Brigitte's shieldhealth should be lowered. It is what makes her dominate everyone 1v1

No one should be Mercy tier rn tbh. She’s a 3 way hybrid. She’s not competing for the same spot Mercy is.

The shield is her biggest problem imo, it’s insane she can have such a quick recharging high HP shield as a support.

300-400HP for it would be okay, but having it so high basically gives her that high a HP pool.

That is far too overly complicated a mechanic to put in. It’d make her feel clunky af having such a situational condition on her ability usage.

Then she loses her ability to combo Tracer.

I don’t even know why people are responding to Sushi. I guess the easy target. They are clearly angry about her and suggesting extreme things.

Great! The more contribution added to the Brig-0-Skill movement will give the devs more ideas to work with. Big or small, reasonable or crazy, OP or weak, they will all help.

She’s not Zen tier either and arguably she’s barely Ana tier.

The change largely wouldn’t affect her in a full on teamfight where she can easily maintain high Inspire uptime, but would shore up her weaknesses slightly against poke, which is a significant reason of why almost every comp that runs Brigitte runs her in a Triple Support lineup.

You only really need to protect the best player on the team. Yourself. Ohhh wait. 1v1. Nothing to talk about here then. Play with a team.

Her healing numbers, while considered with her armor provision, is significant. And in certain conditions, like against shotgun or rapidfire heroes, each point of armor is worth 2 hp. Thus 150 heal can be 75 armor.

Her healing aspects are actually REALLY GOOD, meanwhile, she’s also putting in work as a tank and a burst damage dealer, frontline disrupter, etc. She does TOO MUCH with little to no skill floor. It’s a problem.

Horribly designed kit tbh. Blizzard seemed desperate af with her. Like they took all the various ideas they have of toning down dive and threw it into a hero my cat could reach silver on.

If it takes a team to take down Brigitte,then what does that tell you about her? While focusing her,her team can just take you out.
If they reduced shield hp to 500 and increased shield bash to 8 seconds,she would be fine I guess.If they mean to leave it 600hp then stun should be 10 seconds.

That’s clunky, but “Shield Bash that pushes enemies away from the melee character” isn’t? LUL.

I didn’t say how much to reduce the damage by. There is plenty of leeway to give in that 190HP-max combo to still destroy a Tracer on one Bash confirm.

I never said anything like that? I mean shield bash = boop is far more intuitive than “did I shield bash someone in the last 10 seconds? Am I safe to shield bash this person? Or will my CD on shield bash suddenly double if I do? What do I do?”

Tracer has 150 health. You can deal 155 with the combo before a Tracer holding down E can escape with recall. There really isn’t a lot of leeway. 66% winrate on this hero and you don’t know this?

This is the problem. People getting way too much success out of this hero while really not understanding wtf it is they’re doing. It just feels good. Pro says it’s ok so just eat it and adapt. Learn another hero. Learn to break my shield. 4Head LUL.

Stun is not a bad ability.Altho Blizz shouldn’t add anymore stun heroes.But the CD is kinda ridiculous.Getting stunned every 6 seconds for a second is a nightmare,and makes the game no fun.

Still faster than Reinhard with his barrier. I´d say he she gets a 30% speed reduction while Reinhard gets 50%.

Yes. Rein’s movement with shield up is 2.75m/s. It is lower. It is 50% while Brig is 30%. Rein’s shield also starts regenning after 5 seconds from being broken. Brigitte’s is 3. And Rein heals for 195 shield hp/s after being put down before breaking after 2 s. Brigitte regens at 100/s after 2s of being put down without being broken.

The more you know.

I think a shield boop knockpack with 70 damage rather than 50 would be better than a CC stun. There’s enough of that.

Then I wasn’t talking to you, because my suggestions were strictly to compare and contrast with Sushi’s, since I found his to be incredibly bad.

Clunky as my idea is without more polish, my point was to demonstrate that I still have ideas for nerfs that wouldn’t utterly destroy Brigitte’s like his did, since he accused me of otherwise.

See, that’s why I put 190 HP-MAX in there. But, you’re in such a rush to be a smartass.

If reducing the damage of BOTH is unfeasible, then reduce the damage of one of them by like 5 or something. Again, I didn’t say how much of a reduction is it should be.

The thing people complain about isn’t Brigitte’s ability to kill Tracer, though,. It’s her ability to kill any other squishy if they weren’t pretty much topped off in health.

In any case, you’re obnoxious as hell to talk to, so we’re done.

Tbh there is no reason to realistically consider Sushi’s suggestions. They were way too extreme, everyone realized that.

The stun duration of shield bash is 1s. Within that 1s you can melee once and whip shot. Doing 155 damage, and killing Tracer, before she can recall. Anything over 155 damage is past the duration of the stun.

That’d work to maintain the combo on Tracer, but it’s hardly a nerf. Minor adjustment, when it comes to 200 hp heroes the only ones you’ll kill are those without mobility/invuln (like wraith and fade) abilities regardless of this change. It legit achieves nothing.

People complain about a LOT OF THINGS when it comes to Brigitte. Kind of presumptuous to reduce it down to just one.

That’s fine. I don’t really think there’s anything I can gain from continuing to discuss things with you.


Yeah, I know I said I was done, but this one took the cake.

I thought it was pretty obvious by the fact that I suggested nerfs to the rest of Brigitte’s kit that didn’t involve her comboing Tracer, the complaints I was referring to were the ones about her damage, not implying that they were the ONLY complaints people had.

But please lecture me about presumptions.

Are you seriously sitting here acting as if 600 HP with no critbox isn’t a gigantic amount of health?

To kill Brigitte you have to run through 850 hp 950 after she uses her ult. Technically more if you factor in how armor works. That’s Roadhog levels of tanking, and there is no downside to it. At least if the Roadhog is an idiot and gets caught out of position he gives massive amounts of ult charge for being so damn tanky.

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It’d help if you clarified that. Like clarifying what you said after you quoted me was actually directed toward Sushi. That’d have been helpful as well.

I considered everything you said fairly, imo, and I also called you on some extremely biased stuff. No need to get all hyper defensive now because you can’t argue against what I responded to your statements/conclusions with.

I straight baited you into saying what I wanted you to say. Go reread our exchange, and knowing what you do, look at what questions I ask you and what things I brought up. It was clinical yo.

The only reason I bothered going through this is in hope those that read this exchange from an outside perspective can see how weak so many of the defenses and arguments in support of Brigitte are. I was never out to change your mind.

And yes, I am completely aware that I am someone that will piss you off and be super abrasive to deal with to degrees most people never will. It’s by design.

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Comparing with RH isn’t a good thing since he can attack while tanking. Brigitte can land a close bash every 6 seconds which is not really the same !

Her role is to kill flankers and/or help on front line. Remove any of this from her kit and she’s gone. btw, if she was this poweful, she would have an insane pick rate, way over hanzo’s ^^