Bring back “Heroes Never Die!”

There’s no point. It’s hilarious. Unless they plan to make her 1 potential rez in ult instant OR boost her healing done in ult so she can prevent someone from dying then it’s just a way for the devs to pander to people who feel nostalgic for her old iteration.

I miss Mercy 1, but I don’t need her back. I just want this one changed to feel more rewarding. Cut her ult in half, allow her 1 instant rez, and boost her healing out put. I dont know, something.

Or cut Valkyrie down 5 seconds to 10 seconds

Revert movement speed nerfs

Let Resurrect in ultimate form become an AOE Resurrect with the same casting/slow/interruptable as regular Resurrect except it will Resurrect more allies in a radius around the target selected for Resurrection. Plus (Who didn’t love seeing the Skull with the X5 that was so fun).

That will fix Mercy and put her back into a spot where she will be impactful and fun (because of how fast she was + new Resurrect mechanic).

The only thing that doesn’t get buffed when Valkyrie is in play is Resurrect. Fixing that will solve the issue of not being impactful and Resurrect will still remain counterable.


I agree it won’t make her better, but it will make a great Meme now won’t it (not that she isn’t one already).

Beautiful idea it fixes so many of the issues people complain about all around, keeps her viable, and she won’t be a must pick. It also could reward good team play while being quote counterable.

I say we splice them together with a bit of audio editing:

“I will watch…HEROES…DIE!”


maybe you can make it a regular voice line that you can buy from the shop?

The mediocrity of this rework shown fully… but its not all bad I would say that the idea of giving Mercy a way to remain involved is good, but removing the Resurrection Ultimate wasn’t a great way to do it…

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Amen to that. I WANT MASS REZBACK!

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Agreed! Mothcy is no fun. As much as I like being able to fly, that’s not enough on it’s own to be fun.


Congrats, OP. Your thread survived for that long!


I do too. With some tweaks it wouldn’t have felt “bad” to play against. No invulnerability would be a good start.

Still love Mercy thou :heart:

Winged Victory Mercy is confirmed to get a new Valkyrie voiceline. Instead of “Heroes never Die!”
They will record the “Onwards to Victory!” again.
Lead writer Michael Chu said :
“Felt like it needed a little bit more oomph to feel consistent with other ultimate voice lines. It should come back in the future.”
The Original thread where he answered is here


Some tweaks yeah but no invul would not be the way to go. Reason being it was pretty worthless without it - people complained quite a lot about it being a bad ult as it was too easy to stop. The thing is it didn’t need a nerf, it needed a buff. Against, well anyone who killed the Mercy before the team wipe or against people who killed the Mercy as she flew in it was too easy to counter - she was called a Troll pick at higher ranks. And I saw plenty of people even in silver and gold who stopped it easily, let alone plat and above.

What I’d change I dunno tho. Maybe leave the ult as it was. What I’d really like is the ability to fly in a straight line for a fair distance on a very long cooldown separate to the need a team mate to dash to power. Reason being it would be awesome to get back into the fight and be able to use her mass rez. Tho admittedly if you’re killed before the team wipe your team will have rezed naturally before you ever get there. Still would love to have.

I think a flight ability such as that would have been great! The counterplay is only there to make others feel less oppressed by it. Thou it would be about encouraging Tempo Rezzing.

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Dude come on, no necromancy!


Who out here raising the dead

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Someone explain to me how this is “2 YEARS LATER” when the post was made in March 2018 and it’s not even 2020 yet.

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I’m so glad they put back in the old voice line at one point. Such an iconic cool voice line.

I don’t wanna write another nice necromancy message…

Blizzard Edit: Since this topic is so old, it’s being locked to prevent further posting. If you have anything further to add to the the conversation, please create a new topic.