Bring back lock-on sym for a desperately needed niche

She’s a skinny-ish target compared to many other characters. The bonus health certainly helps her now as a close range hero. The extra damage range means she can duel many heroes now by standing outside their range with her own. You out range Winston, Reinhardt, but you can threaten Sigma and Orisa due to a very low shield health.

The bigger issue with her kit that has always existed is that her time to kill is ruined by the beam. She always has to spend like 2-3 seconds charging up to a lethal amount of DPS for a beam weapon that can’t headshot, but losses very quickly. Every engagement needs to be charged up and throttle down her potential burst and sustain fire.

Zarya is really good as a beam weapon because she can maintain ~140-160 DPS or higher for much of the game due to how slow her decay is and how fast it can charge with all the spam in the game on bubbles.

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It only feels satisfying for players who don’t know how to aim. For most DPS mains, it felt empty, just like with OG Moira

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This reaction is exactly why it was so satisfying :man_shrugging:


Yeah, it’s the same as the kid who can’t get along with everyone else in school so they try to find satisfying by pranking the classmates. Sad, but still a bit pathetic.

Nope. It’s the same as a kid in school crying “it’s not fair!!!” when they lose to a kid they think they’re better than.

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Seems like the whole class also thinks “it’s not fair”

More like the loud kids.

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That’s what the lone kid tells himself and still wonders why he got avoided by everyone

I don’t see the problem.

There are tank and support heroes who don’t need to aim. Why can’t the same be true for damage?


Ah yes. Listening to the loudest voices is how we make things better :roll_eyes: In actuality the loud kids just drowned out all of the other voices and it had nothing to do with the merit of the idea.

Regardless you’re diverting from the point. Syms beam was changed because some very vocal people who dont play Sym complained about it. It was fun for many people and many on the receiving end didn’t mind it at all. Others hated it. Just like every hero has haters.

Unless you have some kind of proof for

Which appears to be saying that everyone had an issue with it, then I dont see how we move further on in this discussion.


Because damage dealers earn their keeps by hitting shots? It’s just weird at this point that every other DPS has to train hard and compete against each other in that one thing. And then there’s these Sym mains train themselves to be a pro AD dancer?

It could be viable, yes, but it’s not a surprise that Sym is treated like a meme among DPS

Every hero has complainers. But Sym is the one who got nuked with heavy rework after rework. If you can’t see that Sym 1.0 or 2.0 don’t have a place in OW, I don’t know what to tell you.

I really do think she was more viable pre-change.

Her mini throwable barrier is what Sigma has now, her duo ult gave flexibility no other hero had.

I will say though I think her turrets/beam things are the weak part of her kit, then and now. Couple that with how her gun is now and role queue? She far more niche than she was even back then.

Sounds like the devs made a mess then doubled down on it multiple times.

2.0 was far more viable than the current mess. Just saying.

That goes to say the devs were willing to risk it, even though it was time consuming and potential valuable resource wasted. But they are determined to remove Sym 1.0/2.0 from their game.

They don’t do that to the top most problematic DPS like Widow or Tracer, just saying

Which makes the situation all the more comical.


“Lock-on beam with more range and damage than moira” and “high skill floor” are not compatible in the same sentence.

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Only through the eyes of the lone kid. Everyone else is on board with it.

If you think everyone is on board with Syms failed reworks, nuking of her abilities whenever she is relevant all while the streamer favourites are left to continue dominating then you’re not reading much.

No other way to put it. To say that “everyone” is ok with it is either a lie or admission that you’ve never listened/read anything from players outside of your bubble.


For real?

What does the term “high skill floor” mean to you?