Brigitte is countering all close range characters

The only characters that do well against her are


2 can ignore the shield and the third stuns her above her head.

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As a roadhog main, she can walk straight into ur wholehog and bash u. Her shield is so small dat wholehog cant break it.

T e a m ||||| b a s e d ||||| g a m e


wow, it appears that the enemy Brigitte is on a team too.


Can u read my whole post b4 responing? R u trying to say dat with teamwork , melee heros are not affected by Brigitte at all?

I mean, that’s just poor decision making. You wouldn’t try to whole Hog with a McCree ready to flashbang, or an Ana ready to sleep would you?

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NO but with team there will be heroes in that team that will be good against Brigitte so these heroes can help the others to kill her

She is like 8 meter away from me.

what exacly do you mean by countering?
Being able to win a 1vs1, if you get in range?

sorry but the game is not called 1v1 deathmatch.

McCree can roll and get into range to stun. Ana’s sleep dart has no range. Your point?

…say it with me folks, THIS IS A TEAM GAME! balancing around 1 vs 1 won’t work as that’s not the point of this game


sigh another DPS complaining because Brigitte is not an easy kill.

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and definitely Ana as well

No mccree cant roll into wholehog. Wholehog can melt him before the animation ends. My point is wholehog is supposed to melt sheild at close range, but no Brigittes. And she is not even a tank.

Well OP, it almost seems like teams have to tailor their play and composition based on what the other team is doing.

I am a tank main, not dps.

So why whining? You can switch to Dva, shot and destroy her shield.

Lol no .
Wtf she’s bad against Brigitte

all of you guys forget the main issue.
The hitbox of her Shiel Bash!

you ever went to the practise zone and tested it?