Brigitte's shieldhealth should be lowered. It is what makes her dominate everyone 1v1

Because she does not bring enough damage, durability, utility, nor healing to replace an actual off-tank or off-healer. However she brings a useful niche that fits well into the flex DPS slot making the comp into a TriTank/TriSupport.

She simply does not work as the off-tank or off-support in a standard 2/2/2 comp. She does not bring enough to the table against any good team.

I did not understand why they nerfed Junkrat’s grenades when they were not an issue. It was a confusing nerf to me when it would have made more sense to adjust his ult charge requirements to account for the addition of the second mine.

It felt like a nerf just to make people shut up about junkrat. Probably seemed pretty minor on paper.

In practice just like the S3 nerf D.Va got it dropped him right back into F-tier. Turns out nerfing the skill in a character does that.

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She can work as an off healer. Off tank is a no. Though, she’s no slouch there either. Better than just a single Rein, 3 dps, and 2 support. I mean, compare her to Lucio lol. Poor Lucio…

Considering what’s been said by many about Brigitte, maybe that should be shut up too? 100-200 hp reduction to shield may seem minor on paper. I’m not defending Blizzard balance lmao, Blizzard balance is legit a meme. But, to act like Brigitte has to basically break GM/OWL in order to be considered to be nerfed is ridiculous. Meanwhile, she’s rocking the best winrates from a well picked hero this game has ever seen. To a significant degree.

Dropping her shield health is the best way to tune this horribly designed kit. Keeps the Tracer combo in, keeps her heals in tact, etc, etc. Ideally raises her skill floor while leaving Brigittes in the highest of tiers, that benefit from team coordination, grouped up coordinated pushes, the ability to play off the main tank, etc, relatively unaffected.

Edit: I hope it is obvious I am being very generous when it comes to my adjustments. I’m not suggesting anything extreme, and am simply looking to raise her skill floor while not heavily impacting her ability to perform at the highest levels of play. This kit was designed with a terribly low skill floor, and a ceiling that is basically dry humping it. HORRIBLE. DESIGN. Compare this kit to Ana, just objectively, not considering the “intent” or “but I need muh Tracer counter” stuff. It’s RIDICULOUS the imbalance between the two. GOD FORBID we cover up some of Ana’s weakness, let’s just continue to introduce heroes and reworks that eliminate weaknesses.

Blizzard balance is… A joke tbh. No reasonable person that has followed this game can really consider Blizzard’s balance approach with any level of seriousness. This Hanzo stuff is straight ridiculous. At least his value is gated behind aim. Brigitte has no such requirement. You just pick her up, and suddenly you’re the only one to pull a positive win rate in bronze without crutching on a turret. :roll_eyes:

It’s legitimately funny to me that people can actually defend this kit and feel that they’re doing so in a way that advocates for a healthy state of this game and balance amongst heroes.

You aren’t. Your arguments are weak. (Not you specifically TankHunter, just in general).

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Instead of nerfing her just because people can’t seem to handle her, or grasp the concept of Brigitte.

Let me give you some advice of how to help counter Brigitte:

Don’t go melee against her. Seriously, just stop.

She has a barrier just like Rein and Orisa, flank from different angles. Her shield size is tiny, and can only directly protect her from the front.

If you have to break her shield, focus fire with your team from a safe distance (not melee).

Pick AoE damage, Junk, Phara, Zarya, new Symmetra.

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in all tryhard ffa games i’ve played, brig was non pickable.
she’s that easy.

they even allow doomfist in those games and he’s broken AF in FFA

Perfect idea for a nerf, Genji still wouldnt do a thing against 400hp barrier and you will have your press buttons to counter him.

While being less cancer for the rest of the roster, 600hp shield is just dumb.

Yea you can put an entire solider 76 clip and his rocket into it and it still wont break.

I feel sorry for any Bastion that has trouble with her shield. Soldier doesn’t have any issues taking it down…

full Soldier clip + helix rockets = 600 dmg if you are within 30m


I can’t agree more with lowering her shield health.
Doing this would fix a ton of issues, mainly concerning her ability to walk past her team’s frontline and into the enemy Reinhardt’s face.
Or limit her ability to stun 24/7.
The shield health + her movement speed + low cd are too much on a single hero.

— Patch Notes 7/12/18 —


  • Shield Bash now consumes 150hp of the shield per successful Shield Bash.

We wanted to bring a risk vs. reward aspect to her Shield Bash ability. Her shield is a resource we feel should be managed more thoughtfully.

(i can dream right?)

It leaves it on 5 HP, that is going to cause any Brigitte to instantly drop it for an absolute minimum of 3 seconds. As if it breaks then they no longer have shield bash. If they still hold it up it takes 1 bullet to break the shield.

It is also possible that anyone else can just throw 1 shot at her shield while you were doing that and the shield will break.

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It’s not my inability to do it it’s his massive spread screwing it all up. It can’t even hit the shield properly even with perfect aim so his damage goes out the window and RNG comes in.