Brigitte doesn't need any more nerfs

But you seem to be neglecting the “tank” part when you say she does a lot of DPS.

Brigitte also doesn’t have that much mobility. If you use shield bash, sure? And her ultimate is…well, it’s an ultimate. Zen also moves faster during his, and he’s invulnerable lol.

And on average, Zenyatta does 3k+ more damage than Brigitte in every tier. :stuck_out_tongue:

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This is plain stupid. Brigitte is one of the best duel heroes in the game, if not THE BEST. That’s saying a lot for a SUPPORT. Stop defending her all because she’s your main. She outputs far too much damage for the actual skill she requires.

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I accept that she’s a tank/support. But you can’t be a tank/support/dps. Just no. She either has a big health pool (250 is big for a support) and the ability to heal. OR you either have large damage output with small health pool and the ability to heal.

I can say, she’s BALANCED for once.

That’s because he’s shooting at shields where Brigitte dosen’t need to do that. Zenyatta might do more damage, but how many times do I have to say. It’s not as easy to kill someone as Zen than it is Brigitte!

Every single tank in the game does more damage on average in every single damage. By a good amount, too (2k+)

She’s not a DPS.

You keep leaving out the “tank” part when you reply to people. I don’t really believe you’re remembering she’s a tank, and tanks are capable of damage, too.


I wouldn’t mind if she dosen’t get a nerf. But what I’m saying is that she does deserve small nerfs, but she’s not ‘OP’. She has some good abiltiies that I think could use a toning down.

I misspelled it and then corrected it but you still quoted it like that, I’m dead


Symbolism of my life tbh

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Yes I’ve said she’s a tank. However, she shouldn’t have such high survivability if she’s a tank/support hybrid.

It absolutely is easier to kill someone as Zenyatta than Brigitte because he has Discord orb. His utility is one of the best, and he’s been a meta pick for a year now.

Brigitte might do a thing or two better than Zenyatta, but I don’t see that as a problem.

And trust, I get frustrated by Brigitte lol. I don’t like playing against her.

Aim. That’s literally it. Aim.

I out heal Ana everytime I have one on my team in QP. I have too many screenshots of getting 4/5, 5/5 gold and gold healing. Pretty sad.

Even in the lowest tier, where aim is abyssmal?


I’m not going to argue on this topic anymore. My opinions are, Brigitte is fairly balanced and I don’t mind if she dosen’t get any future nerfs. However, I think there are some aspects of her kit than can use toning down. She’s not OP, and is able to be countered. But she is such a low skill high reward character. Ana and Zen take a lot of skill where people spend ages practising how to aim, and then a Brigitte comes in with 0 aim and stuns them. I just don’t see it as fair.

I didn’t think we were arguing. Ironically, I actually would prefer that she has her flail swing-speed nerfed a bit so it’s not like I think she’s a saint. I don’t like playing against her.

I just think people keep focusing on “support” and judging her based on that, when she has tankiness. Other heroes heal better than her and other heroes tank better than her - and can tank for other teammates, too.

That’s all I’m saying lol. Your opinion isn’t wrong. You’re allowed to have one, and I appreciate you sharing yours. :+1:


She is the victim of her own success. The meta switched from dive/flankers to dual snipers because Brigitte would wreck the dive heroes. Brig is a lot less effective against snipers, so that is what people play.

Maybe nerf isn’t the right word. Maybe Brig needs some rethinking from a design standpoint. She is so good at her intended design that the entire meta changes to minimize her impact. That doesn’t sound like a healthy game design to me.

Honestly I’d shift some of her power around rather than straight nerfing her. Once she’s on you, it’s hard to get away, so why not do this:

  • Attack speed decreased to once every 1 or 1.2 seconds, down from 0.6 seconds

  • Attack damage increased to 45, up from 35

  • Whip Shot reduced to 60 damage, down from 70

  • During Rally her attack speed is doubled, to once every 0.5 or 0.6 seconds (a 0.1 buff or what it is now)

This would encourage the more tanky side of her playstyle, still able to do her stun, melee, whip shot attack for 155 damage, but allow characters who are not flankers a chance to respond instead of her being on your bum all the time.

I don’t really even know what I’m doing on baguette and after playing her for the very first time for ~4 hrs this season I’ve managed to get ~70% wr on her.

With the right support, supporting me while I played baguette such as zen, and a zar shield I feel like I can basically face tank many team comps effortlessly which allows my team to push in with little pressure. Every time I hit that ult button I feel like I can do what ever I feel like doing with very little repercussion.

While it does feel fun to basically walk up to any flanker and either force them to run or take a beating that leaves them wishing they could run, or get in a roadhogs face to farm ult and then stun him out of his heal making him completely useless, or make mccree/76 run for the hills in close combat, or make junkrat look like a useless noob as you smash his face in and then whip shot him mid air as he tries to run… I feel like I could go on forever…

The concept of the hero after learning how to play her a bit is, to be honest, kind of appealing, but I wish more emphasis was put into mastering her mechanics.

With Dive slowly creeping it’s way back into the game like the tumor it is I actually believe Nerfing shield bash even more she’ll no longer be able to shut down the comp if needed… Personally I’d even say go back with the most recent nerf and take down that 1 second again.