Bring back Overwatch 1

If it’s about the money I’ll pay $60 or $100 if I am allowed to play Overwatch 1 as it was before Overwatch 2 was released. I don’t like playing Overwatch 2 I want the original Overwatch back. Thanks. I liked the 6v6 more I liked the feel of the game more, Overwatch 2 is without a doubt a worse game by every standard compared to the original overwatch just let me play overwatch 1 I’ll pay good money to play it otherwise Blizzard isn’t getting another dime from me.

You can go on youtube and see plenty of videos where others share the same sentiment. Just listen to us Blizzard and bring back Overwatch 1 or make it so that to play Overwatch 1 I have to pay $30-$100 if it’s about the money like jesus christ I’ve never heard of any other game series where when the 2nd game came out they straight up deleted the first game. Get it together.


i’d pay $100 upfront and then a monthly subscription for OW1 back .

Give us OW1 back please .


What 2nd game, there is no ow2 just ow1 with a monetisation update.


no its overwatch .45 we have insanely less then ow1

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yes bring back ov 1 !!!
lets strike


Realistically, what was better about OW1? The biggest change is 6v6 which they could revert tomorrow if wanted. The sevond is they got rid of 2point capture. Which I enjoyed but the forums and OWL players hated.

Gameplay wise OW1 didn’t really have any upsides out of these points.

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2 tank synergie
1 shot is not such a big problem as ov 2
every 3rd needs a rework AGAIN ( sombra)
on fire system
ov 1 much more interacts and combos


Better balance, more content (without overpriced cosmetics), better matchmaker, better ranked system, better progression, more frequent patches, LFG feature.


Monetization is completely different nlw sure, but actual in game is very similar. Also, one shots weren’t as big of a deal?

McCree and Hog had a WAY easier time getting kills back in OW1 through their flashbang and hook, respectively.

If you mean Widowmaker and Hanzo, that’s a consequence of 5v5 and no longer having 6v6. I could agree to 6v6 returning, but shields need more nerfs.

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Better balance? Bah humbug. Triple tank? Dual shield comp!? No, absolutely not. Plus, Symmetra, Junkrat, Torbjorn, S76, Reaper and arguably McCree were irrelevant masters and up.

Let’s not forget that Zen became irrelevant near the end of the game’s life and that Orisa was extremely boring to play outside of shield comp.

Shields never needed nerfs, what needed changing was shield characters kept getting a second way to mitigate damage, grasp/fortify for example, they also could have limited teams to 1 barrier tank per team.

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Please just bring it back as an arcade mode, is that so much to ask…

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Shields did need nerfs. Shields being so powerful are what enabled close range characters like Tracer and Genji to play so well compared to all the ranged characters outside of Hanzo and Widowmaker. However, one reason it isn’t possible to do in the 6v6 is because the secondary tanks also worked as shield breakers. However, this was difficult to balance because while most casual players tried to target shields, the higher in the ranks you got the more likely the off tank wouldn’t target shields and would instead attempt to blitz past and target the backlines.

Had we stuck to 6v6 they probably would have needed to create an “anti shield” support or a low-burst dps hero with anti shield ability. Sombra could almost do the job except for the fact that the playerbase in general fails to taget tanks with her.

I play Tank, DPS and support and I am adamant the characters are more balanced today then the last season of competitiveness OW1. The only hero that feels horrible to play today in most ranks is Doomfist. Roadhog also needs love, but he is strog on king of the hill maps.

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Oh no…

Easy characters where too hard to get value from for the top 1% of players exactly as it should be according to said players … who cares…

If you found Orisa boring you weren’t playing her right, I used to play her as a rush tank especially after they made her immune to crits when in fortify hyper agressive and constantly pushing some times it worked sometimes it didn’t but it was fun so.

the balance was great up until they dropped a patch in 2020, that broke the game for tank players and they left it like that for 2 years.

And zen irrelevant, speak for yourself.

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Orisa was literally just Reinhardt shield plus low consistent damage stream. You can’t say that felt cooler then her brawler/bully kit she has right now. Even her ult was just a lane version of Mercy damage beam.

Don’t you remember that for years in Diamond and up if you weren’t running one of the six characters for the meta of the month that your team would just assume a throw? Pepperidge farm remembers.

Right now there’s more ability to use any random dps character and any support character compared to in OW1. The metas of OW1 were very static, rigid and unforgiving. Now you’re not only giving more social leeway to play as you want, but realistically it’s easier to force any pick because most players aren’t beholden to fufilling a roll in the pre-planned mirrored ult fight.

And that alone would change this game instantly for the better.

They would need to tone down tank defensive abilities, but otherwise leaving everything else as-is, a GIANT upgrade from what we have today.

Don’t believe me? Try 6v6 in custom matches. It’s fantastic (so long as it’s 2-2-2)

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I used to play her like that, I do prefer her ow2 version though I’m not gonna lie. Imo the only real positive about ow2 is less cc (which blizzard seem to be slipping back into unfortunately)

Ow 2 has also had terrible meta’s or are you forgetting the hog and horse torture of S2 and 3 that even drip fed into my low rank and qp games it sucked.

I only ever saw meta comps when I scrimmed in my clan most other times I just played whatever and had fun with it but now ow2 feels like you have to play perfectly or you get punished harshly. It’s fun in the short term but my days of grinding overwatch games for hours are over.

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Freezed for years? Maybe you mean “more attention on patches stability” with ptr / exc.

Events and monetization are two different things. the shop sucks and we agree, but the variety of themes is greater between the various seasons. ow2 fares well as weekly strains. obviously it could do better at maintaining them, but ow1 was definitely not better at handling events. It was at full detail only in the first two years of ow1’s life, then he stopped even without mentioning ow2.

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I was high masters/ow GM for most of OW1 and the metas were heart clutchingly static. Playing Junk, Symmetra, Sombra, S76… etc meant you increased getting bodied almost instantly. So I for one am enjoying the more free spirit team compositions in OW2

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I say better balance in the sense that the patch before ow1 was abandoned was the most balanced the game has ever been imo, every character was viable and patches where frequent and impactful up until they decided to devote all resources to ow2 the ‘sequel’ nobody asked for.

I was far from frozen for years I just was less impacted by goats and ds. Because I played for fun and didn’t really care about some number tied to my apparent ‘skill level’ even though I happily punched well above my weight in 6v6 scrims.