⚠ Brigitte Overbuff stat (she needs help!)

She should be buffed…

They tend to watch longer than that. Plus Brigitte problem might need something more than minor buff
Low Pickrate is understandable. But seems she cant work in a meta that even Symmetra is good?
Can we get some Heal compare stats? or deaths

Fair point. :smiley:

All this tells me is that she is STILL good and people are afraid to pick her due to the negativity of the community that surrounds her.

Pretty straight forward in my opinion

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Seeing the stat myself this isnt Niche at all.
GM support this week

  • Least picked
  • Lowest winrate

Those 2 together never means niche. Unless it means she should be picked even less

Other stats

  • DPS higher than only mercy and Ana
    This means nothing surprising. we already know she cant do any damage. So no problem But
  • Average Healing slightly higher than Lucio and Zen only
    This is sick
  • ED ratio isnt that bad as I thought. But GM Brigs are being very passive as you can see in above stats

However, non GM does show she can be worked in lower level cause she is easy. And if used more aggressive even if that makes her dead

Has Overbuff even balanced itself out?

Like it feels that just a few days ago Ashe had a winrate of 133%.

Lol he wants monster Brig back

Lol he don’t.

I love how people can demonize everything and be blind to actual problems.

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Baptiste happened. Zen ult on 20 sec cooldown is balanced and fun.

And Mercy mains says that Baptiste took Mercy’s place lol (and I main Mercy.)

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Brigitte need a huge rework

the problem I see with looking at the Diamond and up stats is the fact that the resolution of the stats is going to be much lower due to the drastically lower population size and thus less accurate than we would like.

On top of that you also have to take into consideration when looking at her pickrate is the fact that I’m sure a higher percentage of Brig mains likely have their profile set to private due to the historic hate that surrounds the hero

Support players only have 7 options to choose from.
If Brig is unpopular, Support players will have one less incentive to play the role, specially because supports are meant to be fragile and easy kills, double barrier makes ranged healers’ life difficult and doomfist focusing them.
Less supports players enjoying the game = More DPS queue times.
And yeah, people wanna let it be like that, cause her stats are fine, she’s just niche… cool, why bother? Let’s play Moira every match then.

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win rate shows effectiveness, pick rate shows popularity. They are two very distinct stats.

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Agreed Pickrate is all about optics and opinion, you just have to look at Ana’s stats this season to understand that, her effectiveness has dropped significantly but her pickrate remains close to the top

Because they have no clue how to properly balance their own game. They already foisted blame onto us for 2-2-2 when it was really to cover up their own embarrassment as a would-be esport. It’s become clear that they have no idea how to properly balance anything in Overwatch, all exemplified by the addition of Sigma. Fun hero but exacerbates every problem the game currently faces in power creep: damage, CC, barriers, etc.

Would they fix this? No, they’re more concerned with obfuscating the fact that enemy teams are in groups. They have a melee hero who can’t survive in melee, a low competitively viable hero pool, and some glaring issues with the game’s basic balance points.

Just a few of the serious missteps:

• Reaper lifesteal changes: We all knew that this would only make him oppressive at low ranks and still useless at high ranks, but somehow the devs didn’t. Huge red flag.

• Moira Fade changes: Same as above.

• Shifting blame: 2-2-2 was ultimately because they couldn’t balance their own game, and their would-be world stage esport was an embarrassment of mirror match GOATS comps. They tried to blame us for having to make it a “necessity” but really it was the only way they could get rid of GOATS without proper balance. 2-2-2 isn’t necessarily even the ideal comp, but it’s what we get, and foisting the blame onto us is pure nonsense.

• Sigma: Power creep all day. He renders Reinhardt obsolete by doing everything Rein does but better. He adds more barriers and more CC into the game that we don’t want, but they gave him multiple forms of it all the same.

• Letting heroes languish: Many heroes languish in nonviable states because of power creep, but they won’t touch the problem heroes like Hanzo because they are good for flashy esports plays. But the second a hero like Symmetra does even comparable damage to other DPS heroes (this before the upcoming nerfs), boom, nerfed. Because who wants variety in their viability, right?

• Esports: There’s a running theme here, and it’s that chasing the esports scene has led to some really terrible balance decisions. Now we have frequent 10-minute queues for non-GM DPS games, which alone is going to be enough to hemorrhage players at a time when the game’s playerbase is at an all-time low. Making balance decisions based on this is a bad idea. Overwatch does not make for a good esport; it’s still all mirror matches.

• Brig changes: These are just another example of how poorly the devs understand their own game, to be honest. They took a melee support hero whose utility was that she could go in there and shield her beleaguered allies and took away her utility and survivability. In exchange we got…a little more healing on E? But that’s all she is good for now since she’s so easy to kill for any hero in the game. She can’t reliably trigger Inspire nearly as much because she’s so much squishier, and she was already the least survivable support next to Lucio. It also comes at the cost of her burst heal, which was a big part of her utility.

They took one of the most dynamic, grit-your-teeth-and-endure heroes and turned her into a boring, squishy healbot. We already have those. Part of the fun of Brig was being able to go in there and mix it up in order to save your allies. She was good at peeling, healing, and threatening disruption. Now’s sorta good at one of those. It’s disgusting.


I’m not blind to the problems. Brig is my second main and I’ve had no issue playing her in her current state

But for any the buffs that you listed, you would need also a nerf to inspire

You can’t go completely off of a hero’s pick-rate & win-rate to say they need a buff, you also have to look at the numbers the character outputs as a whole & compare them to other supports. Finally, a direction to take Brig in to make her play better according to whatever her role is supposed to be is the last step; buff whatever will help you fulfill that role.

And she’s still got 3-4x the pickrate that Bastion has!

Brigitte was a bad redesign.

I believe because with her new armor, she has to stay behind other players to heal/armor them. That’s directly antithetical to her using a shield to stand in front and protect them.

Sure the shield only has 200 hits, but…now you’re really only effective if you constantly stand behind some of your team while standing in front of others. In a mobile game like Overwatch, that’s nearly impossible to keep going.

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