Its been a year.
Valkrie Ult and why it sucks:
Visually, it’s basically spectator mode. Do you see a lot of Mercy screen time in them esports events? Nope. Ana, Zen, Lucio, and basically the rest of the supports excluding Mercy gets more screen time than her on average. Why? because her ult and play style is boring AF.
Isn’t the point of esports to bring excitement and entertainment to watch?
This is why Mercy gets so little to zero screen time.
Gameplay-wise, it’s basically just playing Mercy normally but with flying. This is why even playing as Mercy is boring. Boring to watch, and boring to play? Current Mercy SUCKS.
How to fix it: Make her ult be mass Rez again. And dont you give me crap about how its:
-Promotes hide and seek
-Promotes dying together as a strategy
-Mercy is already balanced
Counter arguments on the above points:
"Mass rez is OP"
No. There’s many ults in the game that can wipe teams many times in a single game, yet 1 hero that can potentially rez every teammate is unfair? First of all, getting a 5-man rez is RARE. As someone who has played Mercy, I have Rezzed 1-3 teammates on average, 4, if i’m extremely lucky, and 5 if the enemy team is dumb enough to unleash everyone of their ult to wipe my team, without killing me beforehand.
“But Songstrider!” you DPS mains reply, “I don’t want to have a minigame of hide and seek to find and kill Mercy before unleashing my ult to do a team kill. It’s no fun!”
See, you don’t have to seek Mercy while she’s hiding. You can simply have 1 of your teammates use 1 ult to do a team kill, bait Mercy into doing a team rez, and THEN you can use another ult to do another team kill AGAIN.
This is called a counter play. Overwatch used to have a counterplay against this Ult, but you lot basically took the fun out of that.
As a Mercy main, this has happened to me many, MANY times. I’d rez my team after an enemy ult, and then my team dies again with another enemy Ult.
See, this adds another layer to fun in Overwatch. Something I’d love to do or see while watching an esports game.
"Mercys will just start hiding again"
See above for explanation. Heroes like Junkrat, Reaper and Mcree hides as well before doing their ult, why is it a problem when Mercy does the same?
Also, isn’t this a team based game? Just assign a teammate to always track and kill Mercy. I assume specific heroes like Tracer, Genji, and even Widowmaker are designed to track and harass support heroes, especially Mercy. If there’s no roles in Overwatch, this would just be another run-and-gun FPS counterstrike team shooter game. We already have those.
"Mercys will just tell the team to ‘die on point’ so they can rez everyone"
Maybe amateur Mercys or players who don’t normally play Mercy. A true TRUE Mercy main would find the fun and thrill of playing Mercy just zipping back and forth between teammates during a fire-fight healing/boosting away, while occasionally using her gun to build ult, so they can rez a teammate or two to win a fire-fire.
The whole thing about a hide and seek Mercy is something you’d see in low rank games, and not high ranks. So if you’re seriously complaining about hide and seek, I dont think youre a high level player…
"Mercy is already balanced. No more reworks or reverts please"
If by taking away her fun and rewarding gameplay = balanced.
Mercy is (removed) balanced.
The thing is, Blizzard shouldnt have to nerf supports to make other supports shine. Just give other support heroes a buff. This applies to DPS heroes as well.
Bottom line, Mercy needs her old Resurrection Ultimate again.
Blizzard should’ve just tweak how long Rez can be build, and even add Line of Sight. But instead, we got the Valk Mercy, the one we have today that’s just not as fun, rewarding, and enjoyable to play or watch.
It doesnt even have to be a revert. A Mercy 3.0 with her tweaked old Ult would be great.
It’s time Mercy gets truly fixed. This is what I believe.
#bringbackmassrez #mercy3.0
(Edited language - Forum Mod)