Brigitte's shieldhealth should be lowered. It is what makes her dominate everyone 1v1

Consider this
Roadhog has 600hp+300hp on 8 second CD -with critbox,and ult charge friendly
Brigitte has 200hp+50armor(100hp)+600hp shield that regenerates 100hp/sec without crit box, plus she can heal her team mates,can stun,and you can’t charge your ult on her.

Brigitte is technically tankier than Roadhog.

Like I said, you were being fake civil from the start. I figured that out pretty quickly, though. For example, from the start, you kept changing your argument from “I mean Brigittes that are playing badly” to “I mean Brigittes that are playing well” to “I mean Brigittes that run around a corner”.

I’m also aware that the smoking gun you THINK you have is my admission to making mistakes while using the character. Except, I said from the very start that whenever I made a stupid play, I paid for it. I’m not exactly being baited into saying something I admitted from the beginning. But once I said it, you thought you finally had the “gotcha clause” and threw away the entire facade.

But yeah, I’ll happily let someone reread everything we said and come to their own conclusions. But there’s nothing there that will change any opinions they didn’t hold when coming here. People who think Brig is broken will agree with you, and people who think she isn’t will agree with me.

But anyway, bedtime.

A shield bot is not a threat if it’s not covering any dps and it it’s not attacking ^^

Many hours on Reinhardt made me consider this.

This entire post is a joke. The character isn’t very good, she just enables. Like any good healer or tank. Reducing her ability to enable her teammates, is nonsense. It’s removing anything unique or useful about her.

She puts her shield up to wait for stun,and protect herself.Then she just hides to recharge it.Why are you trying to make it seem like having a shield is a disadvantage bruh.

Yeah I could have clarified better. Would it help if I walked through those distinctions and what each means? Tbh, I think, outside of being surgically specific when it comes to that, I still did well to represent my overall point.

Nah. The thing I’m focusing on is her unprecedented performance throughout the ladder from Bronze - Masters to a degree we have never seen before. I want to understand why that is. Not just say “well hey I have a 66% winrate on her and the pros say it’s cool so let’s gooooooo.”

Assuming people on these forums enter discussions with an open mind is a level of foolishness I just can’t afford myself. Out of principle, you understand? Everyone comes here with predetermined conclusions based on how they feel. You demonstrated that to a T.


Brigitte’s job is to protect the back line and provide critical heals to people up in the front… She’s meant to protect other healers. That is why she’s made to be very good @ 1v1’ing flankers.

Roadhog’s 300 HP heal comes with a built in 50% damage reducton.

His hook inflicts stun, has a 20m range, and drags enemies out of position to him for near optimal placement to blast them for massive damage higher then Brigitte’s entire burst combo.

He also suffers no movement reductions, even when using his heal.

50 armor also does not equal 100 raw HP. Nor can the shield regen while it is up, nor can it be brought back up until 3 seconds have passed once it is broken. So once the shield is taken out then Brigitte dies before she can pull the shield back up.

Brigitte’s shield and it’s regeneration outpaces Roadhog’s damage sponging for most intents and purposes, damage reduction included. That doesn’t take into consideration ult charge, the shield does not charge enemy damage ults, Roadhog does.

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The only reason she doesn’t have an insane pickrate is because of Hanzo.

Anyways, Roadhog may be able to attack while tanking a little bit, but this is off set by the fact that he can’t deal damage while healing and he still gives massive ult charge for tanking. Brigitte doesn’t suffer from either of these things.

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Ok then when it comes to tankiness Brigitte ang Hog are on the same level,except that on Brigitte you can’t charge your ult.But unlike Hog Brigitte also provides healing.Do youseriously think that Hog is tankier than her when it comes to the overall kit.When Hog misses hook,he gets punished for it.When brigitte misses stun,she just has to put her shield up and wait for another one.

No. You’ve already admitted that you have no intentions of actually discussing anything. Your goal seems to be to misrepresent what someone actually says and word your own statements to carefully mask your intent.

So no, I don’t care.

So basically, you argue on Bad Faith on principle.

Anyone else reading this should remember that.

I’m looking to understand the objective truth of the situation, that being how Brigitte fits into and impacts the game as a whole, for all players involved. I’m willing to discuss that. I will go into detail if you are willing to actually consider.

Truth be told, you didn’t represent your position well at all. It doesn’t surprise me you don’t care. To me, it seems painfully clear you’re arguing from a position that benefits from Brigitte, and as such won’t really consider anything to the contrary.

You didn’t exactly hide your bias well.

Nah. I’m skeptical, I’m cynical, but out of bad faith? Not really. If you try to sell me a bridge, I’m not going to buy it because you seem so passionate about it. I’d like to assess the structure of it, see how it’s been maintained, speculate on maintenance and further upkeep costs, etc.

I’m sorry I don’t care about how you feel when it comes to stuff like this.

If you want to take into consideration ult charge then technically every time Brigitte pops ult she gives the enemy team up to 600 ult charge that Brigitte’s own healers cannot make up for in any way as it is unhealable armor. At least in the case of Roadhog his own team benefits in that the healers will get ult charge off of him or he can self heal for a chunk of ult charge so he can whole hog again sooner.

And technically Roadhog is not a protection tank. He is not built to protect others outside of some ability to peel. His main job is to score picks on the enemy team. This is why he is deployed with barrier tanks so that he can use their barriers for cover while he does his job of fishing for picks.

Brigitte is built to be a peel tank for supports against flankers specialized in dueling. So she herself is specialized in dueling and due to this she performs poorly in any scenario where she is being shot from more then one direction. Something Roadhog has less issues with because a good Roadhog player can reach out to grab one target, pop it, and then be able to breather so that he can then shift to engage the other target. Where Brigitte has difficulty doing this because she lacks in durability. She might be able to take out one target, if they were already close, but will likely die in the process.

A Brigitte behind her shield and her bash on CD is a victim !
Hit her bare hands if necessary ! :smiley:

Personnaly, if possible (not long rage DPS in front), with my Rein, I hammer to death any Brigitte I can see. She can’t do anything about that ! A 6s cooldown is forever is a team fight !

Also, if you look at the recent overbuff stats for GM her pickrate is less then 3%, regardless of if it is this week or this month. Her winrate is little over 54% this week which is normal for GM, and is 56% this month. Showing that her win rate is dropping.

In terms of damage per game? She is bottom 4. Healing per game? Bottom 2. Unfortunately overbuff does not track armor stats.

And GM/pro level is what Blizzard cares about, and the stats do not say she is an outlier at this point. Even in the OWL games today she did not see much use because the primary concern is double sniper.

So does Lucio’s sound barrier. So does any other form of healing. It opens you up to taking advantage of and capitalizing on a lot of situational opportunities to achieve a goal, like reaching the next check point. This argument, tbh, is pretty much irrelevant.

Yeah. Brigitte isn’t a protection tank in that sense either. Built for peel. Etc.

Yeah, just like Brigitte is deployed with barrier tanks. No one says “Hey Rein, go Brigitte.”

You are clearly arguing a contrarian position and not taking into consideration the overall reality of the situation, just addressing the elements of it that can be construed to support your predetermined position. Tsk tsk.

Cool. She can peel for her main tank too. Crazy, right?

Tbf, I don’t perform at 100% when being shot from 2 different directions on Tracer either. Or Zen… Or Rein… Or Orisa… Or Winston… Or wait a minute…

Sure. Brig can combo erase a 200 hp hero on the left then turn shield to the Hanzo on the right. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t. Hog feeds ult the whole time he does this, Brig doesn’t. That’s pretty big.

Her durability, when not played by a bot, is higher than any non tank hero. She can compete well with the tanks when it comes to durability. Then she does all sorts of other magical things.

I take it you were agreeing with me when you wrote this? Possibly not… It’s hard to tell. It’s not like anything you said contradicts anything I did… It actually fits in perfectly to my argument.

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Her winrate is ridiculous in every rank other than GM. Which is 1% of the playerbase. It has been SO RIDICULOUS for over a 1 season period. Thank god it’s so slowly dropping. Meanwhile, no other hero has come close to achieving this.

If that was true they wouldn’t have nerfed Junkrat recently stating the following:

"Developer Comments: These changes are aimed at lowering some of the most frustrating parts about playing against Junkrat. Decreasing the Frag Launcher’s projectile size means he will have to aim a bit more carefully to land powerful direct hits and slowing the RIP-Tire’s movement speed gives his opponents slightly more time to destroy it before it detonates."

Or are you going to tell me Junkrat was dominating GM and OWL when he received these nerfs? Plz.

Actually. Brigitte has seen the MOST play in OWL compared to any other new hero since OWL started. Actually, in the history of pro play outside of tank meta Ana which apparently is so wrong we won’t even consider buffing Ana decently.

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Brigitte is specifically stated by the developers to be a Support/Tank Hybrid. So naturally it should be higher then any non tank (though its arguable that Mei is more durable due to the myriad ways she has to prevent damage) and lower then real tanks (which it is).

Oh you talking about the nerf that did the exact opposite of the developer comment? Which made Junkrat even more spammy and frustrating while making them aim even less for direct hits?

If they had wanted to make him less frustrating to play against they would have touched the splash to make landing direct hits the most profitable way to play him instead of spamming. Instead of the opposite which made spamming the most profitable way to play him with direct hits being less inclined due to being made even harder.

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And she gets played in a DPS slot professional. Oh my. Support/Tank hybrid taking DPS slot. Hmmm.

You said because she isn’t dominating GM/OWL she doesn’t deserve a nerf, I gave you an example of a nerf that clearly had nothing to do with GM/OWL. Clearly, just because she isn’t dominating GM/OWL isn’t enough to keep her safe from a nerf. Furthmore, Junkrat never reached the win rates she has throughout the ladder.

Makes you :thinking: right?