Briggite Riot Skin. Yay or Nay?

Hello Overwatch citizens!

So Anniversary happend and we got our skin update. Our Swedish Paladin got herself highly suggested Swat Skin.

There is one tiny bit problem for me. It is too bright blue. Reddit user had same problem and mocked a fix up:

And I find those color scheme infinietly better. What you guys think? Blue or Navy?


Edit: Her Blue gear might be inspired by swedish police cars. Curtesy of:


I want the visor to be pulled down, hate how none of Brig’s skins feature facial protection. Still the best skin she has.


I love the one on the right the most tbh.

But yeah, after seeing this, I agree that the blue on it right now is a bit bright.


Personally I like left one most. Maybe if we kick up enought fuss Jeff will change it… Or ask us if he need to call Whambulance…

Tbh I love the original skin even though I don’t use brig a lot, but I do think navy blue is better!


skin itself is fine, but color is too bright.


The right one looks dope, Yall.
For Shizel.

Also, I love how Brig is now the fun police in an official capacity.

Anyway they don’t care. Very rarely they remanage a skin.

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Well they changed Casual Hanzo so simple recolor shouldn’t be too much to ask.

We can always riot.

Too bright a blue in my opinion. When I think of a riot police I think wearing black and navy blue

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Yeah my first thought was that it’s too bright,she looks like a lego figure rn

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Or Halloween Police costume… maybe they made it so blue to match Officer


They didn’t changed Fairy Mercy color wings.
They didn’t fixed her staff either (leafs are not in the same line)
They didn’t fixed Lighting Tracer skin.

They don’t care, no more. Do you remember how, at the beginning, one hero received 2 legendary skins, one a remodel of the other?
They, now, don’t care anymore.


I think it’d be amazing if her visor was used during Rally.


It’s good, but the reversed colour scheme looks nicer, I agree.

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I like the blue one more. Black looks too intimidating for her character. It also seems more bulky. Just seems but still.

I’m not sure I’d want the blue to be that dark, but yeah the current shade is a bit eye-searing, even for a game that leans more towards “Cartoony” in terms of artstyle.

Unfortunietly. For some reason they don’t want change colors of abilities even with legendary skins.

At beginig they tested waters what could fly and what not. Biggest offender was Mei-rry. Later they just resigned from recoulors all together.

Still it is worth puting your opinion out there.

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Love the skin, but do have to give props to the person who made the right one. Very nice. And also very quick.

I especially like how there’s taser electricitys coming off her bat as well.


I like that a lot better. When I first saw somebody say they hated it before I saw the skin, I thought that it might possibly have something to do with how riot police are not exactly universally beloved at this time…and then I saw the skin and I thought “Damn, that’s ugly enough to be a Zarya skin!”

Fewer colours is best IMHO so I like the dark blue one without any yellow the best.

(On the subject of police skins, I once saw somebody suggest a game mode called “Civil Disobedience” which would be Officer D.Va vs. multiple Lucios, I guess because Lucio’s whole thing is fighting the system as represented by Vishkar.)