Brigitte Gameplay Q&A with Geoff Goodman

Do you have any Törbjörn changes in the making at the moment?

What role will the next hero fill, defense? A new hybrid?

I swear if you’re suggesting Wallclimb :slight_smile:

Serious question.

Brigitte has abit of Rein in the shield, abit of Torb in the armor packs, a bit of Lucio in her ult/ speed boost.

Is the ability on death like Junkrat intentional? I found the amount I healed went up by 100ish every time I died.

Just curious

please just nerf moria please, it’s hard enough to get people to tank or being a tank in competitive

Grounded: Kill an airborne enemy with Whip Shot (Cute Spray)
Excuse Me: Interrupt an ultimate ability with Shield Bash (Pixel Spray)

Oof, I guess I’m late… And I really forgot about this from PTR cause I tried her out there like one brief time in training mode but…

Is there any particular reason why Brigitte doesn’t have control options: toggle barrier and repair pack sensitivity? And is there a chance you could maybe add them?

Using her charge is slightly straining and I guess I could probably re-bind it but… yeah. All in all just curious why some older abilities have these settings while new similar working mechanics don’t.

Is Brigittes armor and flail long range attack allowed to go around corners? If not I will post on bug report.

If this is your philosophy on designing heroes, will you be looking at Mercy again? She is ‘fun to play against’ now but no longer ‘fun to play.’

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I maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay be.

Are there any plans to add an unranked “competitive” playlist to the matchmaker? Somewhere we could practice new heroes like Brigitte and play with friends of varying skill range using the competitive format but avoiding the issues with SR rating and varying skill tiers?

This mode could reward 5CP to the winning team, similar to the Arcade’s loot boxes, to foster a competitive environment and allow people another way to earn golden guns outside of competitive but at a slower pace.

Thank you and the Overwatch team for an amazing game!

Why not experement with giving nanoboost the speed boost back but capping the speed so it can’t stack with other boosts?

I also considered how effective it could be if Ana could “critical heal”. So heal an ally for slightly more when they are at critical health. Maybe 90 instead of 75 when the ally is on critical health.

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hey! i really love brigitte, and i really enjoy playing her. This is just an idea, but can brigitte have a outline for her healing aura, something similar to lucios healing aura? its hard to see where her healing ends and begins. I made a discussion on this on the forums.

I got the PotG on my first game with Brigitte.

How will you fix the problem with Ana?
Getting with her a PotG is hard, but now with Brigitte it’s impossible!



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Is Brigitte supposed to receive damage from Junkrat’s Grenade Launchers even tho she has her barrier up?

Thanks in advance

“Her stun burst combo. Even though she has fairly low DPS across the game as a whole, she can put out quite a bit of damage if you shield bash -> melee -> whip shop and it is fairly safe since they can’t really act until they are flying away from you.”

I agree you keeping an eye on the other things you mentioned, but this has got to stay. Like you said, she’s got incredibly low damage. This combo is her only redeeming hope for that. She won’t be anywhere near as useful if she can’t peel for her teammates with this combo. With all the mobility in this game (and the fact this combo takes 3 different abilities) if it doesn’t work like it does now she won’t be getting any kills. Thanks.

Will Reinhardt ever get something similar to Brigitte’s shield bash? Not to fully stun or anything, just to keep people away if he’s in a 1v1 situation with little health and needs to back up.

Briggite seems to counter symmetra VERY hard. Have you guys considered changing sym in a way so that Brigitte doesn’t hard counter her

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Ana needs self sustain! Her healing output could use a little help, but more than anything it’s her dependency on other healers that is killing her. Making her use her utility as self sustain actually cuts her utility in half. Without a healing passive like any other support (even Zen and Symmetra have this) she will never be as independent as any other healer.

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Tank Sym checking in to fry your entire squad her regenerative shield will get taken down before Brigittes & Torbs armor :frowning: