Bring Back Mercy Pink Skin

Time will tell, again, if all related parties are interested and demand is high enough I find it difficult to believe they would have a lot of reason to resist other than preserving the rarity for the nasty people in this thread who care about the exclusivity of their skin

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All I said was that was the last we’ve heard about the status of Pink Mercy.

Nothing more.

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Tell me about it lol. Sad, but predictable

They’ve proven to everyone that they love their money, since they overprice everything in the shop…and now they have their first collab which was what they initially never wanted to do so anything can happen…


I’m not coming at you vrother, thank you providing the latest word on the matter. I’m just saying that anything can happen given the right circumstances

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Blizzard loves their money but BCRF themselves seem to have integrity by not working with people going against their cause after they’ve been outed.


You’re not wrong about that

Unless the value you’re referring to is greed, I think Blizz has basically ousted the people who were causing problems and that’s about all they can do to rectify the situation on their end I guess. It’s not like the company is permanently stained by the actions of individuals that they went on to fire

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Im all in favor of new skins


no such new charity skin exists at this time

and to create one, Blizzard would have to divert dev resources from the incomplete and unstable pay to win game called OW2. I dont see that happening anytime soon

but lets say for sake of argument such a new skin did exist. In such a case, I know of no good reason not to offer BOTH skins, this new one and the original Pink Mercy, together. Selling both would make for a bigger bag of cash to charity than just selling one or the other

I know what no means

I havent heard a no thus far

Group A and Group B have been explained in detail in many Pink Mercy threads

“Just donate” is an appeal to Group A

Pink Mercy is an appeal to Group B

This is a Pink Mercy thread, and as such, appeals to group A are mis-targeted here


To be honest, what is there to think about? If exclusive stuff is what you value then I suggest running a pawn shop. People just want to enjoy the skin.


Nice to see another sensible individual arrive on the scene

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actually :point_up::nerd_face: blah blah blah

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In reality they probably just found a few scapegoats to blame everything on,Kotick is still there for example

pot, meet kettle lol

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Not that I have a horse in this race, and I’m just chatting here, the devs didn’t give a “flat out no”, it was a “not at this time”.

So for those that would like the skin, maybe now or sometime in the future is the time.

Personally I think with all the crappy press Blizz keeps getting it would be an easy win for them to release it, if only for the fact that we now have a whole new, stress new, influx of players to the OW game world who might like to have it and donate to a good cause at the same time.

And IMHO, they should just make a pink skin for EVERYONE, have it in the store (always), with the asterisks that all proceeds will go toward that charity.


I’m not so deeply invested in the lore tbh, I just play the videogame

Since it’s obviously not about the donation at all. I would like to make one thing clear here. Pink mercy was expressly offered as a limited time. Bringing back the skin would be a scam to the original buyers.


Sounds like a utilitarian win, all the people here who own the skin seem like they could stand to get knocked down a peg

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well, part of its value is that was a limited time skin lol, and every post asking for that skin to be realeased again only keeps increasing its value. I do care about it. you have a lot of other mercy skins to enjoy, like the atlantic one with that cool lighting effects.

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Shoutout whoever reported the post for trolling, go cry some more lol