Brigitte will be F Tier at this rate

People who mainly play QP and don’t care for competitive.

I also love how you ignored all of my other points.


It is.

All you said was done so to spark argument. Bait.


yeah “the game is made for casuals”
yea these casual players seem to be enjoying the game , they totally didnt just left it and went to fortnite.

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People who consider Competitive to be a stressful mode don’t care for it. It may be called “Competitive Mode”, but it is far from competitive when you can freely play anything you want at any time. If it was Competitive, they would restrict some of the heroes from the selection screen based on the current meta.

I didn’t spark an argument. I know how easily triggered the forums can get when a hero that punishes bad players gets implemented, so simply call this an unpopular opinion and leave it at that.

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Brigitte’s fine, its hanzo that’s the main problem.


I just hate the format, games take too long. I’d rather just win or lose in one match and not complain when its attack/defend. No switching sides just one and done. That’s one of the main reasons i don’t play comp. Switching sides, bleh if your team’s doing its job and you play better you’ll win whether its attack or defend.


Overall, our girl is currently the highest winning hero in the game in competitive-

Of note, she has particularly strong win rates in the lowest tiers- and unlike the “competitors” in her win rate bracket, she tends to have a fairly strong pick rate in those tiers (torb tends to neighbor her win rate- but she’s picked about 5-8x as much overall as torb, unless things have changed recently)

She is VERY demonstrative of a “low skill high reward” hero- and asserting she is as much, is anything but “unvalid”

Now don’t get me wrong- I do NOT feel Briggs is overpowered.

But she is definitely showing herself to be quite easy to play for how effective she is. She wouldn’t do sowell in low skill brackets if this wasnt true.


Okay i wanna say something and i dont wanna be rude but
most of the players who dont want brigitte nerfed, are the same players who like being heavily rewarded for almost no skill or effort


Symmetra was both low skill, high reward, and had the highest winrate for 10 seasons straight. She was utter garbage though, right? Right?

I mean, isn’t that the story of OW these days?

Skill has been nerfed in this game. The meta is just Grav Dragon, spam and CC everywhere.


And people who wants Brigitte nerf are people who can’t adapt to the game well.

Just saying, if we’re sharing opinions.


Or they have common sense, and see the hero as a punisher instead of an overpowered, obnoxious thing. The same logic can be used for Roadhog, and no one wants him nerfed.


yeah i can see the amount of people who likes adapting to this trash meta and playstyle

Also i just want to say this if brig was never a problem then why is season 10 universally considered the worst season by far why did so many players quit recently (judging by the threads) and why did so many streamer either quit or taken a break. xQc is the only streamers who remained hard loyal to the game and still played for hours even then he said this

One of the most passionate players felt that Overwatch had gone IMO Brig is the problem and never needed to be in this game


Because of Zarya/Hanzo combo. Not Brigitte. xQc is not a reasonable source to go to. Dying once to a Brigitte player is enough for him to break his equipment. Yeah, totally a person you should look up to.

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People will ignore you because this forum vehemently hates xQc.

Just a heads up.


As with torb- Briggs was picked multiple time what symmetra ever was.

Context my friend.

It is always important- and never overlook it. .


Doubt she gets nerfed more. As usual the community had a collective hissy fit and they nerfed her. For the Genji/Tracer mains she can still wipe the floor with them and that is what she is built to do, they will never stop trying to get her nerfed more. For the community as it has figured out how to counter her, she has come much more inline with the game while at the same time teaching many players who are stuck in the mentality of i want to play what i want to play and that is all, that countering is in fact the name of the game in Overwatch, counter or get smashed and be frustrated.


Brig didn’t started double sniper, Hanzo and widow did.

If you look at the percentage of heroes being on fire.Brigitte’s percentage on overbuff,all the way from bronze to GM, is constantly around 16-17%.
Tracer’s is 8.78% in bronze,and 12.09% in GM.
Hanzo is 20% in GM and 12.47% in bronze.Which is equal to Tracer’s max. in GM