Bring Back Mercy Pink Skin

You have no obligation to read them…


And clinging to that idea is part of the problem.

Where’s my clinging meme when I need one.

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okie dokie, ty for your input :33333

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There is no clinging whatsoever…

Plans can and do change and have changed multiple times in Blizzard history…

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man think about those who bought that skin when it came out. if it was released again it would lose its value. No shame in admitting that I like feeling special wearing that skin and I don’t want other people getting it. Plus mercy has a looot of skins and way better than pink.

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I know, maybe you did not read the full text of my original post :3333

Those who bought the skin originally may wish to purchase it on additional accounts…

Also they already got 5 years of exclusive access which is more than a fair deal in my opinion…

Plenty of other skins have returned much sooner…


I know there are, and I have them all, but I also want the pink one. The value of the skin doesn’t really impact my thoughts on this, and if that impacts others’ thoughts on this then that is probably more selfish than me wanting to buy the skin for my own collection

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why tho? with so many passive aggressive answers you’ve given is hard to even take this tread seriously

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As a fellow mercy main…

I’m so sick of these threads.

Only thing I’d ever want to see is a new breast cancer awareness skin but on a new hero and 100% of the proceeds goes into the charity.

Imagine pink reaper or pink Reinhardt. :heartpulse:


This means nothing at all

Your initial reply was exactly that…

You have no obligation whatsoever to read them…

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okie dokie, this is not mutually exclusive with bringing back the original Mercy skin

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I think it just comes down to, “can Blizzard legally release it?”

It’s hard to say. If Blizzard doesn’t want to, and BCRF does - then the ball is in Blizzard’s court. Which is what we were told last time.

But since then, because of the SA lawsuit…who knows if that’s the case still? If Blizzard does want to release it but BCRF doesn’t want to be associated with them, they could essentially hold the agreement hostage and the skin wouldn’t be released.

Both parties would need to agree to it and renew/create a new contract. I just…sort of have a hard time believing they’re both on board and they just aren’t doing it, ya know? I feel like #2 is the more likely scenario. I have a hard time imagining the BCRF would want to do business with a company accused of visceral SA when the primary demographic that breast cancer affects is women.

Hopefully there’s some clarity either way, whether it’s a very clear “it’s never coming back” or “it’s in the works and it’s not off the table”. Just some kind of official communication would be nice.


Your post is literally “Bring back the pink mercy skin”

:neutral_face:. Your content of said post is referring to that exact same skin…

Please don’t be dishonest.

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Duhhhh doyyyyyy doyyyy. Yeah, I most likely wouldn’t buy the other pink skins because I care specifically about obtaining the Pink Mercy one, which I think has been made perfectly clear. I just said that there is no reason they can not do both of these things lol


except the event weeklies skins, they have released again every other skin that was supposed to remain exclusive to ow1. see pachihog this month.

so if they are bringing it back again, then also release alien zarya, cause its removal was one of the most unfair things happened in overwatch.

what sinaatra did was so wrong but it was loooong ago and that skin is not related to him in any way anymore


I want lego bastion you don’t see me complaining cause i didn’t get it


I don’t remember asking (this thread is about the Pink Mercy skin)


You would be more than entitled to create a thread requesting the skin…

There is nothing wrong with requesting a skin that one wishes to acquire…

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