Bring back “Heroes Never Die!”

Bring back “Heroes Never Die!”… what’s the point?

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Exactly, there is no point in bringing it back.


Apparently pigs now fly, uhg terrible joke.

Valkyrie doesn’t feel like an Ultimate since it doesn’t have a speciality (except flight which is more a gimmick than a perk).

Valkyrie is a jack-of-all-trades Ultimate that masters none of its points of:

  • Healing
  • Damage
  • Damage Amplified (actually this pobably the only part that is decent for a team only because your’re mobile with the buff)
  • Flight Mobility (strongest aspect of the Ultimate which only Mercy centric)
  • Health Regen
  • Long Duration (this is not an entertaining stat for an Ultimate)

When an Ultimate is shorter in duration and does less things it can made more powerful in the few aspects it does, and thereby feel impactful.

BTW, flight can just be common ability with a short duration, a low cooldown, and no hover.

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That’s an unproductive attitude.

Should Mass Rez become the Ultimate again? I don’t think those past forms of the Mass Rez Ultimate should come back unchanged because it had a number of issues, some of which Blizzard appears to have encouraged (i.e. they wanted Mercys to 5-man Rez, have it work out most of the time, and stop the need for Mercys to Tempo Rez to be most effective with the Ultimate).

5-Man Rez was the most Ulitity offered by the Mass Rez Ultimate, yet it was also its worst use in most cases because it setup the Mercy’s team for another teamwipe if the opposing team was prepared.
The use of Tempo Rezzes midigated the issue of a team-re-wipe since not all teammates would be rooted in place while being Rezzed because not everyone is being Rezzed and can position out of harms way if another enemy Ultimate is used.

However, if Blizzard intended for Mass Rez to work better the more teammates Rezzed then it needs a rework to:

  • Prevent teammates from being sitting ducks while being Rezzed
  • Avoid making it suicide Ultimate
  • Make its use non-dependant on teammates’ deaths to allow its utility to be used

While the above isn’t necessary to make it fun to use, it is necessary to make it work with the paradigm that: greater application of an Ultimate = more positive outcome for the team it was used by.

A method of potentially acomplishing the above, providing an “impactful” experience for the Mercy, and a fair experience for Mercy’s teammates & opponents is:

Make Resurrect Preemptive in the form of a short duration stat applied to teammates within range and having LOS prior to imminent death and provide an AOE knockback that allows a reason for the Ultimate to be used for a few more situations other than imminent death.

Barring those changes it would be time to look at reworking Mercy’s healing mechanic entirely make have more variation that can be affect by the player.

I agree. There doesn’t need to be a Revert. There are plenty of suggestions at this point that would work into a Rework.

What is clear is they don’t want to make a hasty decision acting on the backlash of change to a popular character. That said, when there is still commentary on the issue over time it becomes more clear that it is not simply spur of the moment emotional responses.

At this point I’m hoping that Mercy’s just in a “placeholder state”, and has been shoved to the back of the balancing line while more time-sensitive issues are addressed (like strangling the dive meta).

Watching longtime F-tier heroes be lifted out of the dumpster and into the light has made the waiting process worthwhile (maybe even enjoyable?). I’m happy for all the Reaper mains out there!

But mark my words, if Mercy doesn’t get her due after the F-tiers are fixed I’m gonna riot!! ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨ ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨ ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨


The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Especially when reasoned arguments are used.

Sounds a bit bitter really.

For me thou I’m holding onto nothing.

  • If providing powerspikes in Mercy’s kit requires everything changed in her kit then, so be it.
  • Mass Rez gets a rework and comes back, so be it.
  • Valkyrie gets nerfed here, buffed there, so be it.
  • Mercy’s voiceline comebacks to the Ultimate, so be it.
  • Nothing ever changes (that would be the point at which Overwatch dies because it should be in continuous change), so be it.
  • You give up on what you found enjoyable, sad but, so be it.
  • My comments and others lead to noticeable/not noticeable changes, so be it.

If I going to be a fan of a character, and I think something off about the experience it is my role and others to comment what is thought to be wrong. Design can never improve if the designer only has input from within the design team.

I’ll join you… but in a peacful manner as befitting of a…
Main of the Pacifist, Our Angel, The Devil, and Only True Hero in Overwatch, Mercy (because every other hero is murderous, and Mercy only takes a life in self-defense… of victory).

I would be really shocked if Mercy wasn’t on their radar, they can’t be happy with where she’s at right now.

This is simply being done to placate us.

Changing a voice line is acknowledging our discontent, but requires minimal effort on their part.


Given the way they went about the changes I tend to agree because why else would they be so hesitant with the nerfs which might seem strange to say, but they really did appear hesitant to do the nerfs they did until they just couldn’t figure out a way to end Mercy Meta without sweeping nerfs to her Ultimate.

I agree. They see many of us are unhappy with these changes, and they hope a stupid voice line will make her better for us.

It won’t


Can you give this link a look first before you change the voice line? Valkyrie’s “I will watch over you” works with the ultimate and “Heroes Never Die” works with Resurrect. What people miss is the impact that voice line had when they used Resurrect. Some people enjoy “I will watch over you” as a voice line what we want is the “Heroes Never Die” to feel stronger which is in the suggestion above.

There’s no point. It’s hilarious. Unless they plan to make her 1 potential rez in ult instant OR boost her healing done in ult so she can prevent someone from dying then it’s just a way for the devs to pander to people who feel nostalgic for her old iteration.

I miss Mercy 1, but I don’t need her back. I just want this one changed to feel more rewarding. Cut her ult in half, allow her 1 instant rez, and boost her healing out put. I dont know, something.

Or cut Valkyrie down 5 seconds to 10 seconds

Revert movement speed nerfs

Let Resurrect in ultimate form become an AOE Resurrect with the same casting/slow/interruptable as regular Resurrect except it will Resurrect more allies in a radius around the target selected for Resurrection. Plus (Who didn’t love seeing the Skull with the X5 that was so fun).

That will fix Mercy and put her back into a spot where she will be impactful and fun (because of how fast she was + new Resurrect mechanic).

The only thing that doesn’t get buffed when Valkyrie is in play is Resurrect. Fixing that will solve the issue of not being impactful and Resurrect will still remain counterable.


I agree it won’t make her better, but it will make a great Meme now won’t it (not that she isn’t one already).

Beautiful idea it fixes so many of the issues people complain about all around, keeps her viable, and she won’t be a must pick. It also could reward good team play while being quote counterable.

I say we splice them together with a bit of audio editing:

“I will watch…HEROES…DIE!”