Brigitte is singlehandedly killing my will to play this game

I fail to see your point, if we had to look at Rein, Zarya and Hanzo pickrates alone, then her winrate would be unbalance by itself, then you can add all those other heroes and it gets ridiculous.

She doesn’t get countered by her supposed “counters”, or her winrate will show it since Rein Zarya Hanzo are literally in every single game.

Going to use grandmaster data here, because that’s usually a reasonable indicator of a hero’s power.

In GM, Brig has 2.87 pickrate and 56% winrate. The average winrate in GM is around 55%. Low pickrate and (slightly) above average winrate indicates a hero who is situational, but strong in their niche. That fits with the qualitative interpretation of Brigitte as a specialized anti-dive hero - she gets picked only when the enemy runs dive, and then she gives an advantage.


4% pickrate.

Then take a break from the game. No need to act like you are losing sleep over it.

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Are there more than 1 character on each team? Yes or no?

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my profile is public now

i’m in EU no replays atm i might get some

I must be fighting bad Brigitte players because I don’t agree with you.


but but but shoot on HER HEAD!


say one trick brigitte’s.

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Might need to exit game client to update profile on sites to see, by chance do you stream or able to?

Sent a friend request.

Good, we dont need players like you who lie about how op Brig is and who wont switch, bye


I just hate the 4 second instant armor it is very annoying to see it come sailing out of the blue to refill the enemy health and halve all my damage. Everything else seems fine to me at least.

As long as you do enough damage it won’t halve your damage.
It only halves damage if each bullets does less than 11 damage.

(and if you do more than 150 damage to the hero, they won’t get any armor)

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This is scarily accurate

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I think if you spammed Hanzo 24/7 (start with QP), you’d find that you had a hero on your hands thats good for almost all situations (as well as fun to play) and will be able to take down Brigitte’s shield quite fast. That or start spamming Doomfist…

Its unfortunate but when VSing an actual meta comp your options (If you want to try hard) are slim pickings right now. As far as DPS go, anything that can’t burst down a target quick is going to feel bad when your opponent can simply get pocketed/ burst healed so easily and effectively.

Oh no, you are right. Brigitte is busted, her counters are either broken or incredibly weak right now.

I don’t think shes much of a problem for people right now because of Hanzo. The Grav dragons forces the off healer to be Zenyatta. Meaning Bring gets less play time.

I think once Hanzo gets put in line with the rest of the DPS people are going to realize how stupid it is to counter Brigitte. Pharah, Junkrat, Widow, they sound great on paper but we have to realize that Brigitte doesn’t take up a DPS slot. Meaning she theoretically never has to switch as long as her team plays even mildly to her strengths.

The amount of heroes she shuts down is ridiculous. The amount of heroes she gets shut down by is minimal by comparison.

Overall right now, I don’t think she’s that bad. I just think she is a powerhouse in the shadows. When Hanzo’s reign is over, she’ll step up to the plate. Whether that’s a good or bad thing depends entirely on who you play.

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"Pharah Intensifies"


Famous last words before she shield bashes you and annihilates you.

You have very little will then.

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Brigitte stole Moira’s name spelling.

Because Brig is O P A F


  • 250hp
  • With armor
  • And a 600hp shield
  • Designed for short range, but has a ranged attack
  • CC
  • Knockback
  • Healing ability
  • Plus self healing for her and her teammates

She’s so overkitted but she’s so easy.


Has anyone considered that her winrate might be so high because her pickrate isnt?

Just like old Sym