Briggite Riot Skin. Yay or Nay?

The only thing that it’s nearest is Pink Mercy. ALL her effects are pink. (Obv, not healing and dmg streams, and res, but that’s ok)

That made me chuckle mate.

As far there isn’t that much backlash as skin had. I guess people matured enought to not project their agendas on videogame characters…

Nah not possible I guess people stoped carring.

Only real money skin. Excluding Blizzcon’s. Technically All-star is money skin but you can earn tokens…

Either way they should make more skin that change how abbilities looks.

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depends if they are going for swat or swedish police, they could have a yellow vest and reflex strip on it and white helmet

All-Star skins don’t have ALL effects changed neither. For example, Atlantic Mercy has still yellow valkyrie and other effects while highlighting and emoting.

And nope for me. My country doesn’t permit earning tokens of OWL :3

The reason for her skin being that bright blue is i guess because the swedish police car har bright blue on them (I’m swedish).

And i have no problem with the skin at all, i think it’s cool but also funny.


Then Mercy is case of false advertising since they showed her extended wings in her color.

Also that sucks mate. :confused:

Yeah, I also thought it was odd that Blizzard made her tactical gear so bright, I wonder what the source material was.

Ha. Ah ha. Ah.

I see what you did there.


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Nono, extended color is right and blue. But only that. ALL others effect, like Valkyrie maintain yellow.
We can say they did homework just little more Fairy Mercy.

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But thats such ugly color clash. Just like Sugar Plum… Bad blizzard, bad.


Not a fan at all. I don’t like Brig but I think she has a couple good legendary skins, can’t remember their names but they do exist, but this… doesn’t work for me. I can’t really verbalise it, it just looks bulky and quite ugly in my opinion. Then again, I won’t ever use it so my opinion isn’t particularly relevant.

Your fix is wayy better. Her blue looks horrible colliding with her mask and shield colors.

Yay, but it’s too bad they nerfed her to dumpster-tier

To me its just an really ugly skin (especially her head) and barely better than what poor Pharah got. Your color schemes are certainly more pleasing though.

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When I first saw it, this helmet looked awful. And when I lernt that her visor dont comes down… It fall few notches. Still bought it since her weapons look so good. I like electic effect of flail. If she got that color scheme however… Best skin 10/Unicorn.

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Clearly they wanted to make her look like a Lego

Who cares about that trash bot hero that ruined this game

She’s the literal fun police now.

I love it.


Maybe can be better when she up the shild :smiley: can you imagine it?

Ehh the skin is ugly anyway imo