I want to make her a tank too, but not with any healing. I think Brigitte has proved that support-tank hybrids should not exist. Since tanks require significant damage to tank, you end up with what is really a support-dps-tank hybrid and such a hero is either going to be OP or so bad at every role they’re miserable to play.
Still better than Doomfist =) but in all seriousness, they should think much more carefully before releasing heroes if they’re going to sledgehammer nerf and piss off a good chunk of its playerbase. Just very, very poorly thought out.
She still creates goats at the pro level, so everyone else must suffer.
She was broken at launch, nerfs were sure to follow, that’s the first sign something is messed up. (hell look at Ana’s launch, she went back to the PTR).
Doesn’t really matter if she was overnerfed or not, if she was changed so many times right after launch, something is clearly wrong on the hero design. Same goes for post rework Mercy (though she’s fixed now).
No way the forums kept saying “wait until comp” and “just don’t get near her”. Remember that?
Considering she’s useless in most situations now it kind of does, but disregard that to make your point, sure.
Yes lt is bad design, but also poor balance and poor community.
Brigitte needs tweaking, I’ve been saying as much since the bash damage nerf, and I was dumbly late to that party, smarter people notice it as soon as the PTR hit, so might as well delete her at this point.
She was pretty much made for a single situation anyway. (Hard countering Dive)
My point is that her kit is badly designed from the start and shouldn’t exist in its current form, why does the fact that she was overnerfed or not matters? The simple fact that she received so many changes so quick after launch should be enough proof, so for that her current balance state doesn’t matter.
Or a rework so she can actually be played on her own as an off support, instead of 3 support comps. From all 3 off supports she is the only one that really requires the team to build around her (brawler comps). The others have more uses, so why not actually give her actual use? Not to mention she doesn’t have a tru defensive ult. She just makes everyone have more effective HP, other than reducing pellet damage due to it being armor, it really doesn’t do anything else it has no other significant use.
And each of them was created by the one prior on a full circle. In the end it everything could’ve been avoided
It matters because now she’s poorly designed and overnerfed. It’s stacking problems. The nerfs didn’t help the real issue. They’re just band aid so she’s not picked anymore and the community shuts up about it. She’s never going to get fixed.
Tweaks/rework, whatever gets the job done. Neither of which will happen.
GOATs is still not solved lol. People just run Ana instead of Brig, if it gets anywhere as popular and effective and Brig’s GOATs I’m really sorry for the balancing team. Because whoever you nerf in that comp it will be an outcry for certain.
Gotta love people acting like as if they never asked for any nerfs prior to Brigitte’s release. I bet a good amount of these people were asking for nerfs for other heroes before, but they obviously act like they never did and now they are mad that their main got hit.
Brigitte is still viable, I don’t know what your problem is. She isn’t nearly as broken as she used to be thanks to her justifiably nerfs.
Oh don’t worry, they will flame her as long as she has CC.
Trust me.
If they are running Ana, it is NiP. People want to act like Brigitte introduced 3-3-0 to the meta but she did not.
Please leave brig out of post she just gets shut down every time.
*has fallen to balance
Brigitte’s flail can’t be dodged nor blocked, therefore she mustn’t do high damage.
Especially not since she is a support tank hybrid.
Lucio, Ana, Zen all can take a nerf or two. They are not struggling in the slightest.
You cannot make a hero have garbage damage at all ranges. Every tank in the game has space that must be respected, except her, even though she factually had less damage and elims than all the tanks and was middle of the road for supports.
Nerfing that did barely anything to GOATs because it was not the issue.
Are you trolling or are you serious?
And yet she’s still not bad enough to make GOATs unviable.