Brigitte makes playing Reinhardt awful

Are you even reading my posts?

Reinhardt literally and I do mean literally CANNOT do anything to Brigitte.

He cannot avoid her, he cannot beat her, there is nothing he can do.

But he is still needed against her because there is no other option.

I literally said this exact thing in the next line, and explained why that doesn’t matter multiple times. Stop replying to me if you aren’t going to even read what I’m saying. I’m bolding everything here to make sure you actually read it this time.


I have. I know I’m opening myself up to infinitely trite ‘git gud’ responses by saying this, but in a 1v1, Rein generally reins supreme.

-Reinhardt has 300 health and 200 armour, does 75 per swing
-Brigitte has 200 health and 50 armour, does 35 per sing

Simple mathematics. If you’re a Rein player with a brain and have even a modicum of support from your team (which you should do), you’ll shut her down easily.

Rein isnt the poster child of OW so dont expect much help. Move on.

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I also posted specific math about this in the main post.

Please read it or leave.

He needs help in the very least the issues that have been plaguing him for over a year. Charges not doing damage even when dead on. Having to double casting his ult and your lucky you do not lose it on the second cast. Easily loses his ult for no reason. Heroes not getting affected by his ult and they are in the line of sight. His damage is nullified with Ana ult now because of all the shields…

time stamp is 5:15 on karq’s latest video on brigitte tips, can’t link it.

yeah man i guess karq lied in his content to the 250K viewers. and magically
found a way to manipulate the game in the footage
since you’re too lazy to look it up or do your own testing <3

god bless have a nice day

Sooooooooooooo Swaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap Theeeeeeeeeeeeeeen.

Can you please explain why this is the case? Rein is good against heroes who output a ton of damage at range that he can block with his barrier. (Brigitte doesn’t fall into this category). Brigitte is a melee-focused hero. Why, in your mind, is Rein a good counter to this (while simultaneously being allegedly hard-countered by this)? I genuinely don’t understand.

Considering you threw a hissy fit i’m going to go back and refute what you initially said.

I disagree that it’s impossible for both sides, and I certainly disagree that it’s unfair. What now?

I read it and it’s wrong. What now?

I’ve done it like 5 times now.

I’ll put it in big bold letters for you.

She is very good with reinhardt so she will be played with him all of the time, and you need a reinhardt to stop an enemy reinhardt from teamwiping you with his ultimate every time he gets it

You should tell me why it’s wrong, specifically.

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I agree. I like playing brigitte, and I think she’s a great addition, but I also play lots of rein, and I’m not so sure her addition will actually benefit him. Like, improve his pickrate sure, but he’ll be less fun. A friendly Brigitte enables rein, but honestly, if I’m playing reinhardt, I’d much rather neither team have a brigitte than both teams have one. The benefits that the friendly one provides to me as a rein doesn’t weigh up to the annoyance that the enemy one puts me through, not in my experience anyways.

I’ve found myself switching to orisa a lot of the time just so I don’t have a barrier that goes down when I get CC’d, and so I’m less affected by getting knocked around, since orisa has a gun. Overall, less frusterating. Like, I get that every character needs counters, and people need to swap sometimes, but doesn’t rein have enough yet? He’s already getting less shield uptime than orisa thanks to spam, now he’s getting bullied by this CC fest.

I like brig and I don’t want her to get an overall nerf, but I would happily take some power away from that stun in return for a buff to her passive or something. Then she’d actually synergize with rein instead of being his own counter.

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This is where you lose me.

Completely untrue and baseless. That may hold true in the pro scene, but even then an Orisa works almost just as well. Rein’s ult is definitely good, but it is far, far from a guaranteed team-wipe.

It’s wrong in the same way that 2 + 2 = 5.

And if you don’t know that barriers are basically the only thing that blocks earthshatter I don’t even know what to say to you.

If it’s not blocked (and you actually know when to use it), it is.

Explain what part of it is wrong; show your work.
Saying “it’s wrong because it’s wrong” is not an argument.

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This isn’t nearly as one sided as people are making out. If Brigitte is close enough to shield bash Rein, she’s close enough to basically guarantee a charge (obviously, buggy ability is buggy but it’s been a lot more consistent lately - especially against Brigitte). Additionally, Brigitte’s whip is blocked by Reins shield and landing this ability consistently is key to proccing inspire (more inspire lyrics equals more put charge) meaning Rein can effectively starve Brigitte. Firestrike is easy guaranteed onto Brigitte from a distance.

Unless Brigitte has her ultimate (which is an ultimate) she won’t win in a brawl. They both counter each other, but I haven’t struggled against Brigitte as Rein. Tanks are very positioning dependent. If Brigitte ults, then Earthshatter is a good answer as she’ll almost always drop her shield and yolo.

Agreed 100%.
In the upper tiers, whenever Brigitte slams her shield into Rein’s and stuns him, he puts his shield down, and that is HUGE, by the way, because in upper tiers, doing that pretty much means instant death from all the flying spam incoming. Even a tank with a lot of HP like Reinhardt is a rag doll compared to the spam.
Wish they could’ve done Brigitte differently somehow…


I’ve been playing Overwatch basically since it was released. That’s nearly 2 whole years.

In all of that time I have never once seen a team kill as a result of an Earth shatter. I’m being dead serious, i don’t think it has happened a single time.

Happened plenty of times with Graviton combinations, but never with Earth Shatter. I have to disagree with this purely on the strength of my own personal experience.

Very well.

You realise that Whip Shot and Shield Bash are on a cooldown, right? yes it’s a relatively short cooldown but in terms of a 1v1 in Overwatch, you get one ability use per 1v1 fight. Acting like Whip Shot and Shield Bash are OP because if you use them twice they do loads of damage is just dumb, I’m afraid.

Hey, did you know that Helix Rocket can 1hko most of the cast if you use it twice? How OP, amirite?!1!

Her shield bash can stun him out of it, so not really.

Firestrike is the same on her as every other hero more or less.

That’s true if she only swings, and she stays in his range. Keep in mind she can kill him without him ever being able to touch her due to her having longer range than him on her basic attacks.

And besides, since her ultimate health boost lasts until it’s taken out and charges fairly quickly, she often has a health boost anyway (in my experience)

Really would like to see how the balance is if they would just fix the bugs with Reinhardt.

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I don’t mean a 6 man kill.
A team wipe can be a 3-4 man kill that is just cleaned up afterward.
That’s generally how the terminology is used (or at least is how I intended for it to be used) anyway.

Haha no no no.

The fight between rein and Brigitte is so long because of both of their tankiness, if she uses them once at the start of the fight, she’ll get them back once before the fight ends.

That’s why I had them there for being used twice.

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Rein can 1 shot her with charge.

Not if she has rally armor, or she stuns him with shield bash during it.