Brigitte will be F Tier at this rate

Oh for sure. With terrible results.

I don’t blame people f or wanting to play Ana in my comp games. Deep down inside though I really wish they wouldn’t.

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Or you can use explosions to bypass it or even shoot from any angle that isn’t right in front of her.

I thought we already went over and clarified that Reinhardt does not in fact have to kill the shield.

I’m just wondering has anyone ever considered that no one is playing her because of Hanzo,or because people just don’t wanna play her because she makes the game unfun for both sides,so they choose not to play her.Not because she’s a bad hero.

But maybe you missed the point?

Point? You just repeated me. #SupportMainLogic

wow great idea ! what if she just looked at me with her barrier being used ?

This is why all these sad bois are really crying.

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I said easiest & lowest. I say easiest because Brigitte in range doesn’t really have much to stop her from shield bashing you. Once there you’ll have taken 155 damage and are only two mace swings away from death. That’s 1.2 seconds. All of that 200 damage is very easy and requires little aim and will have a high success rate of not missing.

Usually, Brigitte can just back a person into a corner causing them to retreat because they cannot burst the shield down fast enough. Which just means walk forward.

Compare this to other time to kill aspects and they are usually linked to aiming, resource requirement, large start-up time, might kill the person before closing the gap, etc.

She can reliably secure so many KOs and the only restriction is distance really which is not the best.

No, I actually didn’t.

They don’t play her because they found out that she isn’t this immortal being able to burst down a Reinhardt in 1vs6.

Tracer and Genji have been atop of the playrates befor Brigs release because they were uncontested and this is what ppl like.

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Okay. Brigitte is balanced, though.

wait, hanzo what?
Brigitte is an unstoppable monster.

So is Graviton/Dragonstrike.

Yeah she is,but Hanzo is even bigger of a monster XD.Cancer beats cancer.

Orisa? nonononono. And please tell me you’re kidding when you say Lucio counters her at all, if the Brigitte is blind and deaf and right next to a cliff then maybe, otherwise he becomes mince meat in nanoseconds. Pharah? Yes. Sombra? Mildly, and with a ton of backup from her team. Widow? if the Brigitte is braindead and standing around without her shield in the middle of an open area, sure. Hanzo? Yes, but then again,he counters everyone. Zarya? Again, if the Brigitte is braindead and slapping her barrier, then sure, otherwise, with less than 40 charge, no. Mei? shield. Sym? No idea, haven’t touched new Sym and never played old sym.

wait did op really say that orisa counters brigitte ?

DAMAGE counters her. Just destroy her shield. Any of the heroes you just mentioned can kill her.

Yes, she does. Fortify. Believe it or not, it can be used to prevent Shield Bash from stunning her. Orisa is also capable of destroying her shield, and pulling her back a few meters away from her. It’s amazing, I know.

Personnaly, I find it way more difficulty to kill a Mercy than a Brigitte ^^

It’s quite strange to see that, most of the time, it’s not Reinhardt/Orisa Mains who are complaining about her while the one of the most common argument is “she stuns MT”…


just kill her LOL 4head