Brigitte on Release day... Are you that guy? 🛡

i want to say im a hanzo main because i love his kit and especially his character, but most of my time in quickplay is on rein, zarya, and winston because no one knows that roles exist outside of dps. the “its just quickplay” excuse is just a lame way to say “i dont really wanna try and win”

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Talk about entitled.

I play a lot of Lucio and Zen. I have yet to play Moira in a single match.

Why? Because I just wanted to wait until the frenzy over her is done and all the band-wagoners find some new flavor of the month. I just don’t feel like stressing over the mad dash to click on a her first in spawn. Well, it looks like Brigitte might be the new flavor and now I can pick Moira from time to time.

When the next hero is release and becomes the flavor of the month, then I’ll put some time in on Brigitte.

Mercy: 0 hours played

No. No they won’t. Ever.

By “They’ll learn” he means they’ll learn she is a support, not a tank, and how to use her correctly.

I just lock in tanks and tell my team to go F-itself if they want a healer, end of story.

nah mean? I’m already committing to a difficult role and you want me to “flex” to another role in order to accommodate your selfishness? Yea, nah I’m good.

That wasn’t me but I completely understand her. Brigitte is really reliant on her team mates not being mewling cowards, uh I mean willing to engage the objective. Doubly so if it’s not a closed in area. A Brigitte that doesn’t have people beside her is a dead Brigitte.

I read this with your voice in my head just like Professor Farnsworth from Futurama.

Stop Trolling games Jeff.

If Jeff is trolling, that means whole Overwatch is one big trolling. He still can’t beat Gabe Newell with Half-Life 3, but he is very close.

The problem is that her shield leaves her open to the splash damage, so while she blocks the hit itself, the splash damage still applies. But then again, Junkrat and Pharah have, I feel, been intended to be her hard counters.

Well technically you’re healing as long as you do damage, so there’s nothing wrong with being aggressive as long as you use your abilities when you can and don’t constantly get yourself killed.

I agree with her getting hardcountered. But at this point it’s not even hardcounter anymore but rather like a YuGiOh trap card: forced switch!
Kind of interaction. I mean as long as it actually hits the shield itself, there shouldn’t be damage to her. Her shield is already small enough for her to take tons of splash damage if you shoot next to it. A direct hit on it should protect her. Imagine your team died. You try to withdraw and put your shield up while going back, but a pharah that keeps actually shooting your shield, instead of taling 5 hits to break shield and then start shooting you and killing you, will already have put you below half HP when your shield breaks. That’s kinda meh if you ask me. Plus what bothers me most is that it’s inconsistent, sometimes she will not take the splash, and other times she will.
Why not curve her shield towards the inside like Orisa? Without increasing the siue of the shield but just give it more consistency. I’m going to make a footage soon but I’ve seen instances where Zarya’s laser goes through the visual shield of brigitte showing that there’s an inconsistency between effective and visual shield…


plz to bore us less with your babhy cries

Thanks for more cancer

Why not, she is OP the same as Moira. Everyone want free sr points.

Anyone else feel like every brig ever uses their ult thinking they can 1v6 the enemy team? I’ve lost count the amount of times one on my team will be bunched with us, we’ll be holding fine then she pops her ult and dives into the enemy team leaving us in her dust and really not needing to in the first place.

It’s not a zen ult!