more - considerably more - if the skin was made available again

Indeed it would.

Where is this skin?

And would more cash come in for charity if this second skin were sold alone, or if Pink Mercy were sold as well?

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I dont see this is a problem, actually - the discomfort in associating with a given organization simply raises the price for said associating

In any case, BCRF has stated in writing that they’d love to bring back this event…and why not? they have millions of reasons for it to return

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I mean, I wouldnt had bought the skin if it hadnt be limited, most people did they same

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Ah Mega, The person who mutes people and tells them they harass them and break forum rules for the most minute of negative impressions towards their character and a frequent lurker of the pink mercy threads as well. Cause its the only thing you want.

The reason and this goes for the both of you that while having both skins might seem swell on the outside front it simply isn’t fair to those with who donated before with the responses Ive already done.

You two and mega is especially guilty of this always say its for charity, that it will raise money. And as much as you say it will raise more money, You cant live without the skin. Money will still be raised if the pink mercy never returns.

But you never leave the pink mercy skin out of it. Its a must have item.
And none of you for the most part every separate it.
When will I see a post that says “We want a new charity event” instead of “bring back pink mercy” with the charity label attached as a afterthought? Cause thats what 90% of what these posts are.

Yet you are willing to risk several hundred thousand people not donating due to lack of trust as well.

Now in the grand scheme of the millions of players we got that may not seem like much but hey money is money right, And you both so want that for the charity am I not wrong?

All in all Ive made my points on it, It was limited, It was advertised as such. And it was advertised differently from other exclusive items that exist. But none of you want to accept that.

So act as righteous as you want, At least I suggest and go for new ways towards the events and actually spend my time donating and supporting the people in my family when there isn’t a event instead of rambling on about a skin that has not seen release for about 5 years now, . Get the contextual hint. But maybe that will take another 5 years for you.

So mega, Just get the harassment accusation underway, Go back to ignoring anyone talking negatively about you and spend the next few years begging for the skin again.


actually, I only have one person muted, as this was done before Pink Mercy even came out.

so no, I dont generally mute people

as a clarification, each time I have asked someone to cease personal attacks, one or more personal attacks were involved

first, one can spend ones time in any threads one wishes…there is no limit set by forum rules

second, I don’t lurk, I am an active participant

I can assure you that I actually want many things

For example, I would very much like this game to stop doign the pay to win thing.

I would also like 6v6 returned

I would also like a great deal more policing done in-game to root out toxic folks

I could go on and on and on

so no, this is far from the “only thing I want”

I dont see any of these arguments as important in comparison to the need to find a cure for cancer - any cancer, all cancers, including but not limited to this one

The word “guilty” suggests that someone has done something wrong

there is nothing wrong with any of this

asking for a product to be made available? perfectly legitimate

noting that the funds go to charity when in fact, the funds do go to charity? perfectly legitimate , as well as truthful

discussing a legitimate ow-related topic on a forum specifically set up to discuss ow-related topics? no wrongdoing committed here, either

There’s no guilt here, nor anything anyone is guilty of, save for a few who come to threads like this one to attack other forum members…which is against both the spirit and rules of this forum

absolutely true

I agree with you 100% on this particular point

but it is irrelevant to Pink Mercy

The reason it is irrelevant is that there is separate and distinct money than can go to the BC-fighting warchest only if Pink Mercy is made available

said another way: all other sources of donations gets the BCRF x dollars. There are y additional dollars that will be spent on Pink Mercy if Pink Mercy is made available again. BCRF gets X plus Y dollars instead of just X dollars if Pink Mercy can be purchased.

Further: Y is a, given the number of players who have stated they will buy it - including existing buyers who want it for newer accounts - a significant number. Almost assuredly in the multiple millions once again.

actually, no.

we have gone without it for years

our lives will continue with or without the skin…there is no “must”

but all humans have wants. This is natural and normal. This skin is a want for many many many players

nothing wrong with that

not at all

the two are inseperable…it is a skin and it is for a charity

I dont see that occurring, and again, I see the flow of additional funds to cancer research as being more important than other concerns

The term is limited o what Blizzard says it is limited to

If it were offerred every year in October (BC Awareness month) for example, it’d still be a limited term offer

Groups A and B have been explained multiple times in multiple Pink Mercy threads

There’s been no begging, actually

What there has been (and plenty of it) is certain forum members using attacking words like “guilty” and “begging” to attack other forum members

I ask that this cease

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Why it wouldnt be fair? They arent taking away their own skin.
Again if you want to feel special for having something that others dont i feel sad for you

I mean we arent dying without the skin so stop the strawman, yes money will be funded without the skin, but bringing the skin back would be a huge boost to funding even if you dont believe it

And when will you stop being jealous people want the skin?

Blizzard has done terrible things, bringing a skin wont make things worse

Again we arent the ones gatekeeping money so…

Considering Blizzard has shown no intentions to ever bring back Pink Mercy, I think the better concession would be to introduce another skin. You could go with another hero for the same cause, but most folks posting about this are pretty adamant with this skin, in particular.

The fact this post was brought up because of World Cancer Day, and the general cancer awareness color is lavender. I think the better request here is to get a remixed skin with Lavender Mercy.

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OP probably set a reminder on his/her phone to make this thread lol weaksauce

I would prefer to donate to breast cancer foundations directly, but I honestly don’t mind if Blizzard offers the Pink Mercy skin again.

I’d even consider it a positive gesture from Activision Blizzard if they did that, and I’d think a whole lot more positively if it’s a new cancer Mercy skin (with the caveat that all the sales would go to the cancer foundation that Blizzard would support).


Rein op what? Hes one of the weaker tanks i would say second weakest

Since it went away so to long