QP isn’t something to balance off of, especially with how nobody uses Reinhardt’s or any tank it generals shield in it.
Balance isn’t the issue. The issue is Rein isn’t fun because he’s completely inept against her, when there’s no good reason for him to be.
So swap then.
Your argument basically boils down to ‘Rein now has a hard counter, and that must not be allowed’. There are plenty of characters who have hard counters in Overwatch, Reinhardt shouldn’t be any exception.
If you’re playing Rein and the enemy team has Brigitte, swap to something else who can more appropriately deal with the threat. Easy. Swapping to adjust to the enemy comp is Overwatch 101.
Again, that’s a teammate issue. If she’s that close to Reinhardt’s shield that means his teammates aren’t shooting her shield. Otherwise she’d get decimated.
Read my edit. You still NEED a reinhardt against Brigitte, more or less.
What main tank are you supposed to switch to?
Orisa, who get’s destroyed by brawly, tanky comps that Brigitte works in?
Winston, who gets destroyed by anti dive, AKA literally what Brigitte is?
No tank, so they get destroyed by the enemy Reinhardt’s (which they will have because Brigitte) shatter?
Oh good rein finally has counters.
Seriously he’s already got plenty. Adding a new one (specifically one that’s meant to counter dive and give room for slower tanks like Reinhardt) is totally not necessary.
That’s assuming she doesn’t have her reinhardt protecting her. She works in comps BUILT around getting up close and personal. It can be hard if not impossible to stop them from doing that.
Also, she has effectively 1000 health with her shield up and rally armor. That’s like saying “You should just not let the primal winston near you!”
Zwei you have no idea. Her movement speed is not penalized to the point of Reinhardt with shield. She has more tools and does more damage. She can nullify most ults and she has a safe push off environmental type of style of kill. She is a hardcounter to Reinhardt in which their was already quite a few of those. It turned the game into Stun Wars, reminds me of WoW S2 - 4 and that was boring.
Apparently not, if he’s so useless against her.
That’s like saying ‘Oh, the enemy team has a Reaper? Better deploy a Winston to deal with him!’
He’s useless against her.
He’s not useless against the team comps she works in.
Thanks Reinhardt main, your totally impartial input has been duly noted.
She’s not in competitive yet. Are we really able to break down how certain heroes interact with her, and what her appropriate team comp is when she’s not even able to be used in the ‘proper’ mode of this game at the time of typing?
I can’t get a quick play team that doesn’t have Hanzo, Widow and Torb. Pray tell, how do you have this information at your disposal?
I feel like a Reinhardt main is a little bit more qualified to talk about Reinhardt related things than a tried and true Mercy one trick.
I feel bad for Reinhardt players. He is countered by so many… With the buggy Ult, Charges, and now ineffective shields at times he needs looked at. If the bugs were not there it might be a different story but ugghh. Stun wars is really starting to turn my stomach top that with being freezed by Mei shooting my shield and I have decided to step away from Rein.
As a Zarya player she isn’t fun to play agains’t. She whips, shields, whips, shields. I’ll have to find a work around…
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that being able to stun Reinhardt out of his shield means that she’s amazing with Reinhardt because he can earthshatter a team.
Or that even without earthshatter she’s amazing with rein because they both want to be in melee range brawling.
It’s not like I’m claiming something like “Brigitte would be great in a triple support team!” because yeah, we can’t really know that yet. But the synergy with her and Reinhardt/brawly comps is obvious, because that’s what she was designed for
This is my alt account. On my main I play a wider variety of heroes, including Reinhardt.
And even then, not maining a hero doesn’t mean you are totally unqualified to complain about their balancing. Most of the people who demanded Junkrat nerfs didn’t even have a second of playtime with him yet it was considered legitimate.
My main account is called Chublis by the way, if you think i’m bluffing.
Genji makes playing mercy feel awful
There will always be characters that counter each other. its a team game it should never come down to a 1v1 anywhere
Then why does maining them make them unqualified to do the same by your standard?
So she’s performing as intended. Brilliant!