She’s more of a melee offensive character than Reinhardt is (she needs to hit things to heal people after all). Melee characters are very hard to balance.
Like, Genji is over-bloated and so flexible that he’s lowkey OP. But removing the bloat over-nerfs him and he has the loudest/most populated fanbase so obviously that’ll be the start of the apocalypse.
Then we have over-nerfed but not properly compensated Doom/Brig who are OK if used 100% properly and have the proper comp to support them. So they can be useful, they just can’t screw up and are more reliant on their team than they should be for a proper stand-alone-balanced-Hero.
Doomfist needs a weapon revamp at the very least to make up for how dependent he is on melee abilities that don’t reset. Yes, I’m throwin’ shade. It can be a number of ways, but giving him a long 1.8 second reload animation is a good way since it leaves him vulnerable and is slightly shorter than waiting the full passive reload duration.
Brigitte needs less vulnerability because despite being a healer-tank hybrid, she’s still as easy to take down as any other healer. Just she has a big hurtbox, so even easier from afar.
She needs some or more of the following:
Def buff for when she’s vulnerable during Whipshot’s 1-2 second long animation. That can be done with a -X% damage received buff or by speeding up the animation/traveling speed by 50%. For sure add +5 damage since it’s already a much worse Fire Strike as it is, may as well give it Fire Strike damage.
Allow Shield Bash to activate her healing or give her some damage back. 5 damage for no healing activation as a compensation is garbage. 5 damage for the type of conditional stun (must have shield, thrust self into the enemy, only 1 enemy, -2 seconds compared to McCree’s AoE stun) is garbage as well.
Slightly bigger shield so it can actually cover the front of her. It already breaks incredibly easy with the 500hp it has, so increasing the size doesn’t do much beside allow her shield to actually do its damn job.
Not really. Brigitte can only be run in one comp in high tiers, playing her outside of GOATs is throwing.
People in GM usually aren’t willing to lose on purpose just because there’s a Brigitte one trick and they don’t want to play GOATs… so they play GOATs.
You guys do know im talking about quickplay right?
where everyone literally does the exact same thing with all the other rest of the cast…
i just dont play sym or torb in comp because everyone reports people who play those heroes for that exact mindset “ooh you force us into playing arround you”
Dont do it if you dont want to, i can still play the hero without everyone pocketing me lol
all you need is basic teamwork, the same for any hero
Considering the conversation, from what I could tell, was about Comp and abusing SR before you jumped in and gave 0 context to your personal shift in focus… No. It is literally impossible to tell that you decided to talk about QP all of a sudden.