Bring back BCRF charity event in Overwatch 2

OP, Bobby ain’t into sharing proceeds with anyone. How you think he got that yacht in the first place, being a “good guy?”

Might as well wish for gorillas to actually be living on the moon with a hamster, it’s just as likely.

Charity isn’t an excuse

Charity is inextricably part of Pink Mercy

Topics about the skin will always include the charity element

three issues with this statement

  1. it is unlikely in the extreme that any forum member - yourself included - know CB at all, much less well enough to be able to make a legitimate statement about CB’s intentions/motivations/ As such, this is a baseless claim, and such statements simply tend to to rob the person making the statement of their credibility

  2. wanting the skin and wanting to help the charity are not mutually exclusive. One can want both

  3. The buyers motivations/intentions are irrelevant here. The dollars from an alleged sinner spend the same for cancer research as the dollars from an alleged saint.

  4. as such, a claim like this only serves as a personal attack on CB. Such attacks are against the spirit and rules of this forum, and such such,

I ask that these attacks cease

the 3 groups of people have been explained many times in many other Pink Mercy threads

Group A donates just to donate

Group B requires recompense to donate

Group C simply doesnt donate

Charities cater to both Group A and Group B in order to maximize donations.

The appeal above to “just donate” in an appeal to Group A

This is a Pink Mercy thread

Pink Mercy is an appeal to Group B

As such, the “just donate” appeal above is mis-targeted here

despite what is implied here, every single penny from the original offer went to BCRF

I would expect it’d go the same way if it were to be re-offered or they’d have yet another public relations disaster on their hands

as such, I find it highly unlikely that Blizzard would ever take even a penny from this sale if it were to be offered again

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best $15 i ever spent, what incredible value. Skins these days with custom aesthetics are probably 4x that.

i dont know for sure if the skin will or will not come back, but i hope it doesnt. just because of you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


A perfect example of how most people are self centered and it’s sad but it’s the world we live in

We dont need Pink Mercy again. We need a new skin. Pink Roadhog for example.


actually, neither is a need

Both are a want

Wants and Needs are two entirely different things

That said, it is generally known that Mercy is one of the most popular characters in the game, and Roadhog, while he certainly has his fans, isnt nearly as popular. Given this, it is unlikely that sales of a theoretical Pink Roadhog skin would produce nearly as much money as would Pink Mercy if the offer were made available again. That, and Pink Mercy is ready to go with no dev work, and Pink Roadhog (or any other character rendered in a similar way) would require dev resources to be diverted from the incomplete and unstable game being called OW2, so I dont see that happening anytime soon

but…I am all in favor of new/additional charity skins


I really think they should bring back the BCRF event, but the Mercy skin shouldn’t return.

Instead, there should just be a new skin. How about we give Mercy’s lover the pink BRCF skin, which is Roadhog? :pleading_face:

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I am all for new charity skins


  1. Roadhog is generally considered far less popular than Mercy, so I dont think it’d sell nearly as well. Very few characters are nearly as popular as Mercy

  2. Blizzard would have to divert dev resources to create this hypothetical skin from work on the incomplete and instable product known as OW2. I dont see them doing that anytime soon

  3. I see no good reason why, if this hypothetical second skin were to be created, why it wouldnt be sold WITH Pink Mercy rather than INSTEAD OF Pink Mercy. By selling both, they’d bring in a much larger bag of cash for charity than just selling one or the other


Whats stopping them from selling both?


It is not fair to the OG players who originally supported the event and got the original exclusive Mercy skin.

I’m all for supporting the charity, but I think it’d be completely out of line to give players a super rare skin that only a small portion of the playerbase has.

If you all wanted the skin, you should have gotten it when it was available. If you didn’t, then that’s too bad, is basically what I’m saying.

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Not to be harsh but I don’t care about that reasoning. Making money for charity is more important than the exclusivity of a skin in a video game.

Well, since it’s so rare, a lot of people want it. So I think reasonably we should give those people what they want for the betterment of charity over this willy-nilly ‘super rare skin’ stuff

It’s been years since it came out. There is no reason to not bring it back, and the fact that it’s been gone for so long should only be encouragement to bring it back.


Players value their skins more than anything else in Overwatch, especially the super rare exclusive one-time limited event skins like “Pink Mercy,” and to be honest, I don’t care if you don’t care about that.

We don’t need to bring back Pink Mercy and have all those who originally bought the skin lose its rarity; all that matters in the end is that profit is generated for the BCRF. They definitely don’t need to bring back the “Pink Mercy” skin for players to support that event.

Again, if you didn’t get the skin back, that’s too bad. So sad. If they ever bring the event back, you’ll probably have to settle for another character with the pink ribbon. :ok_hand:


Mercy is popular. But you also have to take into account that many have already bought the skin. They will not buy the skin again. In numbers, that would be about $11 million in revenue.

You are trying to convince me that we shouldn’t bring back a popular skin for charity because You value the fake scarcity of a digital skin over donations to charity. It sounds hollow and stupid to me. Why should I care if my end goal is to raise money for charity?

Also, I have pink mercy. I dont give an f if it comes back or not, genuinely. What I do care about is this weird idea that donating to charity isn’t as important as making people who own the skin happy. Are they going to take their money back or something?

Like. Stop being anti charity. It costs them nothing to bring it back, so if we have a new charity event with a new skin, there is no (reasonable) reason pink mercy shouldn’t come back too.


Personally, I dont think this need for “my rare item” has anywhere near the importance of curing cancer

That, and nearly 900 thousand of these were sold. I dont really see that as rare.

there’d be no giving

this would be a purchase, same as before, albeit probably at a higher price now than then

many players, including by not limited to the players who came for free to play, were not around
OW back then

so the above really doesnt apply

and again - to me, the funding of research to find a cure for cancer trumps all


not at all

some players dont value skins at all

some like them but wont pay for them

some value them highly

etc etc etc

players are not as stated above of one mind in regards to this

You cared enough to respond multiple times in this thread, so you do seem to care

need? No

this is a want

People can and do express their wants on this forum, like asking for nerfs for a given character and buffs for another

as such, it doesnt matter that it isnt a need

I dont see a skin with almost 900 thousand instances as rare, personally


they have nothing else to offer at the moment to bring in cash for the cause, so yes, they’d need to offer something to bring in the cash

Right now, what could be offered is Pink Mercy

If they went and made some additional/new thig to offer, like say for example a different character in Pink, I know of no good reason that BOTH this new skin and Pink Mercy couldnt be offered for an even bigger bag of cash tan either would bring in if offered alone

it really isn’t, actually, because since it is a virtual item, it can be produced at any time in limitless numbers

If that is the case, players like myself would continue to ask on threads like this for the return of Pink Mercy, until it happens


The offer was made in 2018

There are many new players since then, especially the influx of players who came for free to play

there are plenty of potential new buyers

many existing buyers have stated that they’d like to buy the skin again as well, for new accounts, as gifts, whatever


It looks like the skin is still in hot demand which is all the more reason to bring it back…
