Given that the pros have so much influence in what heroes do or do not get buffed/nerfed, I think it’s safe to say that Brigitte will be getting some kind of nerf in the near future. It’s just a matter of when.
So a dummy making false statement “shes good at everything” and a guy who appears downright TERRIBLE at Rein is your proof here?
Hell, most of the 2nd video doesn’t even show anything to do with her. There is a clip of Torb getting a double and a dude screaming about it…like, what?
They’re pro players and you’re probably a low ranked Moira main. Sit down. She has a bit of everything as a support hero. Too strong right now.
Also, you just said AimbotCalvin was a bad Rein when he literally gets a 5k as Rein in that same montage. Some support mains are too, ugh.
AimbotCalvin is insane at Rein. If he didn’t have his shield up, he takes extra dmg from Doomfist AND can’t kill him, Jesus you people really don’t play this game.
she has had a nerf in ptr since before season 10 started, but i think she needs a cooldown reduction on her heal, and her shield bash brought to 8-10 seconds depending on how much lower the cooldown on repair pack is brought down.
I love this “Moira Main” stuff…I played her a couple games so far, lol, you need to get off your high horse, you aren’t as good as you think you are.
If shes as OP as you all claim, it wouldn’t matter what rank I was facing her, she should win…and I kill her…with Moira even…easily…because I’m not an idiot who stands in her shield bash range and don’t understand why I get stunned.
Players that have, sometimes, 3 accounts in top 500, good at DPS, tanks and supports, that understand all of the game mechanics, all of them are the better players in the entire game
Knowing Blizzard balance, Brigitte will receive the Doomfist treatment and people will start complaining why dive is a thing when the first step to stop it was already eliminated.