Brigitte will be F Tier at this rate

No.Brigitte is a monster.And the monsters are those protecting her saying she’s fine.She has a low skill floor,and low skill ceiling.We want her to have a high skill floor,and high skill ceiling.

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“Maybe ?”

No doubt about it ^^
And I say that Lucio’s survivability is on the same level, even if lucio asked for more skill (a bit less now with the new wall ride)

dont’ forget “and a 0% pick rate if possible as I don’t like my own counters”

Considering that a lot of other people find her fine and that only a handful doesnt, I dont think so.

Also, I didnt know deleting her was making her a ‘high skill, high ceiling’. Who knew.

I think you’re kinda switching statistics here.Most people don’t like her,and only a handful does.Not every place is like the PC echo-chamber blizzard forum.Have you ever gone to a youtube video’s comment section.Of someone playing Brigitte.You will not find many people who agree with you.

Where are these “statistics” I can go look at by the way?

And where are her’s?I’m just talking about what I see.Most people not liking Brigitte.

A lot people don’t like her. There aren’t many that are willing to voice it over and over though.

I regret the day when I bought Brigitte’s excelsior skin,thinking she will be a great,challenging,skillful hero that riles up my brain cells.Got massively dissapointed,and started playing Tracer instead.I don’t care how many times I die to Brigitte as Tracer.It’s an honorful death.

I don’t like or dislike her.

I have never had an issue playing against her.
She is a bit annoying at times, but that’s about it.

From my experience the “hate” Bridgette receives is unwarranted.

There are many reasons to dislike a hero, but “I don’t like her, cuz she ruinz me fun” is not a valid reason.

I don’t dislike her. But I definitely feel there were better ways of implementing her doing what she does that wasn’t so exclusionary to so many of the cast just by her existence on the roster.

I get that she’s anti-dive, but she shouldn’t also be ‘anti-anyone with a shotgun or automatic weapon’ as well.

For me, Brid has ruined the game completely. You can choose to agree or disagree with me all you want, I respect your opinion either way. I spent months practicing my Rein/ tank play and as soon as an enemy team picks Brid my fun level goes to 0 in the game and it turns into a slaughter. I also notice that once the enemy team is losing, or my team is losing, someone always switches to Brid. So basically this 1 hero has the power to unbalance an entire game.

It has come to the point now where I have quit OW and moved onto other things. And people who defend her can defend her all they want but I log into the forums every day and see at least 5-10 posts about how Brid needs to be looked at, that should say something about her.

But honestly rare games where nobody picks Brid are 10x more fun, at least for me. Sorry but something needs to be done about her and soon.


Interesting argument, could you expound on how Blizzard could have introduced a hero who “doing what she does that wasn’t so exclusionary to so many of the cast just by her existence on the roster.”?

I have had my own go at this, and couldn’t come up with a solution.

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Just not have her armour packs and ult be armour. Make them work differently.

Nahhhh She’s fine…

Post number 147 in this thread is my takeaway of Bridgette vs Reinhardt. Let me know what you think.

Reduce flail swing deegre° to like 30°.Reduce shield bash cone to 30° instead of 60° Make it require more acuracy.Make it swing slower.Easier to avoid,if they have to they can make flail 40 dmg to compensate.

I’m curious what rank is brig so OP that people on the forums complain about her nonstop

Because even at my rank in game no one has a problem handling brig. At most someone complains about how annoying she is.

Maybe its me? I kill brigs fairly easy, but I also know not to engage her solo unless I have a way to burst her down.

I really don’t see the problem, in a game where everyone can shoot something she can’t… yet people are still complaining about losing.

It kind of blows my mind.

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Good ideas.

Do you think that making the “cone of fire” for Shield Bash smaller would have prevented you from getting hit by this skill?

In isolation, she’s “fine” which is why I wouldn’t ask for any radical changes, beyond her distribution of armour.

The problem comes in when you make your decision on picking a hero, and that probability of her being selected reduces your options significantly before a match has started.

That armour distribution however has that impact. She’d still be capable of doing what she does to reduce dive, without hurting half the non-dive cast in the process if that was dialled back.

Maybe you’ve gotten lucky or you’re just a better player. I can see you’re not a full-time tank, other than Hog. So these problems don’t concern you as much as full-time tanks do. You’re seeing it in the eyes of a DPS player. A DPS spends less time dealing with Brid but when they do deal with her they have a better chance than a tank does.

I’m sure you understand that every game is unique and different. My experiences have been nothing but grief and frustration now with OW. But remember these are my experiences. Because they do not happen in your game doesn’t make them non-existent. And from what I’ve witnessed a lot of people share my grief and frustrations with the game currently.