Brigitte doesn't need any more nerfs

Brigitte is a niche, front line, off-healer meant to protect her teammates from being flanked. She does that very well. But as a hero she’s mediocre statistically and she’s the second least picked support. She’s been nerfed nearly every patch since launch and honestly, I don’t think she needs anything more. She’s not a must pick, she’s not getting crazy amounts of kills and she’s not doing crazy amounts of healing. Brigitte is a well rounded hero now, she’s as balanced as she’s gonna be


technically that’s up to the devs. I hope they remove shield bash


She’s just too much of a DPS rather than a Support.


I’d be happier if Brigitte couldn’t just freely stun opponents through an opposing shield barrier. For example, Reinhardt.


Moira gets more elims and does slightly higher damage than Brigitte but no one argues that she’s not a support


Because Moira outputs a lot of healing as well, Brigitte has literally small AOE healing and an armour pack.


So you’re saying Moira does more damage AND healing than Brigitte but Brigitte is still more of a DPS. Brigitte makes up for her low healing with armor. Last game I had 10k healing and 6K armor which totals 16k team protection


If Brigitte is balanced than every other tank needs a buff.


People complain about Moira as well. Both Moira and Brigitte are annoying to play against.


To you. This isn’t a fact, and most people here seem to agree that they’re fine right now.

In fact Moira just got a buff.

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She’s tainted. No matter what happens people will always complain simply because she isn’t fun to play against. Not unless they do something drastic and rework her kit a little.

If you haven’t seen the majority of the community complain about Brigitte or Moira idk what you’ve been doing. I didn’t say they deserve nerfs. I said Brigitte is just too much of a DPS than a Support. I think they need to up her healing, and reduce her damage.

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I wont be satisfied until shes completely unusable.

Not a troll, she absolutely deserves to be deeper in F-tier than bastion.

Borderline deletion is the only acceptable nerf.


Brigitte is a Support/Tank.

And by tank shes a bruiser like and Roadhog.

So she’s working exactly as intended. Putting her in the tank category would make no difference.


Tank isn’t DPS. I never said she is too much of a tank.

Isn’t her AOE healing range larger than Lucio’s?

Her dps is pitiful outside of a combo that she can only use after a certain amount of time, wym?


No idea. But I don’t mind it healing allies obviously. It’s just the fact that she can stay alive by herself for so long just by a passive ability.

Shield Bash, hit hit, whip shot. Bam Tracer dead. No skill needed. As soon as she’s stunned you, there’s no escape unless you’re a tank or a high mobility character.

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you failed to mention the part that that only works if her shield isn’t broken, and once that combo is performed her entire kit is on cooldown.

I mean it balances itself out.

Also she was created to do that to tracer and dive characters in general. So if anything, blame the fact that they created a hardcounter hero instead of just fixing dive itself.