Brigitte will be F Tier at this rate

Good. We can play ow again then.

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I’d rather not be in this kind of team ! :smiley:
6vs1 ? Really ? :smiley:

Wait till she activates Rally and puts her shield up.

no you can play overwatch again. i have been playing the whole time, no problem.

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Haha yes.

Maybe they should try shooting her instead of staring at her then


Oh great. Is this another can 1v6 myth?

when she does her ult trust me she is near invincible combined with her shield

im not saying she won the fight im saying she survived until her team respawned and came back

I don’t defend or counter that Bridgette has a simple kit. I don’t think she is a difficult hero to play.

I do however think people vastly outweigh her effectiveness towards certain heroes in Overwatch.

If it has a gun, and range it can kill Bridgette. On the flip side, if it has a gun and range Bridgette can do nothing to them. People don’t want it to be that simple. What people want, or rather people on the forums want, is never have anything stifle their enjoyment in any way. Yes, Bridgette has made it more difficult on people who play Tracer. Should we then make Bridgette less of a hero so people who play Tracer feel better?

Or should we embrace that some heroes simply do things better then others, no matter how hard it is to do those things?

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6 V 1 doesn’t matter her ultimate is not saving her unless everyone has no aim and missing every shot

1 - she cant’ deal damage with her shield up (even shield bash lifts her shield)

2 - She can’t heal herselt when behind her shield

3 - Rally lifts her shield…

Maybe if someone tried to shoot at her she would die !? :smiley:

You mean just like a lucio, a zen on ult or a mei (long list again) would do ?

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Wow shooting?Really?Haven’t tried that yet.

Oh I can see this happening. Then she will join Ana and they will be scared to give her any buffs for over a year. Then they will give her buffs that doesn’t fix her problems.


You probably should!

No.No you’re wrong.Punching is the way to go.Just zip around her with Tracer and punch her in the face.

maybe our team was bad but she kept running around the payload, after her team came she went to the backlines and then a tracer and a genji killed her after her rally was over

I laugh when people say brig needs a nerf.


Then they bash Brigitte players for wanting to play an ez hero while they just want her to be viable in anyway again, but then they call her a monster.

Not realizing the monster they hate so much, was inside them all along.


You got it. We hate how she’s impacted the game.

Now it’s over to Blizz to fix it.

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