Brigitte makes playing Reinhardt awful

tbh she makes all tanks to awful to play.

orisa has the best chances tho.

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I qualified that statement in another post above.

She wasn’t designed to synergize against brawly comps.

And that’s literally the point I’m making here; that she shouldn’t.
Edit: Not in the way that she does right now anyway.

No idea what you mean by this.

Since Brigitte’s release, my playstyle has shifted from more reserved to more “DPS Rein”. I know that’s traditionally a no no, but with the game changing as much as it is, I’m just trying to see what works. I’m not sitting there with my shield up getting my brains bashed in.

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Why not? everything should have a counter in Overwatch. as I said, it’s Rock paper Scissors.

If you run a paper comp against scissors, you change it to a rock comp. If the enemy team then changes to paper, you swap to scissors etc.

My point is things being countered (even entirely) is not a bad thing. The game rewards you for adjusting to the situation.

Don’t worry about it then.

while ulting this hero can BEAT rein in a swing battle…just let that sink in…this is not okay. a tank or heavy damage dealer shouldn’t be running from a healer, this hero is a load of crap.

Yeah, you’d almost be forgiven for thinking that ultimate abilities were meant to be powerful and game-changing, and designed to turn the tide of a fight. What a ridiculous notion, right?


The problem isn’t that she counters.

It’s that she partially counters the thing that’s needed to counter her.

I don’t care that she counters Dive, for instance, because she’s supposed to.
If I’m playing dive and I get hard countered, yeah, I’ll switch off.

But Reinhardt has always countered Reinhardt.

Brigitte doesn’t change that, she just throws a wedge into it making the counters impossible for both sides. That’s unfun and should be changed.


Honestly Brigitte’s shield and shield bash are just obnoxious in general. You can’t get in her personal space to kill through it like you can with Reinhardt, you can’t just go behind it like you can with Orisa, and the bash counters literally everyone. Tracer can’t escape. Sombra can’t teleport. Genji can’t dash. Doomfist can’t punch. Reinhardt can’t charge. Interrupts every ult ever.

At least McCree puts himself in danger for a similar mechanic. He’s a squishy and has to be in melee range to do it. Meanwhile Brigette is effectively a self-healing monster of a tank already excelling at brawling in melee range.

How do you even fight a Brigette? Junkrat mines through the shield? Is that it? There’s stuff that works in 1v1 that just doesn’t work in real games.


Even without her ult she has a high chance of winning because of bug with Charge and Rein’s ult needing to double cast at times. That is the main issue and it is nothing to do with lag. She can stun/nullify shield/ult. So… just saying if Reins main issues were fixed it might not be that bad but it is to noticeable now.

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This. I said it when they announced Brigitte. There is no need for her to have a stun.

yeah man you’re right, a support should be able to kill a tank at full HP without any skill or outplays, just press m1 i guess.

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Pharah can partially counter McCree, her alleged hard counter. They both need 2 shots on each other to secure a kill. One is flying in the sky and hard to hit, one is landlocked. One is hitscan, the other is projectile with splash damage. it comes down to skill. A counter is only a counter if you have the skill to follow up on what the game provides you with.

That hasn’t changed with the inclusion of Brigitte.

Oh, your Rein is being countered by the enemy Brigitte? Why not get your own Brigitte? As I said, the solution to all these problems is switching to adjust to a problem. Simple.

Except that doesn’t happen does it

His is also on double the Cooldown and requires actual aim to follow up with lol.

you’re welcome to try it for yourself if you don’t believe it. this isn’t going anywhere, just be ready in a month or two when you complain about her on reddit.

Not to mention the stun is visually deceptive in timing and trajectory, with seemingly no lag compensation, that can be reflected back to himself, get’s interrupted by invisible geometry, and is one of the only redeeming features of a character that’s pretty much just a left click.


The game world as far as hero interaction is 100% the same down to a pixel by pixel level as far as QP vs comp.

The lack of good play counter play against Brig for some of the other heroes is just stupid level of broken. To the point I don’t even understand how she was released as a stun anyone/everyone/past a shield/knock out rein/cancel ULTs etc every 5 seconds state. Maybe blizzard just never plays their game on public servers or something, I don’t know.

You move up on a payload, you have your team near you. Then Brig can just use her little tiny shield to rush the distance of the payload (few feet, few seconds) and 100% instantly delete the #1 shield from the #1 main shield only tank in the game with a zero block-able stun. It’s truly a bizarre level of game “balance” when you look at the role each is being asked to play.

I’ve said this in other threads before, I get it… We just are not meant to play anything other than dive and high mobile/range DPS. That’s the trend.

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I know it was QP but JR would send me flying and a tag team stun by McCree/Brig was so blah I had to switch to Dva. I thought she was suppose to help against dive not get you to switch to it.

Poor example.

“One is flying in the sky and hard to hit.”
Excuse me? Hard to hit is not an argument to McCree, who is hitscan. Hitscan -negates- the fact that she has vertical mobility. In fact her being in the air actively makes her an -easier- target for any McCree, as there is less clutter for her to take cover behind and any attempt to drop from the sky takes time.

Easy floaty target with no cover with slow moving projectile attacks vs Average mobility ground target /w cover and 2-shot hitscan kills.

Nah. McCree is a hard counter to Pharah and the only time that is not true is if the McCree is actively putting himself in a position where Pharah’s slow projectile speed won’t result in a miss.