Brigitte got pushed down the gutter this patch

You hopefully mean “throw it away again and start over again”, because like I said further down, her new design fails before even getting to the design step.

Oh my sweet summer child. Where were you for the past nine months. Like it is a commendable attitude to have optimism but man when all the past facts are suggesting otherwise and the elephant in the room aka OWL dependent stigma attached to her. And the overall hate towards Brigitte still rampant. Do you honestly think that she will be adjusted in a way that it will both do justice to her tool kit, her character design and her character history? If they were able to do such a thing they would have done it already. And lets not forget the past nerfs that are done to her, were to reduce her in a place where she is not be too overbearing to play against right. So will it be a flawed thinking if i say basing this ‘‘rework’’ on top of the nerfs which was a balance change for a game version without 2-2-2? Am i wrong here to think that past nerfs belonged to the game version that is without the forced role lock and they should have made the rework on the Brigitte 1.0 not on the Brigitte 9.0.


Why would I pick her when I could pick Moira, with good burst heal, the ability to defend herself from flankers, a much smaller hit box and one of the best disengage moves in the game? Soon to be even better in fact.

I totally get your point and she needs mini buffs to her self Inspire and her barrier shield. However, Blizzard tried to make Brigg a healer and less of a Hybrid hero. Besides, do you want to go on the previous patches and see how everyone calls Briggite “cancer”.

P.S. Before you call me a toxic 12 - year - old, have in mind that I am a Briggite main myself and I would like small buffs too.

funny, in the ptr game i had a match like that, but it was zarya and a hog, neither of them would back off the off-tank role, it was pretty weird.
played brig ofcourse in hope that my shield would help me because these 2 probably wasn’t gonna make enough space.

but well yeah 200 hp shield even in the backline with 2 off-tanks isn’t good enough it appears. :stuck_out_tongue:


Hopefully we’ll get patch with balance updates once Sigma comes out.
Should be in 2 hours, but considering they have let us wait a day already, maybe even longer.

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Everybody understanding it. Even people who hated Brigitte on past. Developers won’t let her go away.

If you wanted to say that, “developers won’t let her go away”, well, we can never be so sure. Not anymore.

I was once hopeful about Pharah. Then they decided not to do separate patches between PS and PC. And you want to know what the rhetoric back then? Brain Dead spam hero. Sounds familiar isn’t it.

As a console player I have never had problems against phara, how is she on PC?

Brig was only ever close to being a “DPS” when she had a bash combo that could reliably do 155 damage. That has long been nerfed.

I do what I always do when big nerfs happen, I try the hero as the nerf is intending, then I can come to a conclusion. Brig as she is in the PTR needs something back. Shields, bash damage, self-heal, something. She is not a strong pick even in Rein/Zarya/Lucio(2-2-2 deathball) comps where you speed in and brawl. And this should be the comp where she shines.


Did you visit rule34 lately in reddit ? Right next to brigitte.

She just got the re work so maybe a little too soon?

But I will agree that it seems she got some heavy handed nerfs.

I almost burat out laughing at work XD

But sheesh is she picked even less there?

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I was trying to be fancy pants by trying to invent new, polite and fancy ways to say both are ducked.

Well Feck, and I was having hope for the girls.

There is nothing wrong with your comment. In the matter of fact it is a solid comment. But that word. That word man is what plagued this game. Every time a hero swim in the gutter same old excuse have been used over and over again. Frankly me and many people are neck deep in niche nowadays, i do not think i have the mental strength for another one. XD

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Fixed it for you.

:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1::+1:

Update: Who knows when will the update hit PTR. Apparently Sigma’s reveal is on stream, not in-game.
I’ll be watching just to see if they say something about Brig or something about balance…

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