Bring back lock-on sym for a desperately needed niche

Symmetra’s primary fire’s niche of punishing shields doesn’t mesh with how squishy she is.

If her primary fire worked the way it used to, but with more range than Moira and built up to slightly higher DPS than Moira’s over a long time, she would be a high skill floor solution to flankers.

She’d get absolutely wrecked by Dive and brawl, but when supported, would be a reliable tool against some of the most hard to hit heroes.


I like the beam she has now, I think the solution would be to remove the charge up but have it do less than maximum charge up damage.

Maybe extend it’s range slighty.


Her beam isn’t built for a 200hp hero with no self-sustain. It belongs with a hero like Reaper or Mei.


No, no, a thousand times no. I was so glad when they got rid of her gimmicky noodle beam and get a lot more satisfaction using her new beam and alt fire than I did with the older iterations of Sym.


Nooo please just no having beam lock on flash backs :rofl:

She’s fine, a lock on beam would change literally nothing. Plus she doesn’t have 200HP


Really because frying a static shield around cover is the only time you want to use your primary instead of secondary.

Echo does syms job better of frying shields and is better in every single conceivable way.


Having a support hero with a lock-on beam that ramps up was a mistake. Didn’t it also slow the target, or was that just her turrets?

Although if they made sym a support again i’d be down for a sym lock-on beam if it did fixed damage to enemies and double damage to barriers and shield health

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Have some pride as a DPS player please. What s the point of playing DPS if you don’t want to aim?


It was just her turrets if I remember correctly.

I honestly don’t see what the problem was with her because her damage was low and took time to charge up, so it wasn’t like she was doing a ton of damage instantly anyway and that she was OP.

What do you mean by this? She doesn’t do double damage to barriers or shield health?

The problem is that it was cheap and gimmicky, and it had about second or two where it persisted latching onto it’s target even after LOS was broken. It was problematic in every way. It was awful to use, awful to play against (common complaint, I know) and it was holding her back.


like if they made it so she had a lock-on beam that does a fixed 45 dps or something to white health, and doubles to 90 dps when damaging barriers, shield health, and temporary shields

Not gonna lie, and I don’t mean this negatively but that would be absolutely trash.


Consider time to kill (TTK) compared to other heroes, this would be a fat nerf because Sym is already lacking in that dept. Nerfing her standard damage for the sake of buffing damage to shields is uncalled for.

as long as she still had throwable turrets to combo damage with i don’t see how?

those hypothetical damage numbers were for a support sym, not shield melter dps sym

i don’t think a DPS sym should ever be considered for a lock-on beam. its for former support sym players who preferred the lock-on

Because I’m my eyes, she’d still be trash like she was before.

She has no healing in her kit which is something that wasn’t liked before and was even seen as throwing, and even with shield generator, it wouldn’t fit in today’s game due to the hate of added health but that could be changed because it was destroyable.

Her turrets, while throwable, would still have 1HP and feel bad to play due to how easy they are to remove and how long they take to recover.

Her shield would also be problematic because of double shield, possibly adding to that. Though I would like to see it again ;-;

Her teleporter is just a cheap mass rez, and many felt the charges limited her, as well as the whole place it once and your job is done and she basically have no more use.

So really without real damage, she has no real purpose then being a ult bot.

Only place I want lock on beam really is in the talent system in OW2.

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Agreed. Also going through walls was a pain. If they drop that annoyance though Id be ok with it. But I also wouldnt mind her secondary to go through sheilds again either

The lock on is what made her not viable in higher elos. You are unable to pick and choose your targets with it.

The jumping around like a crazy person trick does not work against good players.

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Melting entire teams with Syms old beam was the very definition of satisfying…


No. Her Orbs were designed for ranges beyond Beam’s range. Moira needs the range since her healing resource is dependent on the succ. If Symmetra needs reliable range, the Orbs need faster Travel velocity.

Symmetra beam already does higher damage compared to Moira’s:

  • Moira’s beam does 50
  • Symmetra’s does 60/120/180

The only reason Moira seems to do more damage is because of consistency (it’s hard to miss) and Symmetra has a limiter on her beam that was put in there to prevent an exploit that allowed Symmetra to reach damage levels beyond 180. Unfortunately, this means every time you miss and reacquire a target, beam DPS drops for that 1 tick.

Also, Lock-on should be reserved for a new hero.

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