Brigitte doesn't need any more nerfs

I’m going to quote my comparison from another thread about Brigitte complaints because I don’t want to retype it, but yknow, she’s sooooo overpowered, like you may as well just pick Brigitte instead of two other DPS and instead of two other healers, there’s so many reasons especially if there’s NO diving characters or flankers on the other team, duh, thats why her pickrate is SOOOOOO high at 3.5% wowww (for comparison, from Overbuff today, Moira’s is 5.71% rn, Mercy - 9.54%, Zenyatta - 5.61%, Lucio - 2.53%, Ana - 7.15%)
^ this is all sarcasm btw, incase you’re one of those people who don’t understand that. :heart:

ps, OP was right, she’s perfectly fine where she is. xx♡


No decent Brigitte would be in a situation where her shield is broken unless there’s a bastion sitting right infront of her. You use it to get somewhere, then it regenerates. I barely ever have a broken shield, and the regeneration is fast.

Seeing that you play a lot of Brigitte, I have reason to believe that your post is slightly biast. What you’re doing is looking at numbers. Yes they both have relatively low damage output, however they both do not need to aim. Meaning it’s a constant 35 damage per 0.6 seconds. Which if you add it up, is a lot. Zen can do a little of damage, but it’s not consistent like Brigitte and Moira.

you actually only need to shield bash, one primary fire and then whip shot to kill a Tracer. Also you need to do these abilities almost instantaneously as any self-respecting Tracer will be able to recall if she’s too slow, or would be able to dodge the shield bash if they’re moving unpredictably.
Also, maybe don’t be right in the Brigitte’s SOOO MASSIVE 6 metre range if you’re playing Tracer xx and if you’re getting hard countered, consider switching :heart:



Shield Bash has such a large cone that it’s hard to avoid it, especially as Mccree, Zen, Rein or any character that can’t move as fast as Tracer. She is a counter to Tracer which is fine. But she’s also a counter to every single other dps apart from Pharah. Shield bash Mccree? Oh he thinks he can stun you, but he isn’t going anywhere due to your massive range and constant swing of 35 damage every .6 seconds.

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Try running Brigitte against Hanzo, Junkrat, Orisa, Roadhog, Zenyatta and Mercy. You won’t do anything at all. No other healer is hard countered like that. So, yes she is niche


:clap: Move :clap: away :clap: from :clap: her :clap: tiny :clap: 6 metre :clap: effective :clap: range :clap:

If you can’t move out of her range, that’s your problem. And yes I have played a ton of Brigitte, in season 10 when she came out in competitive I racked up 31 hours throughout said season on her. She is my favourite character. Does that mean I’ve never versed a Brigitte? No. Does that mean I’m biased? Also no. You have reason to believe it, sure, and anyone who knows me knows I also call her my swedish support girlfriend because I LOVE BRIGITTE AND I WOULD GIVE MY SOUL TO HER IF SHE ASKED. But I provided straight up facts and if you can’t deal with it, you’re just another person who’s salty about CC. You can get absolutely ROASTED by a Zenyatta if you’re discorded and he’s landing headshots, I’ve literally won 1v1’s as Zenyatta against Winston’s before. I’ve seen garbage Zenyatta’s fire randomly and still manage to place down a pile of damage. Any self respecting Ana who’s not currently in the need to heal her team can put out significant DPS. You know why? Because Ana’s effective range is literally anything in her LOS. Zenyatta’s range is also his LOS. Just because a character doesn’t need to aim doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be allowed to put out an amount of damage. At MAXIMUM, thanks to ONE ability,
for literally ONE SECOND with a 4 second cool down, Brigitte can do damage to one thing thats up to 20 metres away, which also roots her slightly in her position. for most of the time her effective range is 6 metres, and maybe she gets to move forward another 6 if she gets her shield bash.
If you are not wasting Brigitte’s abilities, that’s your problem. She has so many counters. Feel free to go read the full comment that I quoted earlier on the original thread, I put a whole list :wink:


This is the very definition of more QQ less pew pew

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I don’t think you know what “niche” means.

Mei is niche.

Sombra is niche.

Bastion is niche.

Niche meaning the entire comp/strategy is based around that one or two heroes.

Orisa/Hog comp is played on maybe two maps. That comp in of itself is niche.

Brig is not niche.


:clap: WASTE :clap: HER :clap: ABILITIES :clap:

if you’re gonna use McCree as an example, maybe next time you should remember that you can throw the flashbang to literally every direction other than directly at her shield and you will get a beautiful, 0.7 second window with which to shoot her in the damn face. And if you find yourself constantly 1v1’ing the Brigitte on the enemy team, try taking steps so that you don’t end up in that situation again :heart: Working on your game sense will do wonders for you, I promise! Good luck! :heart:

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Look it’s fine if you’re biased (you clearly are). But own up to it.


If you can’t win 1v1’s against Brigitte, that’s your problem honey. I’m not biased, I’m also not a moron. Looking at the numbers and how easily destroyed she can be in game is proof enough. :heart:

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Oh I have no problems dealing with Brigs anymore.

I just think that the claim that she’s “niche”, and that you clearly aren’t biased is just ridiculous.

Waaah, I can’t stay more than six meters away from a slow MELEE hero!


Yeah I honestly hope they hit her with the nerf sledgehammer so hard it knocks her teeth out of her ugly head


“slow” they all move the same speed except genji and tracer who move slightly faster. Also she’s still overpowered pick rates mean nothing. Insulting me makes you seem childish and I don’t know what you hoped to accomplish by doing so.

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So is Zenyatta, but no one complains.

I feel like she’s okay now, she’s a bit binary; she’s either going to work or she isn’t. Often I’ve had to switch because the enemy or my own team are just running comps that she can’t work with.


What? No she isn’t…


Rez on E will always be overpowered lol