Brigitte Shield Bash Nerf is a MUST

The game just isn’t enjoyable anymore as is. Brigitte has Shield Bash, an ability that puts her at zero risk of danger because of her shield, and has a cool down of six seconds, and it cancels out just about every ability and ultimate in the game.

Why not remove ultimates altogether while we’re at it?

It doesn’t matter if you spend time building it up, because she’s just going to cancel it. At least other characters can’t do this regularly. Sombra’s hack can be interrupted, McCree’s flashbang has a 10 second cooldown, Doomfist needs to aim well, and Ana has to predict movement (not to mention sleep dart has a massive cool-down)

But Brigitte? Nope. Every six seconds she get’s an EZ smack in that drops your ult gauge down to zero and usually gets you killed in the process as the entire team jumps on you.

It’s just not fun with her being able to do that. It means you have to have a Brigitte on your team in order to interrupt the enemy team ults.

Either bump the cooldown up to 9-10 seconds, or take the cancellation effect away.


The game just isn’t enjoyable anymore as is. Widow has Head shot, an ability that puts her at zero risk of danger because of her position, and has a cool down of roughly six seconds, and it cancels out just about every ability and ultimate in the game.

Why not remove ultimates altogether while we’re at it?

Maybe because there is plenty of ways to counterplay both?

Take high ground, and shoot her shield. I don’t know how many threads there have been about it. but it all boils down to, she isn’t getting kills or even doing damage compared to the rest of the cast.

Don’t do something stupid and stand next to her… treat her as hog, and SHOOT HER.

jumping next to her is going to get your ult stopped.

Just like throwing a Mei ult at a D’va. I don’t blame the D’va for eating it.


Every match has been un-enjoyable when there’s a genji or a tracer.


bruh it already got nerfed…
on ptr right now



Actually every 5 seconds


That isn’t really a nerf. It means you hit the person you are targeting with the bash rather than someone else.

you still are NOT going to miss.


well i mean i guess the hitbox is slightly smaller or something?

it is, but the hitbox was more of a problem for the Brigitte than for the person she was trying to stun, It was like Ana’s Ult and its ability to hit someone you were not aiming for (lucio, for some reason… for instance).

To be honest. it was a buff, as much as people don’t want to hear that she got one.


i just want tanks and ana buffed


We all do… we ALL do. (oh, and Mei some more… but she is a tank? yes?)

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Roadhog can stun someone out of their ult from a range of up to 20m.

Ana can sleep someone out of their ult from any range.

Doomfist can stun you out of the ult from a 7-20m range.

Sombra can hack you out of ult from 15m away.

Brigitte can stun you out of ult from a range of 6m.

The problem is you. Why are you ulting next to a Brigitte?


“masochism” is the answer…

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Six meter distance requirement, doesn’t result in a kill like Flashbang+Fan the Hammer, puts her out of position like a charging Reinhardt, requires that she stil have her shield, said shield also being only a measly 600 HP that also doesn’t protect her from splash damage, only interrupts channeled-type Ultimates (Barrage, Death Blossom, Whole Hog, Coalescence, and Deadeye), and lastly, YOU CAN AVOID IT BY NOT GETTING WITHIN HER RANGE. Play Soldier, Bastion, McCree, Pharah, Sombra, Junkrat, any sniper, there’s nothing stopping you.


That’s not the kind of nerf it needs. It doesn’t need to be more difficult to land. There needs to be LESS of it.

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i never said this was the nerf she needed, i just said it got a nerf…

“Roadhog can stun someone out of their ult from a range of up to 20m.”

  • RH has to predict movement to land the hook, and has an 8 second cooldown.
    “Ana can sleep someone out of their ult from any range.”
  • Ana ALSO has to predict movement and has a 12 second cooldown. The farther you are away, the harder it is to land.
    “Doomfist can stun you out of the ult from a 7-20m range.”
  • Doomfist has to charge before he can act.
    “Sombra can hack you out of ult from 15m away.”
  • Sombra can get interrupted.
    “Brigitte can stun you out of ult from a range of 6m.”
  • Yeah, and she can do it with complete protection.

So again, there’s this magical place called the objective. She will be on it, and you should be too. If you want a chance at winning.


You should be playing the game even less then, seeing as how you’re choosing to ignore glaringly obvious counters to a perfectly balanced character, all so that you can complain while also condescend towards people who actually know what they’re saying.

  1. Roadhog’s hook has a grab box roughly the size of Brigitte’s (nerfed) shield bash. Its why it had to go through a number of changes to where it is now.
  2. Your point is? The skillset needed to land her rifle shots (which are projectiles outside of scope) is the same as her sleep dart. So good Ana’s are not going to have the issue. It’s part of why Ryujehong is famous for his Ana play.
  3. Doomfist’s minimum stun distance needs 0 charge and has a lower 4 sec cooldown before he can do it again it also has a large hitbox like shield bash. Oh, it also takes as much aiming as shield bash when used in that manner.
  4. Sombra has stealth, translocator, and a 15m range. She can hack from safe positions and get it off. A stupid sombra is a sombra that tries to hack you where you can notice it and shoot her.
  5. She cannot do it with complete protection. Her shield only blocks frontal damage and is voided by splash damage. In fact of the ult she can stop with her shield bash the only one that it works reliably on is Death Blossom. Coalescence bypasses shields and has long range. Whole Hog eats shields alive so as long as he is not at insta-stun range then she will never stun him out of it. Barrage would instantly destroy the shield, and no McCree should be using deadeye next to a enemy Brigitte, but it will pop the shield in one hit and pop her for trying to bodyblock on the next.

Except you’re ignoring the glaringly obvious fact that the best counter is to have a Brigitte on your own team to stop enemy ults. This makes Brigitte a “must pick” hero, and those must be nerfed. No hero should be a “must pick”.