Brigs getting a nerf we can appreciate

I guess the Reinhardts in the OWWC were’t worth their skill…

Rankshaming doesn’t make you look cool. :rofl:

Ana got a huge buff.

She’s probably the next support to be nerfed along Moira. It depends on the community’s mood ^^ !

She will be. She’s at insane levels on GM ladder right now, and doing things like nanoboosting Rein just got stronger.

Reinhardt in general is the single most dominant hero in this game, at every last level of play and every platform.

And he’s getting an indirect buff because of fun reasons that makes the ruleset of charge abilties to be inconsistent. And Ana is right there with him.

I think its going to cause other heroes to get nerfs. And they won’t deserve them.

Not to mention whenever dive comes back Winston goes back to zero meaningful and and consistently available counterplay.

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Jeff was right about forum Brigitte. Y’all are crazy.

people don’t want the communities golden boy to get nerfed unfortunately
Dva will catch heat for being a bodyguard again so look forward to her nerfs


Don’t forget Ana will be benched too. 99% of games will be Lucio, Mercy and Moira. Mercy for boosting Ashe, Lucio for being the best all-around support in the game and Moira if you are trying to deathball.

Wow, one of the suggestions I made way back when based entirely on lore reasoning. The way she shield bashes is by moving fast enough that the shield’s protective qualities activate. So against other barriers she should be moving fast enough that the those barriers protective qualities activate.

The clock hits 12:30 when I failed the challenge on the first day.

The issue arises when Brigitte stuns you, leaving you open for massive damage from the enemy team.

What are you gonna do, shoot her? Nope, she has the shield. She can easily spam click her shield, blocking damage while being able to move quickly to stun you.

And balanced? Overtuned is the word you’re looking for, with a whopping 56% winrate. She does far too much with no effort required. I don’t consider that balanced.

But lol any tank worth their skill would never have an issue, git gud and adapt amirite lul 4head

Soooo in GM, Zarya has both a pickrate and a Win Rate that’s higher than Brigitte’s.

Does that need addressing?

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I think the true stats of Brig are much worse than even the 56% win rate, but private profiles mask the issue on some level. As clearly blizzard isn’t going to a random 3rd party for their info but Brig still keeps getting fix, after fix, after fix, after fix.

being if there was a hero you would not want other to know you main, it’s Brigitte so I’m sure her hidden profile rate vs say Zarya or Reinhardt mains is much, much higher. I have no proof course, all tinfoil hat based.

I see no problem with a support character initiating a fight. Supports don’t all have to be defenseless, dps fodder.

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We can’t cherry-pick what stats we want to believe and which ones we don’t.

Besides that, I’ve kept screenshots of various stats from before and after private profiles (such as when people were saying that one-trick Mercys hid their profiles and skewed the numbers), and the stats are consistent. Private profiles do not seem to have that big of an impact on the overall sample size.

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If you want to purely balance om GM, then sure. Complain about Zarya. I generally use overall statistics, though.

Edit: she beats Brigitte by .18 percent in GM, in comparison to Brigitte who has the highest winrate in every other rank other than those who are picked <1%

Okay, well in overall statistics, Reinhardt has a higher pickrate to winrate ratio than Brigitte could ever dream of. With Zarya and D.Va not far behind.

I assume that this is an issue, because if we’re looking at winrate only, Torb must be unstoppable.

" Buff something else to make up for the nerf. "

That is something done when a hero’s kit is balanced and the devs want to switch the strengths and weaknesses of a hero. Brigitte is not in a state of pure balance to get such treatment.

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they are listening to the community, nice.

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Reinhardt is a straight Staple pick right now, so his picked almost every game. The team who doesn’t have him typically loses.

Brigitte has a fairly good pickrate, yet a 56% winrate, which is extremely high.

But yes, let’s take pickrate into consideration as well- who around her pickrate is anywhere near as strong with their winrates? Who else other than Torbjorn and Symmetra are anywhere near her winrate?

Nobody. Literally nobody. Brigitte is a jack of all trades, capable of far too much all while taking far too little effort. She takes hardly no time to pick up and learn, allowing for anyone to simply roll with her. She’s overtuned, in my opinion. Any nerf to her is okay with me.

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The statistical bias that comes from private profiles ruined the 3rd party stat sites. Yet that’s an issue that has and was kicked around in other threads.
People are quick to share they main heroes OTHER than Mercy or Brigitte and seem to be hesitant to share they play Brigitte at all. So while we lack clear stats to show it I have no doubt we have way more hidden Brigitte players than any other main in this game.

Proof of that? Nothing, but at the same time Brigitte keeps being hit with change after change trying to scale back her terrible over all design and impact in game.
I’m just going with the where there is smoke there is fire. Blizzard doesn’t just randomly balance.