Bring back 60HP

Healing in this game has creeper way too much. A tank being attacked shouldn’t survive. I’m glad the healing creep has been stopped, now we won’t have a damage creep dps other than snipers are able to have an impact.

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Ah, thought you were talking about genpop Comp :joy: While OWL is a different ship than the game we all play entirely, this data is still interesting and useful to determine Valks overall usefulness in a genpop Comp environment. Very well. :+1:


i left healing behind, it just isn’t fun unless you run a dps moira.

I don’t tank either. i just play dps to the best of my ability. 5 dps and 1 tank, awesome.

I think the nerf to her heal rate is a lazy fix. However the nerf is in the right direction. The problem with Mercy wasn’t always res solely. It was the fact that she could do her job better than other healers, and had access to one of the most powerful abilities in the game. Both of these aspects together is what makes her so powerful.

Every other healer (except Zenyatta) has to keep shielding in mind when healing teammates.

With that said I don’t agree with the HP rate being nerfed to 50. I think they should’ve tried other, more dynamic ways to nerf her, but allow her to still reach the potential that most Mercy’s are used to. One idea in mind is for her healing beam to ramp up the more HP she’s healing. You can either do this by following the Symmetra style, or the Zarya charge style, or even give her a resource meter she fills and then expends when she wants to critically heal someone.

These are just some ideas off the top of my head that would make Mercy more dynamic rather than just flat nerfing her heal rate.

EDIT: I believe Zenyatta’s transcendence is also blocked by shields as well. I could be wrong.

It’s really not impossible. Her healing is fine. I’d just like a small buff to ult gain. Valkyrie takes forever to get now. I can easily have 3 Moira ults in the time it takes to get one valkyrie.

Zenyatta is like…the third most fun character in the game tho.

It’s also close to being not useful, at all…

17% nerf is actually a huge nerf.


Valkyrie as of right now takes far too long to charge for the amount of impact it provides, and your beams barely ever chain because if they are, that usually means your team is in the perfect position to get wombo combo’d.

I could see its uses with 60hps because It charged so much faster allowing her to use it more freely. Now its pretty risky to use it unless to survive getting dived on. One of the most selfless characters in the game having an ult thats now solely used for your own benefit. Sounds fitting /s


actually, make it the other way around. give her a “ramp-down” as in:
at the start of healing a new target, she heals at a very high rate, but it quickly drops down to a low rate. that way, pocketing the same guy all the time is useless, but swapping targets is encouraged and rewarded.

as somebody who mained Mercy for over a year, I think you’re making it sound more complicated than it actually is.

hardly. most heroes have to do this but Mercy it’s even easier. She needs know escape routes and she needs to know whether or not it’s safe to res (if you’re playing below plat, here’s a tip, it’s almost never safe to res).

keeping an eye on other teammates health for sure, but that’s what all healers have to do, it’s their primary job. as for her own health, she has a handy little voiceline that tells her and her teammates when she’s taking damage. and with her low health, if she’s taking damage she has to move or die (that’s where knowing an escape route comes in handy, you just move and forget about who’s attacking you).

don’t get me wrong, I know there is a difference between a good mercy and a bad mercy, but even a bad mercy is effective. literally any other healer cannot afford to be bad or they will see that they are not helping their team at all.

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Step 1: get drunk
Step 2: Play sombra
Step 3: go infinite stealth and use “Boop” voice line around enemy team

Way more fun than Zen.

Anymore i just want to play characters like sombra, Mei, Brigitte and doomfist from time to time. Characters that don’t let others play the characters they choose


I don’t know, Ana and Moira have seen an up tick in their pick rates this week.

Ana became the top support pick above diamond since what S3?

I would say this is evidence for the health of the game when a single support hero isn’t the dominant pick in all tiers of play.

Been too sober since last Christmas. I’ll take your suggestion into consideration for the grand re-introduction of drunk Soleil. :ok_hand:

Now Ana is the dominant pick. :man_shrugging:t2:

Which is it? Not good enough or too long to charge? Because you said both it takes too long to charge but is fine and that it’s not good. Chaining five is unlikly but 2-3 is not and that’s 100-150 h/s. That’s absurdly high especially for how long Vall lasts. I don’t see how it is a selfish ult to protect yourself while buffing your healing over 100% and up to nearly Trans levels (if stars align).

It’s not a top tier ult but far from trash. Think how Lucio feels; Sound Barrier takes longer to charge, has a cast time, gives way less, and it’s far shorter. That’s a garbage support ult. Mercy’s Valk is very far from that. She has been dethroned as queen in all regards but is not F tier; she is A or B at the lowest.

No? It’s 50/HP per person x 3. Moira can do 80HP/s x 3 with her base healing and 50HP over 3 seconds.

only in upper elos. in gold and below, mercy is still the highest pick (though other healers now compete, it’s not 100% pick rate anymore).

She also has the lowest winrate in plat :stuck_out_tongue:

agreed. valk, if you hit all teammates at once, does 50HPS per teammate, and some passive regen for mercy. trans does 300HPS PER TEAM MATE plus invincibility for zen. hm…


Not in every teir. That is an important distinction.

Other supports also having an increase in pick rates means that there are more varied comps happening. It isn’t that Mercy is out if he picture by any means.