Brigitte is senselessly overpowered

Only time i really go in for a kill on brig is if she is already low. Its not really worth it if she is at full HP.

I may throw some damage her way to get her to come after me and leave the frontline, and possibly open up some space for my frontline.

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this just in another prick who likes to judge people based one what they play. Why dont you try making an actual argument just cause they like a certain hero doesnt mean their point is invalid and i can see from your profile pic you’re just a bigitte main in the making so you’re more bias than he is.


I love how people keep saying “Brigitte is OP” Meanwhile I’m over here like “Please don’t be the new Symmetra in 2 months.” I play all supports, and I think I’d choose someone else 75% of the time. Brigitte is good in QP because there are rarely healers, and team comps are bad. In competitive she has to compete with the main healers for space, (that alone means I won’t choose her half the time), and she has to compete for team space with Zenny and Lucio. Both of whom have more consistent healing than she does.

Brigitte has a lot of Symmetra’s problems. Brigitte has mediocre team supoprt, and little range. Yet despite those downsides, she still has to compete for a support slot. People said Sym was OP after her rework. Two months later, Sym got no changes, and was considered garbage after people learned to just stay away from her, and pick her many counters.


Yeah we’ll just poke into that shield of hers, super effective

What I’m about to say is going to sound like that “just don’t shoot” thing with Genji’s Deflect, but if you just kite around a Brigitte or just play out of her effective range (i.e. down a corridor or on high ground) she won’t really be able to do much.

Admittedly this is coming from someone that only plays her in DM right now, but most of the time I win because I exploit mistakes that the enemy makes. If I use my Bash to get closer to the enemy I won’t have it when we actually start fighting, and everytime I’ve done just that it was a losing fight.

The way that I see it is that if a flanker is forcing a Brigitte to use her shield to protect herself she is effectively out of commission. Healing is her main job at the end of the day, so if you’re careful enough to stay out of her effective range she’s useless.


Tracer is an annoyance but she is an annoyance that is only a pain a high level at low level just play together and she will die since she has to get kinda close.

She counters most of the roster. Literally any decent player that actually played her would notice this. Tracer is one of the heroes that is LEAST damaged by Brigitte. Once they know the range and play around it, with her super mobility she will barely be stunned in few weeks.

I don’t mind that she counters Genji and I especially don’t mind her countering Tracer. I do have a problem with how hard she counters every other DPS that isn’t named Pharah or Widow.

Tracer needed to be kept in check because she is so much better than every other DPS. The solution to that is not to go “let’s keep every DPS in check”


The flailing is literally just flailing around, but the intended use is for getting AoE heals, and not having players group up together in bad positions.

Pulling off successful stun combos can require skill based on mechanical skill, environmental knowledge and your spot checking skills. This concept pulls a medium skill floor.

The Shield Bash alone however, is way too forgiving: it can be abused commonly with little repercussion to how you did it.
It completely ruins Roadhog (ult deny, drink deny), it pulls Moira out of her ult, any projectile ults can be immediately cancelled, ETC.
If there’s a nerf upcoming, it certainly is the Shield Bash. This is a thing I’m willing to call a bottom skill floor.

As for the shield itself, it is almost plain useless versus explosions (if not plain useless). I can imagine an upcoming buff soon to fix that.

I don’t judge people based on what they play, just their bad opinions. I pointed it out cause I’d say a good 25% of forum posts are Genji/Tracer mains complaining that Moira/Brigitte aren’t free kills and therefor should be nerfed. And I did make a valid argument after he replied to me.


Her 1-person 600 health shield? Well, yeah you could break it pretty easily but it’s probably better to go for other targets or better yet, switch to another character that works better against Brigitte. I believe that’s called hero swapping. :^)

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Dude Brig’s shield bash is like a 6m range and Tracer falloff doesn’t kick in til 11m. Brig has a decent sized hitbox as well so your spread isn’t going to mess with your shots as much vs her as it does with slim hitbox heroes.

If Brig kills you as Tracer you made a big mistake :rofl:


I don’t mind her countering flankers, what I do mind is when she’s the one that dives into me and feels unstoppable. This may be entirely my team’s fault but I just had to leave a match because I was playing Ana and the enemy Brigitte was constantly killing me. I always killed Tracers or Moiras that would try to flank me, or at least drive them away but I am honestly frustrated there is barely nothing you can do against Brigitte, she can block Sleep Dart and you can’t break her shield, even if you are constantly shooting at her, the self heal and 250 hp will most likely let her win.
All of the slower heroes feel helpless when they get dived by Brigitte, and the only ones who doesn’t are actually Tracer and Genji who can just use their mobility to get away, for that reason I’m worried she might fit dive better than how she can counter it. Being able to constantly insta-heal or buff Tracer with 225 hp also seems pretty useful in a dive comp.

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As a tracer, you shouldn’t be that close to a Brigitte when she has sheild bash off cooldown. No, a hero does not need a nerf because she can insta 1 hero in the game.

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Brigitte excels in close range 1v1. Don’t engage her in close range 1v1.


lol you’re so smug its cringy

like you believe your new fave is not over tuned in multiple ways and you’re owning cause you rock


She’s about to get worst since D.Va is losing some splash dmg.

And Brigitte’s job is to counter them.
Being good against flankers isn’t the problem Brigitte has.


0 minutes play time on Brigette… Maybe try playing her first before crying OP?

Actually I don’t think I’m the quintessential hero balance guru. I think it’s still too early to say how well Brigitte is performing, especially cause she’s not out in comp. I just don’t think “I’m having trouble playing Tracer against a character made to counter Tracer.” is a valid argument for nerfing her. :^)