Brigitte bodytype?

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She is muscular and slightly beefy. In her sprays she’s displayed that way. Her body type fits that (muscular women have tights waists). It’s just her arms are wayyyy too thin

Yes but in the game she looks very skinny, i just wanted to see her more bulky, not Zarya style, like a little bodybuilder :smiley:

I’ve never really though that far into it xD Although i don’t think she really needs a swimsuit for that. She could just have her arms out or something

I’d imagine if they’d give her a summer skin it’d be this one. She’s pretty toned if you ask me,


It’s similar to the Mei’s case: she’s pretty ok (t h i c c) but the heavy clothing for a long period of time gave a lot of doubts about the Mei’s bodytype.
So, the same applies to Brigitte: the armor doesn’t let the player tell what is her bodytype

I didn’t say there was a problem, but you’re making it seem like there weren’t any already hence my comment of people forgetting that Zarya is female.

Look again, she is a bit husky and tall from what you can see. Dva and Tracer are skinny. Brig is not (and thats one reason I love about her) she looks really great, but it would be amazing to have a skin not covered in 80% bulky armor
[the pharah problem])

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Abs on Brig or riot.


What would I have to say to get Reinhardt and Reaper in swimshorts? :thinking:

I want an unnecessary emote of Brig crushing a watermelon between her thighs.


She’s one of those cases where art silhouette aesthetic is more important than reality, just look at her elbows in any of her skins, there’s literally no way her arm can fit inside that elbow joint

Bring us mama hong!!


I have a regular reply when it comes to these kind of talks about Brigitte.

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She’s not Zarya Jacked but she is a bigger gal which is definitely noticeable :smiley:

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I have no idea what is going on, but I am in full support of Mama Hong

I’ve been campaigning on this for two years now. I need some Reaper arm floaties.

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Stop, you’re setting my expectations too high. Now all I want is this for the next Summer event. :pensive:

She’s definitely built

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Historically, knights wore armor that were VERY thin at the waist. As far as I remember, this was a fashion statement, not a practical decision.

I will bRRReak you

Zarya is a thing m8

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