Brigitte Gameplay Q&A with Geoff Goodman

And thank you for doing this for us.

Have a nice day.

If Mei and Reaper get buffed, if dive dies with Brigitte, and if the Hanzo rework is successful say hello to the sniper meta. I really hope this happens by the way.

Brigette has two different pictures in a match.
On Tab and regularly on the left.
Honestly, the one on tab is much better.

A friend of mine and I were talking about Brigitte’s upcoming release and posited a theoretical All Support Team Comp with Brigitte - Tank, Moira/Zen - DPS, Symmetra - Support, Ana - Sniper, and Mercy - Straight Support. Have you seen anything like this in testing or on the PTR?

Is it a bad thing …?

does brigitte support omnic rights?

Can we get any info on what you guys are planning for Reaper, Geoff? I read that you guys do have plans, but is there anything more?

Can we maybe have the ability to unlock a character in comp with enough hours played in other modes? Rather than wait 6 weeks.

You need to step out of your cave and join reality - there have been bug reports since BETA that you guys NEVER fixed until recently, and you barely got that done.

…and when your buddies respond to a thread, they say “Oh we didn’t even know about that bug!!!”

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If I may, simply just speed up the draw time for her sleep dart. Within the last 6 months balance changes usually involved making heroes more mobile or speeding up abilities, and shifting to be more overall aggressive. (Grapple Hook, Take a Breather movement, Defense Matrix, Wraith Form,etc)

By cutting some frames on Sleep Dart, Ana will be able to have more opportunities to make plays.

It seems only natural as the scope of OW has gotten quicker and her current moveset is still of the days of old


Seriously… they should add a Talon tank, because so far people just “hate” playing tanks.

Hello, like the new content.
If Doomfist get more damage from hitting some at a wall or a solid object. Why don’t you apply it to others with similar abilities? like winston

Why does not Lucio have a sound effect of a record getting scratched to “warn” rest of the team that he has been hacked.

I think that after Reaper shadow step he should have a 0.x sec of wraith form.

I think you should give Zenyatta 50 more shield points and remove the armor from Brigitte. She has already a huge shield with hp, can knock back a leaping ape and dvas mech.
Zen should also have a hover mode as a passive, that if he gets knocked in to like the well, he should have a 0.x sec to get back to safe ground and give him a walking animation if he is hacked by sombra.

Take care and keep up good things

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current outcome: likely

Her being underpowered in some situations imo isn’t really fixable due to the nature of her kit. For instance she can’t really do anything to a torb and his turret at far distance and pharah can overwhelm her pretty easily

Please reduce the time on her release in comp.

I know it says “Brigitte Gameplay”, but where and when will the Brigitte lore Q&A blog, with Michael Chu, be done?

Can you please look at bastion? His sentry need some help to make him more viable again.

I don’t have a Question, it’s just something I want Blizzard to fix. I have been playing brigitte for the last 20 minutes and I have been trying to get the achievments, totally normal. But, I have noticed that I acan’t obtain them. I mean, I cancel ultimates with my shield dash and I still don’t get the achievment (I sutn Roadhoag or Moira). Could you fix that please? Thank you :slight_smile:

Why did you feel that another support hero was needed? This will be the 3rd one added. We have received one new tank and two new attackers but have yet to receive a new defense hero. Why not add a new hero in the categories that are lacking more variety?

As far as Symmetra, Torbjorn, and Brigette, do you see them as a pretty good team? And with Symmetra’s rework coming, is this something that you all are looking to keep as far as character synergy is concerned?