Brig's Health pack thingies suck

Am I the only person that thinks her E (by default) feels so out of place on her? It feels odd to be so active swinging your mace around and what not, just to have to turn around or disengage because someone needs heals or something. It just doesn’t feel like the best ability for her playstyle.

I thought it’d be fun if she could have jetpack cat, and you send it to an ally, and it starts healing in an area just like inspire (idk, maybe it has a backpack with a finite amount of support juice). The healing won’t stack at all with Brig’s own inspire, but it can allow her to cover other areas with her inspire. It would last for… idk 10 seconds, THEN go onto a cooldown, however long that should be.


She could have Torb’s armor packs, albeit weaker. Maybe only 50 armor. Additionally, maybe there’s a small cooldown for each ally that has used an armor pack, so she can’t just drop them near the same person over and over making them too difficult to kill.

Or something else. I don’t like using her health packs at all, it feels awkward and out of place with how you ideally want to play on brig. What do you guys think it could be changed to?

I love Brigitte’s character and I’m just hoping that she’ll be fun in OW2. Cause so far it sounds like she’s gonna be even more bland and weird to play then before. I can… get used to her shield bash changes I suppose. But hopefully they finally consider changing her E to something more suitable for her playstyle.


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Aren’t they called repair packs?

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Her repair pack is garbo and unfun to play with or against.


Okay dude. Okay, I get it.

Get what? I was just stating what the name was.

I think it works very well in her kit tbh. As you’re swinging in the fight you’re slinging E’s to your teammates


Honestly, that could be a testament to how forgettable of an ability it is. lol.

That is a good point actually.

But how often are you “swinging” and your allies are also in front of you. You’re usually in the frontlines fighting, next to your tanks preferably, and to heal someone who may be playing from the back, you gotta 180 slap your e (hopefully on the right target) and turn back to fight.

Maybe it’s just me, but that sounds so out of place. Her E honestly feels like an ability they gave her because she needed some other form of healing that wasn’t inspire (because inspire is aoe around Brig only), so they were just like “Eh, idk. Give her some throwable health or something.”

Depends on the team comp and my positioning. There are plenty of times that my allies are within view of me as I swing. You shouldn’t just be on the frontlines ahead of your team all the time. Sometimes it’s best to stay in the midline or even the backline depending on the map & what the enemy team is playing

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Just like Tank and DPS, you gotta increase your APM and keeps tabs of the thing not only in front of you but also around you too (and yes it also includes the back)


this is not goats brig u can’t really frontline anymore

The packs are the damage role players best friend, on the other hand, bad for healing tanks with.

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Naturally, but most other supports are playing from the backline. If brig was a ranged support, then she could play from the backline, ALL allies in view (or at least ahead of her) and easily distribute those packs as needed.
But she has a melee primary, so more often than not you’re trying to apply pressure with tanks or at least nearby them, putting you in between your tanks and everyone behind them. Which makes for this weird and awkward routine of constantly turning your back to what you should be looking at (and what other supports have little problem looking at, because everyone is already ahead of them), to make sure that your backline isn’t dying. It’s a very awkward way to play.

I mean… she is a frontline support. If you strip everything down to the it’s core, she is a frontline support. That’s why the two abilities I mentioned in the post seemed reasonable. It’s something you can use and kind of forget as you focus on what’s in front of you, if need be. Seemed pretty reasonable to just throw out armor packs for your backline that you know will protect them whilst you do otherwise.

I wasn’t around for goats, but I still find a measure of success being in the frontline with Brig. She’s always been in a weird spot imo, nerf after nerf has left her role in the game feeling unrecognizable. But with her stun and boop, I’m able to peel pretty well, and keep tanks at bay.

It’s not like she’s a tank, I can’t be Reinhardt and just stand still, or swing several times without expecting to die. But frontline still feels like the place to be with her.

P.S. - This turned out to be too many words, but all-in-all, her E feels awkward to use, not really talking about whether it’s a good ability or not. It just doesn’t feel right in her kit.

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it’s really really useful for her kit because it helps her compete with other supports because without them she wouldn’t have a way to support her dps much which other off healers have like zen mercy

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For sure, she’s better off with them than without them.

I just don’t like how it feels to use.

i like them because it helps me support my dps and tanks at the same time

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This is why she has inspire for those who just do w+m1.

Mhm. But your entire team isn’t going to be around you benefiting from inspire.

I’m not oblivious to her passive. She has her E to heal people outside of the range of her passive. It just feels weird and awkward to use.