Brigitte on Release day... Are you that guy? šŸ›”

Honestly Brigitte is making me really excited for Stage 3 of OWL, she looks like sheā€™ll be perfect for aggressive Reins. I may be Memehem, but watching Fusion is a joy to watch and Iā€™d love to see a meta form around Fragi being Fragi

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I am a tank/support-main since release, so i can legitimately play her on release-day.


You can look at my most played heroes and decide for yourself

thumbs up

Orz i just want to add :star:

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pft so what if someone who doesnt play tank/support uses Brigitte, way i see it, it might make them want to play her/that role more. Even if its just maining her thats someone who has picked up a tank/support role.

That said, if anyone thinks shes doing either of those jobs solo, youre in for a bad time. Treat her like Zenny, you need a duo.

  1. (super rare) Play as a hero that pairs well with the new hero.

I have been having fun picking up Rein again because thereā€™s a real good frontline healer by my side now.


Iā€™ll do what I always do, play Tracer, Soldier, Zarya etc and see how my heroā€™s work against the new hero.
Not all that interested in the less engaging heroā€™s so Brigitte certainly doesnā€™t peak my interest.

Donā€™t worry, people will just expect her to fill BOTH roles by herself, and whine when they die.

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Thatā€™s the main reason I use him.

Soldier 76 is a healer

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Iā€™m not going to chase after Brigette at the release day, way too many players will want to play her and test her out.

But as soon as it dies down I hope to be able to spend some time on her myself, I really like her kit, reminds me of some heroes from LoL when I still played that game.

Iā€™ll probably always be a Hog main since Iā€™ve been it since season 1, no point in switching now, but Iā€™d like to pick her up and make her my ā€œhealer mainā€ whenever I have to heal.

How well she plays out in-game when she is launched weā€™ll have to wait and see but Iā€™m looking forward to her nonetheless.

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Iā€™ve played her much on the ptr and I might even turn her into one of my main heros

Good thing thats pretty much me lol

Please, let anyone play the new hero because they want to. If itā€™s Competitive, fine. If youā€™re asking people to give up playing a hero they want to so that you can have a better experience, youā€™re being the biggest hypocrite in the universe because thatā€™s exactly what youā€™re telling the ā€œselfish DPS mainsā€ to not do.


At the very least, theyā€™ll passively cause healing while doing this.

Nice projecting. Did this imaginary scenario upset you so much that you had to make a response to something that isnā€™t happening? Do you feel better?

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Then itā€™s your lucky day. You get to play dps for a while!

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but if they donā€™t deal damage near the group or die trying to confirm a kill her way of healing ends up being useless. they need to think like more of support than a straight dps

DPS, DPS, DPS everywhere and 90% mostly suck at it and when they do understand that and switch itā€™s 60second left and the match is 90% chance defeat.


Everyone has a right to play the new hero, maybe some dps mains will love her so much theyā€™ll start maining her instead, you guys said the same thing about moira, and now weā€™ve got a ton of moira mains due to new players trying her out. If anything, let the people who usually dont play healer, try healer for once, maybe then theyā€™ll flex a bit more because theyā€™ll have a healer they enjoy


I love playing tank-support / healer, itā€™s a more relaxed role donā€™t need to worry too much about hurting people rather than absorbing damage and pumping those rookie health point up.

I just hate when people instalock dps without thinking about the cohesiveness of the team.

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