Brigitte rework


  • Healing decreased to 5 health per second
  • Now stacks up to 4 times, for a total of 20 health per second at full stack

This means Brigitte needs to be more committed to a fight and lower her shield more often in order to get full value out of inspire, but raises her overall effectiveness as a healer when she’s able to reach full stack

Whip shot:

  • Grants 3 stacks of inspire on a successful hit, even if inspire is on cooldown (but does trigger the cooldown, or resets it if it’s already active)

Repair pack:

  • Healing decreased to 100
  • Armor overheal duration decreased to 4 seconds
  • Cooldown decreased to 4 seconds
  • Always grants at least 25 armor overheal

This lowers Brigitte’s ability to clutch full-heal teammates from long range, but makes her burst healing more flexible and retains the same healing per second as before. This also comes with the downside of taking up more of her time if she’s using it off-cooldown.

Shield bash:

  • No longer stuns
  • Now reduces the target’s movement speed by 30% and disables movement abilities for 2 seconds
  • Cooldown decreased to 6 seconds
  • Damage increased to 25
  • Can go through shields
  • Now triggers inspire on hit (1 stack)

This brings shield bash more in-line with its original intended purpose, which is to inhibit the enemy’s mobility and diving/flanking capabilities, while also making it less overbearing against non-mobility heroes.


  • Max overheal increased to 150 armor
  • Armor begins to decay 20 seconds after last receiving it at a rate of 30 per second
  • Grants 2 stacks of inspire for the duration, which do not count towards the maximum number of stacks

This makes rally stronger as an active defensive ultimate and more in-line with other off-support ultimates, but makes it less effective as a passive advantage when used before a fight starts.

Overall, these changes reduce Brigitte’s effectiveness as an aggressive brawler and increase her effectiveness as a protective healer, making her better in her intended role without being overbearing against everyone else.


That really terrible rework. That make her go useless. I disagreed.


Feel free to provide actually useful feedback about what you don’t like about it.

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No. I know who these indirects nerfs are going towards and they don’t need nerfs.


I’d rather her healing aura is simply removed and have her possibly have stacks of armor packs to give out that regenerate on a timer that is sped up by attacking the enemy.

It changes it from an easy stun against any target into an anti-mobility tool against heroes she’s meant to do well against, which gives a bit more room for it to also be improved in other areas.

I feel like that’s an overly complicated solution, and would be harder to balance. If the healing is too high, then it’s too burst-y. If it’s too low, then she’s not good enough at healing. If it’s low but can be used frequently, then it would possibly take up too much of her time. I feel like it’s simpler to just make the AoE healing more active. It’d still have the cooldown, so not including whipshot, it’d take 5 seconds of swinging to reach all 5 stacks.

So basically just a nerf, cause that’s all I’m reading here, overall nerf


What parts specifically don’t you like or think could be better?

But the aoe healing just promotes GOATs. Making her healing strictly single target, possibly focusing more on armor than health, could help make it healthier.

Maybe make it mostly armor, 50 health. Then whatever remains of the armor once it has to dissipate 50% converts to health.

Since armor has already been nerfed quite a bit, this shouldn’t be OP.

Well for one, I hate to parrot grey falcon but when he’s right he’s right, Brigitte’s problem is that she’s bad in 2 healer comps but great in 3 healer comps, a rework should fix this not make it worse, the inspire change is a big nerf that’ll cement this even with the cooldown buff on repair pack which basically just had every stat value reduced by a third, shield bash is alright I guess, that’s a massive decay on an ultimate who’s only real draw for getting it is its long duration literally halving its duration for a possible 50 extra hp max, after giving up 25 extra hp on repair pack, it just feels like an over all nerf that doesn’t aim to actually fix her problems just make them worse

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Honestly, I like it. The specific numbers would probably need tweaking, but the concept is solid. Brigitte overall needs buffs, not nerfs. You’re cutting a lot of power from places that don’t need their power reduced.

Personally, I think the Inspire heals would be too low to start, and would encourage Brigitte to open with her Whip Shot for the healing, pushing people away. Maybe have Inspire give 10 HPS at one stack, and 5 HPS for each stack after that, to a max of 3 stacks. An interesting idea would be to have the stacks fall off one at a time, with a shorter timer the more stacks someone has. So someone could sit at 1 stack of Inspire for like 10 seconds, but if they were at 5 stacks with like 25 HPS, that stack would fall off in 2 seconds.

Rally should trigger Inspire as well.

I don’t agree with your changes to Repair Pack. The whole point of it is to be a strong burst heal that can save allies. It would be a net reduction in her healing output, far more than the extra 4 effective HPS she could get from Inspire. Repair Pack does not need changes.

As for her ult, having it just decay after 30 seconds instead of just disappearing would be fine.

I do like the overall concept. It focuses Brigitte in on being anti-burst, anti-flanker.


I…hate everything about this rework.

The problem with trying to make her healing strictly single targeted is that repair pack simply doesn’t work as her only form of healing. I think the AoE healing would be fine if it required more than one hit to reach full effectiveness.

I agree, which is why I want to make her better at healing and make her ult more competitive with other off healers’.

It’s a nerf and a buff, it requires more effort and committment (to make her less tanky on her own) but is stronger at full strength. Raising the AoE healing too much is a slippery slope, as seen with GOATs. Would you be more okay with it if it was 4 stacks max and 5 HPS per stack?

It makes it less burst-y but more flexible, so you’ll run into less scenarios where someone needs healing but it’s still on cooldown. What if it was guaranteed to give 25 armor overheal, and the other 50 would come from whatever’s left over from the regular healing? IE, someone at 50 health would receive 100 health and 25 armor, while someone at 150 health would receive 50 health and 75 armor.

The decay is the same rate at which you gain it, it’s giving up some long-term strength for a stronger short-term defense to better compete with other defensive ults. The exact numbers could be tweaked if needed.

My intention was for each stack to have its own cooldown, so you would go down from 5 stacks to 4, then to 3, etc. I’m not really sure how I feel about weighted stacks, as I think it’s more complicated than necessary.

That’s a good idea.

100 health every 4 seconds is the same HPS as 150 every 6 seconds. I think it’s more useful to be available more often than have it heal a lot at once, since you can end up wasting a lot of it if the person doesn’t benfit from the armor. See my above idea to improve it, though.

Like I said, the numbers could be tweaked where needed, the core ideas are more important.

My thought for “weighted stacks” is it would allow for Brigitte to have a higher HPS with Inspire, possibly up to 30 HPS, but maintaining that high healing output would be harder. It would quickly decay down to a lower healing amount once she stopped attacking, so she couldn’t just hide behind her shield and refresh it. She’d need to keep actively hitting people to keep it at max stacks.

I think the stack increase for Inspire is a really cool idea but I’m not sure if I like the rest lol.

I updated the OP with some ideas, relevant changes:

You say “rework” but all I see is nerf nerf nerf.

It’s a nerf to her brawling ability but a buff to her anti-mobility utility and her overall healing capability.

I… really like some of your ideas. The thing is, it’s not the right direction.

I really like the Inspire stacks idea, but it has flaws :

  • It’s probably not a nerf to GOATS, since they want drawn out close quarter fights
  • It’s probably a pretty big nerf to all non-deathball compositions
  • It’s hard (not to say impossible) to make it visual. I can’t think of a way to see who has each number of stacks, without making it like a Sym lvl 3 beam

Having Whip Shot technically heal more is a cool idea too, but Whip Shot has knockback, and it can force Brig to push away enemies just to heal, which can be harmful for your team

I don’t think Repair pack needs nerf tho, it’s good to heal squishies, which is cool if we want to redirect Brig’s power to more usual comp, and less GOATS stuff
(Even a lesser cooldown doesn’t make it stronger I think, but it can make it more frustrating, being able to repair pack someone multiple times in a single skirmish)

The Shield Bash is really cool tho, I want this tbh. We even already have a mechanic that disables movement abilities (Graviton Surge), so let’s go what are we waiting for !!!

And… I think I like Rally, but it’s a difficult ability to balance. I think it’s kinda good on live too ? Not sure

Don’t let people tell you that all your ideas are bad, but you should ask yourself what you want to change, what you need to change, and most importantly, where you are going, what issues you are actually trying to solve.

(I’ll probably write something about Brig sometime, I’ll definitely take inspiration in some of your ideas, you’ll have the credit good sir)

Yeah just rework her. Now they’ve gone and ticked off the whole support class with this nerf. DPS hates her. Tank mains hate her because of the armor nerf. Now supports are feeling it. I love Brig but I’m throwing in the towel. Just rework her.