Since when does pick-rate decide what tier someone is in?
With over 300 hours on this hero it’s always the ones in Platinum and below that complain.
How come everyone ignores orisa, but wants one of the most cancerous heroes in the game buffed, who has the same pick rate as orisa.
One tricked or SR abused? There’s a difference. Those who abused her will go down in time, normalizing winrates. She’s still used in the current strongest comp in the game. To guess what: abuse AoE healing stacking.
If that gets fixed then maybe (and that’s a big maybe) she should receive changes.
You mean Junkrat-tier in pick rate.
Useful in most situations. Great character to take out flankers or various other tanks teammates can assist in killing. Abilities the community tend to complain about. Primary weapons that people say is no skill if used in a certain way or just in general. Characters have decent skins, amazing sprays, and nice highlight intros. Nerfed by devs due to the community crying about their said abilities.
Both Junkrat and Brigitte just fit well with each other in this description.
She has been subpar since the Bash damage nerf, only good for GOATS and that’s not most of the ladder. For 2-2-2 she’s lacking really, really badly.
What? No we love our 4 legged omnic goddess!
All of those heroes deserve better.
Pretty much. People that forget that high ground exists, or just being out of melee range is a thing. Yes if she’s on the cart you have to go on, but then your whole team is probably gonna be there too, and she can’t shield 360 degrees.
I haven’t heard a orisa buff thread in ages now ;_;
Because she wasn’t made for that in the first place, she was never a natural fit in that comp.
perception is a lot stronger than the actual truth when it comes to pub games
Is there? One tricking does kinda abuse the game because OW is centered around the ability to counterpick and switch.
And by one tricking you’re essentially forcing the team to play around you. Brig/Symm/Torb mains all do this
Least Orisa still have some niche maps where she can outshine Rein.
Brig is just bad now
And now she sucks across the board. Yay?!
So people picking Ana more than ‘easier’ healers down in silver alone isn’t an issue for you?
I don’t think this will be a very worthwhile argument even with winrates involved
No we dont Tf?
Stop putting us all in one box,
I literally played old torb, and old sym literally in 6 dps comps,
If you want to work with me, Good, Go ahead, if you dont, too bad, ill do what i want
And brig thats just a stupid comment…
hold up
I’ll have you know those Torb players fought well in many games and shouldn’t compare to sym mains. Plus, most team compositions in overwatch always require everyone to watch or assist each other in fights. Saying that Brig/Symm/Torb mains need to have team play around them is basic knowledge since we already know how to assist each other. just cause they’re turret heroes they’ll of course be treated differently, but in general they’re still DPS that’s easy to work with in general.
Is it?
Part of the reason why GOATs is run religiously in GM is because of Brig one-tricks. If you’re at 4.2k and someone instalocks Brig, there’s literally only one comp you can play if you want to win.
no LOL
you run goats in Gm because goats is OP and nothing can counter it
The synnergy between the characters is too strong
It’s obvious that Brig hasn’t been an issue ever since they nerfed her ultimate, shield amount and bash CDR and at that point they should’ve just made barriers stop her shield bash so she wouldn’t be a huge issue against Rein/Winston and she would’ve been in a really healthy spot. Instead they gave her the Mercy treatment where rather than finding a spot for her they’d rather make her unviable compared to other off-supports.
And then there are players even blaming her for enabling double sniper and GOATS meta which is really absurd considering that she’s been opted out of both comps after the nerfs. The devs are just as distant from the issue as the forums users here…