Brigitte rework

Its not a matter of how much it heals, that’s not the problem otherwise Lucio would be bad too, its that its too incosistent, especially during the poke phase and this only makes it worse, what you sacrifice when you bring her as an off healer is both damage and healing during the poke phase, her midfight is good but that doesn’t really matter when 2 members of your team are dead and the rest are at half hp while the enemy team has all their guys at high hp levels because you couldn’t contribute to the poke phase with damage or healing

Except it will never compete with other defensive ults while it gives out armor at a paltry 30 armor per second versus Zenyattas instant 300 hps for 6 seconds to allies in range and Lucios near instant 750 extra hp added to targets, Rally just can’t compete with that when it takes forever to get the armor on in the first place literally taking 6.25 times as long to get to max hp giving versus lucio who also has a better poke phase with consistent healing and long range damage

It’s a slight nerf to her GOATs synergy, since she’s one of the squishier members of GOATs so it’ll be harder for her to stay at the frontline the whole time, especially since she doesn’t have a stun anymore.

It’ll take her more effort to get full AoE stacks, but the better flexibility with repair pack should make up for it I think.

Does it really need a visual? How often do you actually take note of who’s getting inspire from you? Though if that’s a concern, you could always change it to be a static AoE like Lucio’s aura and have the outline of the AoE grow brighter as it gains stacks.

My intention was to reward hitting long range shots with it, to make it somewhat easier to get stacks when you’re not able to commit to a fight. I don’t think it’d really be much of an issue overall.

The intent was to make it better at healing squishies consistently, rather than being an occasional long range full heal, which can be annoying to play against. It makes her less flexible and less frustrating to fight. I also updated it to make it a bit better, if you didn’t see.

The problem with rally is that it needs to have similar defensive capabilities to Zen and Lucio, otherwise she’s never going to be viable in a 2 support comp. Making it stronger defensively but in a shorter term helps move towards that, I think.

Oh I know, (I somehow missed this one in my reply) I was more saying well this literally changes nothing it does the same healing over the same duration and has the same max armor give over a duration its pretty much the same

Reducing the number of stacks needed makes it more consistent and easier to manage.

I updated it to automatically give 2 additional stacks of inspire during rally (on top of the regular 4 available stacks, for a total of 6 stacks/30 HPS). If that still wouldn’t be enough, the armor rate could be increased slightly.

Like I said, the difference is that it’s more flexible, so you’ll have it available when a teammate needs it more often. I also updated it to give a minimum of 25 armor, which means it will give more overall healing when you use it on low health teammates.

Yes but it doesn’t change the fact that your increasing the number of stacks she needs in the first place from one, inherently making her more incosistent

That’s great and all buts that still only a valkyrie in healing and it doesn’t affect the rate at which the armor is given

Yes, but it comes with the tradeoff of being more powerful with full stacks, making her a better healer overall.

It does more than just heal, though. If you time it well, your entire team can have 150 armor overheal that can be replenished.

For the love of god


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It’s better than a hero being nerfed into deletion. If a hero’s kit is inherently problematic, then the kit has to be changed at a design level.


her kit is fine, Shes fine, Shes not problematic anymore, Lucio is causing goats, NOT Her




After at least 4 seconds of hitting enemies, and it doesn’t change how good it is in the poke phase which is her main problem when acting as a secondary healer, her healing midfight is fine it doesn’t need changing its pretty much up constantly, but during the poke phase she just can’t compete due to incosistent healing and damage, in order to make brigitte better in a 2 healer comp you need to fix how she operates in the poke phase not the midfight where she’s already doing fine in

You mean using half the duration before the fight just to make sure you have 150 hp and it still doesn’t compete with other defensive ults which are mostly reactive to outside forces such as ultimates

  1. That’s a rework concept, people can come up with everything they want, let people enjoy things
  2. Brigitte will never be viable without any kind of rework, so it’s best to start coming up with ideas now I guess


99,99% of reworks were completly avoideable

and even if they werent, a very minor one would easily fix it all

Brigitte’s kit is inherently problematic and poorly designed. The only reason she’s “fine” overall is because every part of her kit has been heavily nerfed. The best thing for Brigitte is for her kit to be redesigned. Otherwise, she’s just going to stay in the state she’s in and probably get even more nerfs.

The cooldown could be decreased if it was a problem.

The more flexible repair pack helps her in the poke phase. Her midfight is only really good when it’s combined with other AoE healing, which means you basically need to run Lucio to run Brigitte. Making her healing better overall makes her better as an independent off-healer, which I feel like these changes would accomplish.

You don’t need to use it before the fight, just before your teammates are dead. It trades some ult-countering ability for a longer lasting defense. Like I said, numbers can be tweaked as needed. Short of completely reworking the ultimate, this is the best direction to make it a more competitive ult.

Dude Symmetra used to give 25 shields to 5 people then never touch the key for the whole game

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thats the 0.01% that wasnt avoideable and sucesful :wink:

Barely, and its still not enough to compete with other off healers for that spot

You’re joking right, her midfight healing is literally better than Lucios if she needs another aoe healer to be good in the midfight than so does lucio >.>

Her midfight is perfectly fine and doesn’t need changing her poke phase does

But your example was having the 150 armor which would require at least 5 seconds of it being active, in a midfight situation this would not happen as too much damage is being exchanged to get to that point only leaving activating it before the fight to get the 150

If it ever wants to compete with Trans or Sound barrier it does need a complete rework, Rally as is whether your reworked version or not, cannot compete with other defensive ultinates because unlike defensive ultimates its not reactive enough, you can’t compete with the protection capabilities of these ultimates outside of using ultimate before the fight unlike Trans or Sound barrier because Trans and Sound barrier are reactive, designed to be used in reaction in order to protect from ultimates, rally is designed to be used in preparation in order to help during the midfight but not protect from ultimates

Her healing is only as high as Lucio’s if he doesn’t use amp.

Her midfight is pretty mediocre. Like I said, I think these would help in both areas.

You can activate it during a fight while behind a shield. You can use it when you know an enemy is planning to use ult soon. Just because you need a few seconds doesn’t mean it’s impossible to use it during a fight.

Yep and she has her repair pack to make up for it, your changes dies not fix her poke phase and makes her more dependent on a 3 healer comp than she already is because her poke phase gets worse overall even with a lower cooldown repair pack

And now an enemy can wait and poke it down because you used ult first now negating its ult defending properties

Im not saying it is, I’m saying its impossible for it to realistically compete with trans and sound barrier during a fight

Yes, and making it more flexible and frequent helps her in the poke phase.

If you’re stopping the enemy from using their ults, that gives your team a chance to use theirs safely.

I think with the right buffs and smart play, it could.

But the enemy team still has their defensive ultimates to counteract your offensive ultimates and your ultimate needs at least 4 seconds before the enemies need to take this route

I disagree, at the point that we have buffed rally to compete with trans and sound barrier we have practically reworked it completely changing its usage