Brigitte Repair Pack Changes

This could be the worst idea from the Brigitte’s haters camp so far.

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If you are flanking and Briggs is supporting the one you are attacking, you are flanking incorrectly, or flanking super correctly as they are focused on you and your team is focusing on another target.

Its a team game, people shouldn’t be 1 man killing machines. Thats tracer’s job!

There is no such thing as spamming every 6 seconds. If something requires a 6 second CD, then it isnt being spammed.

Furthermore, using this isnt mindless or repetitive in the least. A lot happens in 6 seconds in Overwatch, and whether you like it or not, triage is a primary skill in Overwatch. The determination of who is in immediate need of heals, imminent need of heals, how to maximize armor overheal so they get used and dont decay, who has a free, open route to a health pack that isnt hacked, who has 2 people about to jump them.

A full support Brigitte can be both quite busy AND quite effective AND make greater use of support skills than when they were distracted by combo kills.

The insinuation that Brig needs to have her heals be harder to land than Ana’s who has unlimited range and the ability to quick scope and make them hitscan is silly.

I have never been a Brigitte fan, but this recommendation is just pathetic when it comes to game design.

Incidentally, just because she is no longer going to be combo killing doesnt mean that she isnt supposed to be anti flank protection, so if you want free flanks, I think you’re barking up the wrong tree.

Jesus Christ no. I was all for the nerfs but this is just too much leave her alone.

Repair Pack definitely needs a bit of a rebalance. The CD is too long, but it also heals too quickly and gives too much healing. Put it on a 3 second CD, and reduce it to 70 healing with a max overheal of 50.

greatest post of all time lol

Correct, and now tell me which one actually takes skill to pull off.

Brigitte’s stunlocked Bash + Rocket Flail + Whip Shot 1-shot combo or Zenyatta’s long-range aim dependant damage barrage.

Repair pack? You joking? Is this what we’ve come to? They are taking her out of the DPS\Damage slot (rightfully so) which alot people were playing her as to make her a more prominent healer which she was suppose to be, Where does it end? Other than Ana which other healer has to aim? But you want to make her aim? A melee character? Just wow.

Zens is slightly harder

Except one is blatantly superior to the other, in damage, range, and has no cooldown, oh did i mention no falloff, therefore it can be used at any range

and the fact that within the conditions it can 1 shot a tank?

i think its fair that one is easier to pull off than the other

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“Please make it so the anti-flanker hero is not effective at countering flankers”



Brigitte is not a support even though thats where she is on the select screen.

She is a tank and a support…if she dies easy then she is not a tank.

The only people complaining about Brigs strength at this point are they people she counters - stop complaining and learn to switch

Expected “skill,” saw it, didn’t need to read further.

Oh and It’s not a buff OP.

I can believe it. She almost completely ruined this game.

If anything her repair needs to travel faster. It’s like Old Zen when his Harmony orb took forever to get an ally. Repair pack should be instant

this OP is so hilariously bad it must be a troll

just fyi for everyone who doesnt play her:
the heal pack requires low aim, sure, but in order to be effective it needs huge amounts of timing.
it is her only form of burst healing at all, has a 6s cooldown which can be lethal in a teamfight, and it has a traveling duration which means it can and absolutely will fail occasionally. in order to maximize its effect, your teammate should be at least under 125HP (for a regular squishy) which means theyre already in danger. often times, theyre even lower on HP.
if the armor pack needs just 1 second to fly to them, it can decide over life and death. oh and the auto aim can even be detrimental, just like anas old heal darts that could be blocked by other teammates even when theyre full.

i could go on but this alone is enough to say brigittes armor pack requires a lot of skill, just not much aim. timing and resource management are a thing, kids.

That is being way too generous, it must only take that much effort for you.

oh you mean in comparison to ana who can spam shots at 1,25 shots per second, or mercy who has an indefinite beam, or zen who has a similarly indeifinite orb or lucio who has a constant aura? even moira, who has a longer cd on her orb, can make up for it with her primary heals.

so yes, in comparison to every other healer in the game, brigittes armor pack requires the most timing to be effective on long terms.
if you just give it out everytime its off CD youll waste it. if you have it on CD when a critical teammate needs it, or if you react too slow and the traveling duration is enough, your teammates will simply die.

and ad hominems are never something that will let anybody think higher of you.

These forums are so terrible, so many people try to look smart and only care about being right or following the hivemind.

I think that the OP is just sick of arguing with Brig fans, look at their responses compared to that one. This is the first one that is an insult, their other responses to the Brig fans are full of good arguments but the user responses to their arguments make me think that hardly anyone reads anything over a paragraph long on here. That must be frustrating for them.

Message to OP, read this before you go crazy.

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

Also, you should change the title from “Nerf Brigitte’s Repair Pack” to “Brigitte Repair Pack Changes”, the word “Nerf” is like throwing a rock at a hornet’s nest on here.

Nerfing Brig after this gutting. That is so wrong it’s just sad lol

I think that some people have stronger opinions about Brigitte, I don’t think that it is appropriate to call them idiots because of it though.

I also like your idea for the title, nerf is a pretty strong word.

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