So Torb and Symm are the strongest heroes in the game because their winrates are god-tier so their effectiveness of use is crazy high right?
I’m all for making her into more of an actual tank, with Repair Pack as her “support hybrid” tool
I see her as a little overtuned, yes. but I dont want her to be dumbster tier, if that is what you are implying.
yes, because dps mains are all bad and always try to paint supports as the villains!
dude, youre jumping to a conclusion with nothing to back it up. I dont discriminate between roles as you do. I dont think that dps should be able to kill everything instantly, but I dont think that a support character that is stupidly easy to use should be consistantly really strong across all tiers either!
There are enough noob stomper heroes now where this isn’t even an issue anymore.
Unironically though they are all trash tier.
I legitimately had no idea you were a “DPS main” until you told me lol. Obviously I’m discriminating against you
This is all because Blizzard can’t stop themselves from adding heroes with stupid abilities
I wouldn’t say that, but they’re probably not in dire need of a buff.
That means the people using them know what the hell they are doing, the same is applied for every hero and generally those people are one tricks, who pretty much just know to play those heroes, if they couldn’t even do that, then it would be a problem.
Torb and Symm don’t need buffs. That’s the first time I’ve heard someone say that before
…they kinda need buffs dude. They aren’t even effective enough to fill their own niche. That’s saying something
Why then would you immidietly jump to the conclusion that I only try to ruin supports?
No, they don’t need buffs, dude. Get good with them and you’ll see. I’m bad with Sym. I’m not good with Torb. They’re not bad themselves.
But this logic doesn’t apply to Brigitte as a niche hero that is usually one tricked as well?
You mean Sombra-tier.
they are niche picks. you cant take one of the 2 numbers in a vacuum, you need to use both, winrates and pickrates. torb and syms pickrates tell us that they arent used that much, but when they are, they are used in their niche, which they are really strong in. otherwise they are bad
I didn’t. I assumed you were a “skill activist” so I was seeing if you would defend a more mechanical hero
This comment has a lot of likes and yet people still complain about Brigitte. Hate still gets spread about this hero:
It’s kind of funny how people still get mad at her current state. It’s usually low ranked players though.
oh sorry dude, I read what you said as “but that only works when you are talking about supports”. I just reread it, and it was a big misunderstanding from my part
i wouldnt say low rank players
more like low IQ players…
If you genuinely believe this and are not trolling then there is no way I can convince you otherwise lol.